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Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By mrdrnose

What would you add to the shop?

A topic by Zet395 created Sep 07, 2024 Views: 1,533 Replies: 47
Viewing posts 1 to 12

Let's come up with some ideas to add to the shop for fun. I feel like what's in the game currently is fairly limited, despite how expansive it can be if you want to decorate your base. If you're not looking to decorate your base anymore, there isn't much to buy.

As an example, the machine category really doesn't have too much in the grand scale of how long the story mode is, considering you can probably have everything before you're even halfway through the story.

That being said, what would you like to be added to the shop?


somethings that would require being plugged in. like, theres so many power outlets around the base but so few things that use them. the frame, hot plate, microwave, battery charger, mini drone, and kurfur. its weird that so many other things dont use power cables, like the lights,  tvs, and vending machines. so maybe something like a juicer/blender/food processor, since theres so many fruit now. could cut and eat for just hunger or juice them for less hunger and get some stamina.

perhaps canned food after a while, since theres only so many crates in the world the can opener becomes useless.

gas cans become mostly useless too after you get atv solar power, sure the wood chipper and molotovs use it now, but with the cremator you can burn the trash, and get fuel from it. so perhaps some temporary upgrade parts. expensive, but can do things like give the atv armor or better handling, maybe similar for the kerfurs. (ive broken my kerfur-o 3 times already from atv accidents.) 

headlamp helmet, be a gas powered flashlight equipment piece.
boots to reduce fall damage? run faster? (and again, wear out slowly)

...trying to think of something buyable that could help clear up the combined crafted scrap but have no ideas.


I'd love to see boots that reduce fall damage, personally. Or at least make you ragdoll less. Ragdolling from the slightest of elevation changes has become quite annoying recently, imo.


agreed. its hard to think of something neat that wouldnt be just invalidated by something else, being the lesser or greater version of something else, or having to create a reason to have it.

oh, a dowsing thing. a tool that would work like metal detector and emf detector, but would point you to items/objects on the ground. like trash in the weeds, rocks, dropped items knocked away by a blast, mushrooms, a paper that a cat robot dropped in a random field at night. 

I think another cool idea would be more upgrades for Kerfur that you could just buy, either in the store, or on the upgrades tab. Like, something that would help with his survivability. Because in the current state of the game, where there's enemies everywhere in the late story, there's really nothing Kerfur can do.

I think It's enough to simply disable the fall damage. 

And it's pretty easy to get up quickly, you need to smash the space bar many times. It takes less than a second to get up

I'm not really saying it's a "problem" more than it is kind of annoying to ragdoll because I went down a slight foot of elevation. That's the part I wish to negate, not necessarily eliminate fall damage or ragdolling altogether.  Ragdolling in 0.6.3 was a lot more bearable, because only falls that would generally cause damage be enough to ragdoll you, compared to now, where it feels like you kinda fall for no reason.

It is made especially obnoxious in the caves, but I can't blame the full system for that, because the geometry in there is awful.

(1 edit)

Assuming you have physics damage off, I feel like the fall damage change is a consequence of fall damage changes for physics damage.
Small damaging falls cause you to crouch and take a bit of damage, when physics damage is off, said small falls fully ragdoll you instead.

This also actually applies to explosions. With physics damage on, you take maybe a tiny bit of damage when a reasonable distance away from an explosion, but when physics damage is off, seemingly just being anywhere near an explosion ragdolls you.

I didn't really know physics damage applied to ragdolling that way. I normally kept it off, because having it on in the previous updates (or at least, when I used it) it would make it to where I couldn't break objects, like supply boxes. I suppose they have fixed that?

0.8 added a helmet to the shop that reduces fall damage. It's pretty expensive for what little difference it makes, though. Ragdolling reduces the damage by a lot more and it's free.

Does it reduce fall damage? As far as I know, the helmet just completely negates any ragdoll physics damage done to the head, you could be ragdolled flying at terminal velocity and be fine assuming you directly hit your head while wearing it.

...trying to think of something buyable that could help clear up the combined crafted scrap but have no ideas.

Personally I use the green recycling bins, they have infinite storage. One bin per scrap type so they don't get mixed up. Maybe just adding those bins to the shop would be fine.

I want to see extension cables added. I wanted to put a hot plate in the break room and it has to awkwardly sit on the dining table instead of the desk I dragged in there because the outlets are too far away. 
It would be nice if the secret plushies/collectibles also got added to the shop after finding them once so you can gather a bunch  without starting new saves.

