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A member registered Sep 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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1. I didn't expect the fall! I was surprised.

2. It was an interesting inner conversation. 

3. I got lost after going through the Hello entrance, but found a way after entering through Sorry.

I can definitely tell you put a lot of effort into writing. I personally think The Great Gatsby adaptation wouldn't be a easy task to do, but I think you did a great job! I really liked the What if... setting. I think more options would be nice, but I think it'd be hard to twist around. The story is already great! I liked how some tags led you to more information. Some tags, however, kind of confused me whether it'd give me more info or just proceed to the next story. Overall, I had fun reading it!

I liked how the options were embedded in the passages. I really liked the words you used to put some air to the world you were going for. It helped me to put myself in your world better. 'Though short, I liked the atmosphere you were going for and enjoyed the story so far. 

I really liked the special effects? in the beginning with the dialogues - the bunch of questions part. I really liked the pacing of the story as well. It was simple yet informative and easy to read and understand. I really like the direction of the story and expressions to make the world come alive. The little prince adaptation was also quite interesting as well. It was fun to play!

I liked the clear writing and straightforward expressions. I like the various dialogue choices you gave as I liked to troll when I play this kind of games. Because of that I really liked it lol. I also liked how each passage was nicely kept and simple. It was easy to understand and didn't feel overwhelmed playing it. I enjoyed playing it!

I like this kind of mood of a story. Dark, surreal and crazy. The wording here is really well thought out and I felt horrified and crazy reading this especially when you are really putting yourself as the main protagonist. I felt like this Wonderland aspect of it was happening inside her head and she wasn't understanding either aspect made especially more interesting. I think more options would be nice, but I really liked the direction of the story. 

I really felt like I was like there reading this. Also it felt dreamlike. I liked the somewhat slow pacing of it as it had me keep clicking things to read more and also gave me time process. I think more options would be nice, but I liked the story. 

This is so deep. It somehow look back at my life as well. I was impressed with the length and the various choices it led me to progress through the story. I don't know much about the original Frankenstein story but the whole story was engaging, shocking and so sad at the same time which kept the story compelling to read. Maybe it was the trolling choices I made but I felt really horrible playing this lol. It was really interesting playing this!

I like the various choices I could make in the game. Since there were choices I could just keep ignoring everybody and go on my way, I chose that way , and it was fun. I think I got stuck in the end where all the three choices made me get captured. So I had to go back a few passages to see if the other choices end up with other options. Other than that, I like the flexibility of choices and it was fun!

This really felt like I'm the Lupin lol. I finished this game kind of quick but I had to try again several times in some passages. It kinda felt like I had to choose the options most disgusting or dirty where the guards won't look, or do stuff that is really out of ordinary to progress which all felt fun! The dribbling part and peeing my pants part cracked me lol. 

This is so deep. It somehow look back at my life as well. I was impressed with the length and the various choices it led me to progress through the story. I don't know much about the original Frankenstein story but the whole story was engaging, shocking and so sad at the same time which kept the story compelling to read. Maybe it was the trolling choices I made but I felt really horrible playing this lol. It was really interesting playing this!

This really felt like I'm the Lupin lol. I finished this game kind of quick but I had to try again several times in some passages. It kinda felt like I had to choose the options most disgusting or dirty where the guards won't look, or do stuff that is really out of ordinary to progress which all felt fun! The dribbling part and peeing my pants part cracked me lol.