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19 entries were submitted between 2024-12-03 16:30:00 and 2024-12-09 06:59:00. 90 ratings were given to 19 entries (100.0%) between 2024-12-09 06:59:00 and 2024-12-15 06:59:00. The average number of ratings per game was 4.7 and the median was 4.

Tools of a Craft

by Mooftwo

Ranked 1st in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 6 ratings (Score: 3.833)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
"I Now Understand Videogames."#13.8333.833
Is It Game?#53.5003.500
This Game Broke Me#92.6672.667
Best One-Liner#102.1672.167
Best Hidden Chameleon#111.3331.333
Most Unique Use of Tool#122.5002.500
Best in Show#123.0003.000
Most Experimental#142.3332.333
Best Use of Theme#181.8331.833

drought gallery

by logan!!

Ranked 2nd in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 4 ratings (Score: 3.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
"I Now Understand Videogames."#23.7503.750
Best Use of Theme#33.7503.750
This Game Broke Me#43.5003.500
Best Hidden Chameleon#52.2502.250
Most Experimental#73.2503.250
Most Unique Use of Tool#73.7503.750
Best One-Liner#72.5002.500
Is It Game?#93.0003.000
Best in Show#93.5003.500

Universal Typewritter

by Gareth Kmet

Ranked 3rd in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 3 ratings (Score: 3.464)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is It Game?#14.3305.000
Most Experimental#24.0414.667
"I Now Understand Videogames."#33.4644.000
Most Unique Use of Tool#63.7534.333
This Game Broke Me#73.1753.667
Best Hidden Chameleon#170.8661.000
Best in Show#172.0212.333
Best One-Liner#190.8661.000
Best Use of Theme#191.4431.667

Digital Autopsy

by harshaungill

Ranked 4th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 5 ratings (Score: 3.400)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most Experimental#14.4004.400
Best Hidden Chameleon#32.6002.600
Most Unique Use of Tool#34.2004.200
"I Now Understand Videogames."#43.4003.400
This Game Broke Me#63.2003.200
Is It Game?#63.4003.400
Best in Show#113.2003.200
Best One-Liner#122.0002.000
Best Use of Theme#162.4002.400
CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best One-Liner#23.7503.750
This Game Broke Me#33.7503.750
Best in Show#53.7503.750
"I Now Understand Videogames."#53.2503.250
Best Use of Theme#53.5003.500
Best Hidden Chameleon#62.0002.000
Is It Game?#73.2503.250
Most Experimental#102.5002.500
Most Unique Use of Tool#161.5001.500


by Gareth Kmet

Ranked 6th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 7 ratings (Score: 3.143)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most Unique Use of Tool#14.5714.571
Most Experimental#43.4293.429
Is It Game?#43.7143.714
"I Now Understand Videogames."#63.1433.143
Best Hidden Chameleon#121.2861.286
Best in Show#123.0003.000
Best Use of Theme#132.8572.857
This Game Broke Me#161.8571.857
Best One-Liner#181.2861.286

katamari damacy: rehash

by summsalt

Ranked 7th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 8 ratings (Score: 3.125)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most Talked About#1n/an/a
Most Unique Use of Tool#24.3754.375
Is It Game?#23.8753.875
Best One-Liner#52.8752.875
Best Hidden Chameleon#62.0002.000
"I Now Understand Videogames."#73.1253.125
Best in Show#83.6253.625
Most Experimental#92.8752.875
Best Use of Theme#142.6252.625
This Game Broke Me#142.0002.000


by d0fu

Ranked 8th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 6 ratings (Score: 3.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best Use of Theme#23.8333.833
This Game Broke Me#53.3333.333
Best One-Liner#82.3332.333
"I Now Understand Videogames."#83.0003.000
Best in Show#93.5003.500
Is It Game?#102.5002.500
Most Experimental#102.5002.500
Most Unique Use of Tool#112.6672.667
Best Hidden Chameleon#151.0001.000
No image :(

Phantasm Tiles

by Burble the Whale, cosmicdeers

Ranked 9th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 4 ratings (Score: 2.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
This Game Broke Me#24.0004.000
Most Experimental#33.5003.500
Most Talked About#3n/an/a
Best in Show#44.0004.000
"I Now Understand Videogames."#92.7502.750
Most Unique Use of Tool#93.5003.500
Best Use of Theme#103.0003.000
Best Hidden Chameleon#101.5001.500
Best One-Liner#151.5001.500
Is It Game?#152.0002.000

Seen - Jam Edition

by Tarnam

Ranked 10th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 5 ratings (Score: 2.600)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best in Show#24.4004.400
Most Unique Use of Tool#44.0004.000
Most Experimental#53.4003.400
"I Now Understand Videogames."#102.6002.600
Best Use of Theme#103.0003.000
This Game Broke Me#102.6002.600
Is It Game?#122.4002.400
Best Hidden Chameleon#131.2001.200
Best One-Liner#141.8001.800

you need to leave

by logan!!

