We are working on a more polished version of this jam game! Here's some work in progress. How do you like this version compared to the jam entry? Would love to hear your feedback!
Upgraded Studio
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Thanks for your feedback Biim_Games! It helps a lot with making improvements to our game. We are finishing up the gameplay features, fixing bugs and polishing further to release it on Steam. Are you familiar with the Idle/incremental genre? Within this genre, it's kind of the point that you don't have a fail state. You focus purely on progression. It's a weird genre, I know ;). I had to get familiar with it as well, because the core idea came from Bob (the dev half of Upgraded Studio). However, I like your suggestion of adding a fail state like with Tetris. We will definitely look into it. Thanks a lot!
I loved it! Fun concept where the theme can shine. The gameplay was solid with funny, but tough choices. The audio and visuals come together nicely. The only real critique I have is that the platforming is not tight enough for my taste. The jump feels too short for my liking and it's hard to stand on the platforms when you come from a ladder. Besides that you got one of the highest ratings from me! Great one!
Great entry! Plays nicely and everything comes together really well. I agree with my buddy Ressurected Studio that the game becomes difficult fast. I must shamefully admit that I ragequit early on, because I couldn't get further than the third screen with the 2 floating lavaballs on the right. I'm bad at skill-based games. Another tip I want to give you as a designer/artist is: you can tell the art is mixed together. The title screen looks impressive and grim, but it doesn't fit the colorful gameplay graphics. Maybe next time you could bring the two closer together by applying a color filter to the assets to make it fit your game world. A bit less saturation and color filters on the gameplay graphics would have made it more fitting. But that's my opinion.
Congrats on finishing the entry though. Always an achievement to finish a game jam!
Congrats on your entry! I like the vibe. Sound works well. A small design tip: make some backgrounds for your intro texts so they have a place to be and it also makes them easier to read. And it has been said below as well, but I really mis the skip for the intro. The intro is nice, but it would be better if you could skip it. Gets repetitive fast and gives frustration, instead of what you want: replayability. I suck at skill based games, so I would like a bit more hand-holding. But we are guilty of a lack of teaching as well. It's hard to finish a game for a jam, so last minute polish like teaching the player is even harder to implement. Plus, it's a personal thing. Some like hand-holding, others hate it.
Great game! And thanks for your amazing feedback :)