The Spooky Ball, you say? I guess that makes this one of the “ballsy” entries (along with Ball of the Black Cat and Undo the Mustache Curse, Witch!).
I played this a while ago and was pretty sure I’d taken notes. Well, I guess I’ll play it again then. It was fun enough the other times that I think it won’t be boring to play it again. But sorry if I end up making this comment a bit short to save time writing it.
I can name the ghost anything? Well, almost anything. Let’s go with “Happiness” (and hope that ghost isn’t Scottish, because “looks like a Happiness to me” in Scottish English would look like a grammar mistake to me). (Also, it’s nice that if I leave the name blank it doesn’t break anything.)
And nice comedy. A bit mean to say I might have become worthless, but I guess I prefer called worthless over being called expensive.
The music sounds spooky, fun and cute. And a ghost could probably dance to it. Well, I don’t know how you dance without arms or legs, but ghosts might know.
Cute, fun-looking. Cartoonish. You made everything except the background? Which of the two backgrounds do you mean?
The simple animations are simple. Wait, the simple animations are cute. That’s what they are.
My only nitpick on the art is that some of the letters in the game’s title on the main menu are a bit hard to read on the background.
UI and accessibility
Ren’Py default UI? I guess I don’t have to worry about whether the text is readable on the background then. I have more entries to play, so I guess I’m not spending half an hour on testing a short entry like this.
The default UI might be a bit generic, but that’s still better than something that hurts readability. You did a good job with that default UI.
Side note: I had trouble typing the word “default”. For some reason my fingers wanted to type “deaf” instead of “def”. I wonder why.
I think what I liked most was probably the dialogue and cute art. And what I’d suggest changing could be… avoiding the word “a” and using “some” instead because “a Ooh” sounds a bit odd, and while “an Ooh” might sound better I don’t know if you can find a rule that gets it right all the time. (I mean, humans can, but computers aren’t very good at this).
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