Ranked 11th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 5 ratings (Score: 2.400)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is It Game?#33.8003.800
Most Experimental#53.4003.400
Most Unique Use of Tool#102.8002.800
Best Use of Theme#103.0003.000
"I Now Understand Videogames."#112.4002.400
Best One-Liner#122.0002.000
Best in Show#123.0003.000
This Game Broke Me#132.2002.200
Best Hidden Chameleon#131.2001.200

Xenograft 2: It Happened Again

by jupiter, femmehex

Ranked 12th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 8 ratings (Score: 2.375)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most Talked About#1n/an/a
Best Hidden Chameleon#22.8752.875
Best One-Liner#43.1253.125
Best in Show#53.7503.750
Best Use of Theme#63.2503.250
Most Unique Use of Tool#83.6253.625
Is It Game?#102.5002.500
"I Now Understand Videogames."#122.3752.375
Most Experimental#132.3752.375
This Game Broke Me#151.8751.875

Tell Me What Death is Like

by elysianfields

Ranked 13th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 4 ratings (Score: 2.250)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best One-Liner#14.5004.500
Best Hidden Chameleon#42.5002.500
Best in Show#53.7503.750
Best Use of Theme#63.2503.250
This Game Broke Me#112.5002.500
"I Now Understand Videogames."#132.2502.250
Is It Game?#152.0002.000
Most Unique Use of Tool#152.0002.000
Most Experimental#161.7501.750

Lost In Witch Dungeon (Prototype)

by Jonathan Fjeld

Ranked 14th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 4 ratings (Score: 2.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best in Show#14.7504.750
Best One-Liner#33.5003.500
Most Unique Use of Tool#44.0004.000
Best Use of Theme#63.2503.250
Most Experimental#73.2503.250
Best Hidden Chameleon#81.7501.750
"I Now Understand Videogames."#142.0002.000
Is It Game?#152.0002.000
This Game Broke Me#171.7501.750

On Tattered Wings

by The Bentomologist

Ranked 15th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 4 ratings (Score: 1.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
This Game Broke Me#15.0005.000
Best Hidden Chameleon#14.0004.000
Best in Show#34.2504.250
Best Use of Theme#33.7503.750
Most Experimental#102.5002.500
Most Unique Use of Tool#132.2502.250
Is It Game?#132.2502.250
"I Now Understand Videogames."#151.7501.750
Best One-Liner#151.5001.500

Down to Wizzness

by Playthru Industries, Jonathan Fjeld, Eenna, Mooftwo

Ranked 16th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 3 ratings (Score: 1.732)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best One-Liner#92.3092.667
Best Hidden Chameleon#91.7322.000
Is It Game?#142.0212.333
Best Use of Theme#152.5983.000
"I Now Understand Videogames."#161.7322.000
Best in Show#172.0212.333
Most Experimental#181.1551.333
This Game Broke Me#181.4431.667
Most Unique Use of Tool#190.8661.000

Alice in Wonderland

by Suki^^

Ranked 17th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 4 ratings (Score: 1.500)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best Use of Theme#63.2503.250
This Game Broke Me#82.7502.750
Best Hidden Chameleon#151.0001.000
Best One-Liner#151.5001.500
Is It Game?#152.0002.000
Most Unique Use of Tool#161.5001.500
Best in Show#162.5002.500
"I Now Understand Videogames."#171.5001.500
Most Experimental#171.5001.500

Don't build shelves.

by weolins

Ranked 18th in "I Now Understand Videogames." with 3 ratings (Score: 1.443)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best One-Liner#62.5983.000
Best in Show#152.5983.000
Best Hidden Chameleon#170.8661.000
Best Use of Theme#172.0212.333
Most Experimental#181.1551.333
Most Unique Use of Tool#181.1551.333
"I Now Understand Videogames."#181.4431.667
This Game Broke Me#191.1551.333
Is It Game?#191.7322.000