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Thanks for playing the game :3

The Pseudo-loading screen was mainly just so it doesn't look jarring when the level restarts entirely but I seem to have messed up the timing in the animation so it goes for longer than it honestly should. This was a last minute addition, which also explains the control during it which I did notice but didn't have time to fix before posting. Apologies for that.

I was expecting complaints about the camera since even I at times was confused by it but I hadn't thought it would be so bad (turns out I'm wrong) I should have honestly noticed sooner and tried out a different style of camera but for the level I wanted to make I felt like it was necessary.  Honestly if you have any ideas on how the camera could be better for this sort of winding level I would love to hear.

So far, I have only two ideas of what can be done with the camera:

  1. Fix the camera in one plane, but in this case you will have to redo the level
  2. Make the places where the camera turns "safe". For example, by making the edges of the platforms in such places further from the place where the turn takes place, or by installing a small wall

Thanks for the suggestions. I saw someone else say to make sections like the grappling areas with a fixed camera so I might for the post jam release make a new system that just has the camera switch orientation at certain triggers in areas where its safer to lose control for a split second, having the camera still follow the player in a similar way but now the movement direction is mostly fixed.

Thanks again for feedback, been really helpful :3