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26 entries were submitted between 2020-04-25 04:00:00 and 2020-05-25 04:00:00. 124 ratings were given to 31 entries (100.0%) between 2020-05-25 04:00:00 and 2020-06-08 04:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 4.3 and the median was 4.

Transylvania: The Erotic Horror Adventure

by VincentValensky

Ranked 1st in Best use of multimedia with 6 ratings (Score: 3.833)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most fun to play#13.8333.833
Best use of multimedia#13.8333.833
Best game mechanics#23.8333.833
Most promising demo#34.1674.167
Best visual design#33.8333.833
Best character(s)#93.6673.667
Personal favorite#93.1673.167
Best emotional impact#93.0003.000
Best descriptions#123.6673.667

You Gen #9

by samplereality

Ranked 2nd in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 3.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most promising demo#14.2504.250
Best visual design#14.2504.250
Most fun to play#23.7503.750
Best use of multimedia#23.7503.750
Personal favorite#33.7503.750
Best descriptions#44.0004.000
Best game mechanics#53.2503.250
Best emotional impact#63.5003.500
Best character(s)#63.7503.750

Bring Back A ██████ For Me

by ghostchibi

Ranked 3rd in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 3.500)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best visual design#14.2504.250
Best use of multimedia#33.5003.500
Best emotional impact#43.7503.750
Best game mechanics#53.2503.250
Best character(s)#63.7503.750
Personal favorite#103.0003.000
Best descriptions#103.7503.750
Most fun to play#133.0003.000
Most promising demo#152.5002.500

Sounds In Nature

by j0o0eun, taikametsä

Ranked 4th in Best use of multimedia with 3 ratings (Score: 3.464)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best use of multimedia#43.4644.000
Most promising demo#73.1753.667
Best game mechanics#182.3092.667
Best emotional impact#202.0212.333
Best visual design#202.3092.667
Personal favorite#232.0212.333
Most fun to play#242.3092.667
Best descriptions#301.4431.667
Best character(s)#311.1551.333

A Game of Wits and Pistols

by John Vanderhoef

Ranked 5th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 3.250)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Personal favorite#33.7503.750
Best game mechanics#53.2503.250
Most fun to play#53.5003.500
Best use of multimedia#53.2503.250
Best emotional impact#122.5002.500
Best character(s)#123.0003.000
Best descriptions#153.2503.250
Most promising demo#202.2502.250
Best visual design#271.7501.750

Marilyn Roxie's Pixel Lenormand

by Marilyn Roxie

Ranked 5th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 3.250)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most fun to play#23.7503.750
Best game mechanics#33.7503.750
Best visual design#43.7503.750
Best use of multimedia#53.2503.250
Most promising demo#63.5003.500
Best emotional impact#122.5002.500
Personal favorite#142.7502.750
Best descriptions#212.7502.750
Best character(s)#291.5001.500

The Forest We Deserve

by rymo

Ranked 7th in Best use of multimedia with 5 ratings (Score: 3.200)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best emotional impact#53.6003.600
Personal favorite#63.4003.400
Best descriptions#73.8003.800
Best use of multimedia#73.2003.200
Most fun to play#83.2003.200
Best visual design#103.2003.200
Most promising demo#112.8002.800
Best game mechanics#113.0003.000
Best character(s)#123.0003.000


by kaicube

Ranked 8th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 2.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best use of multimedia#82.7502.750
Best emotional impact#122.5002.500
Best visual design#123.0003.000
Most promising demo#202.2502.250
Best character(s)#232.0002.000
Best descriptions#242.5002.500
Most fun to play#252.2502.250
Personal favorite#271.7501.750
Best game mechanics#281.7501.750

Morrez's Nightmare

by Drake

Ranked 8th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 2.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best descriptions#44.0004.000
Best emotional impact#83.2503.250
Most promising demo#83.0003.000
Best use of multimedia#82.7502.750
Best visual design#93.2503.250
Personal favorite#103.0003.000
Best character(s)#113.5003.500
Best game mechanics#113.0003.000
Most fun to play#192.7502.750

You are in a room

by The Heber Den

Ranked 11th in Best use of multimedia with 3 ratings (Score: 2.598)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best visual design#73.4644.000
Best use of multimedia#112.5983.000
Best game mechanics#242.0212.333
Best emotional impact#251.7322.000
Best descriptions#262.3092.667
Best character(s)#271.7322.000
Most fun to play#281.7322.000
Personal favorite#281.7322.000
Most promising demo#301.7322.000

