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I think It's enough to simply disable the fall damage. 

And it's pretty easy to get up quickly, you need to smash the space bar many times. It takes less than a second to get up

I'm not really saying it's a "problem" more than it is kind of annoying to ragdoll because I went down a slight foot of elevation. That's the part I wish to negate, not necessarily eliminate fall damage or ragdolling altogether.  Ragdolling in 0.6.3 was a lot more bearable, because only falls that would generally cause damage be enough to ragdoll you, compared to now, where it feels like you kinda fall for no reason.

It is made especially obnoxious in the caves, but I can't blame the full system for that, because the geometry in there is awful.

(1 edit)

Assuming you have physics damage off, I feel like the fall damage change is a consequence of fall damage changes for physics damage.
Small damaging falls cause you to crouch and take a bit of damage, when physics damage is off, said small falls fully ragdoll you instead.

This also actually applies to explosions. With physics damage on, you take maybe a tiny bit of damage when a reasonable distance away from an explosion, but when physics damage is off, seemingly just being anywhere near an explosion ragdolls you.

I didn't really know physics damage applied to ragdolling that way. I normally kept it off, because having it on in the previous updates (or at least, when I used it) it would make it to where I couldn't break objects, like supply boxes. I suppose they have fixed that?