Technical things aside, like buttons and features not working, being able to research even if the research icons show that they are locked, game feels super nice. I also did not understand progression until i really dug into game which may be too late for some players. Anyway, broken things in speedrun game making are expected so i wont comment or rate based upon these. Balance is decent and satisfiying for little time you had to tweak it.
What is impressive to me is that you managed to implement more traditional gameplay to incremental game loop and pack it in somewhat realistic setting. I love how you interpreted prestige mechanic as sending resources to earth to gain benefits from it. That being told, having an realistic explanation for three powerups that you choose at the start of every asteroid would be nice touch too. At a glance, they felt like afterthought to fit the theme but in the end, they really spice the gameplay up in a great way. Maybe tie it to sending resources to earth to get better chance at higher rarities and everything would be tied up nicely.
All these different mechanics were mixed in a good way which is pretty hard thing to do, so kudos.
Graphics are sleek and animation is smooth. More detail to UI graphics wouldnt hurt tho.
Choice of ambience music is great. Not intrusive and pleasing. At one point near the end of first asteriod, music stopped and for the rest of the level and i felt so serene just hearing pickaxe hits reverbating through the cave. It felt like a design choice and i expected music to come back evenutally, but level just ended shortly after. If it wasnt design choice, id personally make it one. Having a moment of silence is powerful tool.
Would love to see more from this game.