Community Service

by yaflow, FreeShot

Ranked 11th in Best use of multimedia with 3 ratings (Score: 2.598)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most fun to play#113.1753.667
Best use of multimedia#112.5983.000
Best game mechanics#162.5983.000
Most promising demo#182.3092.667
Best character(s)#182.5983.000
Best visual design#202.3092.667
Best emotional impact#202.0212.333
Personal favorite#212.3092.667
Best descriptions#262.3092.667

Dr. Diabolical's House of Horrors

by maxdcrow

Ranked 11th in Best use of multimedia with 3 ratings (Score: 2.598)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most promising demo#92.8873.333
Best use of multimedia#112.5983.000
Best game mechanics#142.8873.333
Best visual design#172.5983.000
Personal favorite#172.5983.000
Best character(s)#182.5983.000
Most fun to play#202.5983.000
Best emotional impact#251.7322.000
Best descriptions#292.0212.333

Everything ends in Edover

by Nicky Du

Ranked 14th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 2.500)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most promising demo#14.2504.250
Most fun to play#23.7503.750
Best game mechanics#43.5003.500
Best visual design#53.5003.500
Best descriptions#103.7503.750
Best use of multimedia#142.5002.500
Personal favorite#142.7502.750
Best character(s)#162.7502.750
Best emotional impact#231.7501.750

The Time Machine

by Mandy J Watson

Ranked 14th in Best use of multimedia with 6 ratings (Score: 2.500)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most fun to play#63.3333.333
Most promising demo#102.8332.833
Best visual design#113.1673.167
Best use of multimedia#142.5002.500
Personal favorite#182.5002.500
Best descriptions#222.6672.667
Best game mechanics#232.1672.167
Best character(s)#232.0002.000
Best emotional impact#281.6671.667

Three roses

by KayIsGames

Ranked 16th in Best use of multimedia with 3 ratings (Score: 2.309)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best character(s)#142.8873.333
Best emotional impact#162.3092.667
Best use of multimedia#162.3092.667
Most promising demo#182.3092.667
Best descriptions#192.8873.333
Best visual design#202.3092.667
Personal favorite#232.0212.333
Most fun to play#262.0212.333
Best game mechanics#291.7322.000

Pepper & Smoke

by saint-cuddy

Ranked 17th in Best use of multimedia with 7 ratings (Score: 2.286)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Personal favorite#13.8573.857
Best descriptions#14.4294.429
Best emotional impact#14.5714.571
Best character(s)#83.7143.714
Best visual design#83.4293.429
Best game mechanics#152.8572.857
Best use of multimedia#172.2862.286
Most fun to play#182.8572.857
Most promising demo#291.8571.857

Frankenstein Recycled

by pointsizepress

Ranked 18th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 2.250)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best descriptions#163.0003.000
Best emotional impact#182.2502.250
Best use of multimedia#182.2502.250
Best character(s)#212.5002.500
Most fun to play#222.5002.500
Best visual design#242.2502.250
Personal favorite#252.0002.000
Best game mechanics#252.0002.000
Most promising demo#272.0002.000

Winter in June

by Katie Moses

Ranked 18th in Best use of multimedia with 4 ratings (Score: 2.250)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best character(s)#14.2504.250
Best emotional impact#24.5004.500
Best descriptions#34.2504.250
Personal favorite#53.5003.500
Best visual design#53.5003.500
Best game mechanics#53.2503.250
Most fun to play#133.0003.000
Best use of multimedia#182.2502.250
Most promising demo#202.2502.250

The Twelve Dancing Princesses (and that Other Guy)

by vivboe

Ranked 20th in Best use of multimedia with 5 ratings (Score: 2.200)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best descriptions#73.8003.800
Most fun to play#83.2003.200
Best character(s)#103.6003.600
Best emotional impact#112.6002.600
Best game mechanics#113.0003.000
Best visual design#152.6002.600
Personal favorite#162.6002.600
Best use of multimedia#202.2002.200
Most promising demo#232.2002.200


by N.S. Dawn

Ranked 20th in Best use of multimedia with 5 ratings (Score: 2.200)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Personal favorite#23.8003.800
Best character(s)#34.2004.200
Best descriptions#73.8003.800
Best emotional impact#73.4003.400
Most fun to play#83.2003.200
Best game mechanics#93.2003.200
Best visual design#123.0003.000
Most promising demo#132.6002.600
Best use of multimedia#202.2002.200