Thanks for sending the game link!
- The noir-style visuals were cool, and I liked that the apartment was fully furnished rather than empty, giving it a lived-in feel. The giant robot in the room was amusing!
- The voice work for the doctor and ghosts was great. It was especially cool how the monsters whisper to the player, practically driving them to panic.
- I enjoyed the card mechanic. It adds interest to the gameplay, although it felt a bit limited that we could only boost the character’s health. It feels like there’s potential to develop this mechanic further.
- The flashlight mechanic was intriguing. It’s cool that you can only see the monsters in the flashlight beam, adding a supernatural element.
- The mechanic where monsters don’t kill you right away but teleport you to a random location on the map is clever. Over time, you start to understand that you need to manage your health points carefully, especially when trying to retrieve a card that a ghost is blocking.
- It’s nice that the location expands as you progress, which gives a sense of advancement in the game.
- I liked the random generation of portal and card locations. It adds variety and makes each playthrough more tense and unpredictable.
- It would be helpful if players could pause the text to read it calmly. The text flies by too quickly, so I missed some important information from the plague doctor.
- The monster’s AI felt weak, as it didn’t react to the player’s flashlight or footsteps, which reduced the need to sneak around.
- While the monster is supposed to be a ghost, its movement felt clunky and a bit strange, as it passed through textures. Though this could be a plus by allowing the monster to ambush the player suddenly, the fact that you can feel when it’s near undermines that element of surprise.
- The door colliders were somewhat inconvenient. It took me a while to realize I had to aim precisely at a specific part of the door to open it. Until then, I thought some doors were locked. Additionally, it was unclear which doors were usable and which were not. It might be better not to include doors that can’t be opened.
Conclusion: This is a cool game with a strong visual style, which is one of its best features. Initially, it feels like a horror game, but as you get more comfortable with the mechanics, it takes on a roguelike feel. It was a unique experience—thanks for the game!