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(1 edit)

Nice game! I enjoyed 2-tapping the mechs with the railgun + rocket launcher combo. The anime drawings are really well done. Did you do them yourself? 

If I were you I'd work on the game's presentation, all the assets clash with each other. I'm rooting for you and I hope you keep making progress.

thanks for playing! the portraits were hand drawn by my mother.

I'm not an artist myself, so different assets clashing with each other is kind of unavoidable. while i'm getting better with blender, i'm nowhere close to having a consistent art style all the way through.

the portraits were hand drawn by my mother.

Wow really? Does she work in the anime industry?

I'm not an artist myself, so different assets clashing with each other is kind of unavoidable. while i'm getting better with blender, i'm nowhere close to having a consistent art style all the way through.
A good way to start would be to pick one font and stick with it.

>Does she work in the anime industry?
nah but she studied as an artist her whole life, and also watched anime both in her youth and with me in my youth, so she kind of digs the aesthetic

about the fonts, i was trying to give each font its own "domain", but i clearly failed.