It's a good idea with plush toys, but they can be multiplied through a duplicate save, although not everything can be put in inventory


Probably a trailcam which takes photo's of movement, sorta what Nose said he wanted to add but never did.

i'm pretty sure it's still planned, just low priority

(1 edit) (+1)

more decorations definitely, like string lights, LEDs, especially decorations that can be hung up, there's so many things you can put on desks and stuff like the million different plushies you can find but all that you can put on walls are pretty much just posters and paintings
and with string lights and LEDs and stuff could be more variety for colored lights than the glowsticks, i feel like the glowsticks are really weak and don't easily light up a room, so if you want a brighter room with that color you'd have to use like a million of them, and i mean yeah there's the neon lights that were added but those are only select few colors and in some cases you wouldn't want the whole design of the neon light on there
light tubes also exist but they're really fragile and only exist in blue and red


I do love myself some neon lights. The only drawback that may come from it is performance. A lot of lights can really tank performance, and it only gets worse the longer the game goes on for. But, if it can work nice in the future, I'd love to see more light options. I will fill the world with neon light!


More cooking ingredients. I wanna be able to cook an entire pizza by hand with just ingredients from the store. I bet my friend Maa62 (he works at a pizza restaurant and has played VotV) would enjoy that a lot.


A cooking update in general would be nice. Imagine functional ovens, more things to grill, and combining ingredients to make bigger meals like soups, burgers and other stuff.


Yeah, I could imagine that. I'd wanna be able to bake entire cakes or things like cookies with functional ovens.

they kind of already made a cooking update with 0.7, more stuff that you can make would be neat though

Мы можем готовить??? Я не знал...

There should definitely be food items you make yourself out of ingredients if it's not already planned with all the new food that was added. There are way too many food items that would work perfectly as ingredients but all you can do with them is just eat them individually. You can't even make an actual sandwich, you can only just stack food between bread slices which will immediately fall apart upon trying to eat it.

Maybe along with this, they could even do a farming update. That'd be cozy. But out of everything, I probably don't see that one happening.

The farm pots do say "(currently only mushrooms)" in their item description so more things to farm (at least maybe in the farm pot kind of farming) may be added.

Would be pretty neat.

A new model teaser from earlier is a bag of fertilizer, maybe farming is coming sooner than I thought.

Oh, that sounds nice. By any chance, has their been any mention of fixes for Kerfur pathing and such? If you know that is. I'm just curious, but didn't want to start another thread to ask, because I've been quite active recently, and didn't want to spam the forums.

I think the 0.8.1 changelog says it has been fixed but I haven't seen it for a bit so i might just be misremembering.

Well, that's good to hear if it's true. Is there any due date for this patch?

Don't know. It adds some content and isn't just bug fixes so it might take a bit longer, depending on how big it is planned to be.

Хотелось бы увидеть больше разных полуфабрикатов, (у меня фетиш на еду в играх) ну и консервы хотелось бы тоже увидеть, а также элементы одежды 

Да, а ещё готовку, садоводство нормальное, кароче, пусть будет новый Stardew Valley

the pickle.

Вот рассол явно не вписывается в игру 

A trash compactor.


Cheap ramen noodle cups. Like, C H E A P. For the sake of example; did you accidentally spend too much on replacement drives or an upgrade and you only have 6 or 7 points to get you by? Cool, buy 6 or 7 ramen cups. Have a bunch of points and wanna stock up on food for a long while but don't wanna buy MREs or burgers? Well zippity-doo-dah, time to buy a bunch of ramen.


Sounds pretty cozy.


The issue with cheap food like this is it would realistically have to be HEAVILY balanced around being super cheap in some way.
If it is very cheap but still fairly good, why buy any other food items outside of just convenience? If it is too expensive (about 8+ points), it is basically just any other average food item.
The two ways I can think a cheap food item like this could exist is either having to be prepared in some way that takes more time than an average food item (Cheaper but inconvenient or more expensive but simpler), or basically be something to just prevent you from starving, possibly horrible food tolerance (worse than MREs) so you can quickly get and eat it if you really need to but you can't just live off it for any decent period of time and have to invest in other foods.

You're absolutely right, and the means of it being a way to solely prevent starvation is something I should have specified because that was my initial thought process behind it. My sincere apologies for not making that more clear!


Damn, just smash all the boxes on the base and you'll have an endless supply of canned food, you won't even need food =\


i would to add to shop new grey plushie, working gun , guitar and electro guitar and boombox.


you can already purchase a "boombox" (unless you mean a boombox skin for the radio)


something that isnt a self insert oc

if you know what im talking about


Who gets upset at Easter eggs? Especially in an indie game we are actively seeing and participating in its creation? Weird


Let's get that lawn mower we keep getting teased with wahoo let's rev up that engine yeehaw

I'm always on board with getting cozy, and making your surroundings more to your liking is always cool with me.