- Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
intuitive, maybe not enjoyable. Would be nice if they just moved on to the next ree without me having to tell them to.
- Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
idk what a dynamic wave system is tbh
- Was the combat smooth and engaging?
I couldn't really find where the combat was? maybe I missed it? I did see some meat on the ground but I couldn't figure out how to pick it up. I also saw some people running over from the distance but once they got to the camp they just stood there vibing, and I couldn't really attack them either. I think I'm just misunderstanding something here.
- How long did you play? What was your final point score?
like 10-15 minutes, 675 points but I was mostly exploring and not really trying to accumulate points.
- Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
nah it was chill
- What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
pretty nice I liked it
- Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
There should be a way to select all of your group at once, I think I ended up losing all of my group to the woods eventually I just didn't know where they all went. Maybe they died rip :(
- Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
The game took forever to download :( but I'm not sure if there's anything you can do about that.
In the options menu, windowed fullscreen and fullscreen both resulted in just a fullscreen game.
I would select a group of people to get a tree and sometimes only part of them went.
The camera should be able to zoom out more, sometimes I would get lost in the map and have a hard time finding my way back. Also, sometimes hitting resume would move the camera to some seemingly random place in the forest.