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No he didn't. If you had read your own evidence you’d know that Kabier explicitly wrote what is written here in this screenshot.

[Edit:] Why is the screenshot this small while shown in the comment but good readable when opened in another tab?

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bro i posted the journal for a reason so people can (edit: try to) disprove me. i said "for all we know" we dont know if he did or not. groom victims will usually avoid saying anything.  How about we all collectively agree that dating a minor as a 20+ year old man is creepy. No age of consent will change that. But no just cause he made your favorite sex game he is on this high pedestal. This man is beyond disgusting.

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A. He did not made my "favorite sex game" and I do not put him on a high pedestal.

B. I am NOT your bro, nor anyone else’s. (The same goes for every other wording suggesting familiarity)

C. They’ve been harassed for something that troll-account on X formerly Twitter said, ignoring what Kabier has to say about her own relationship. And you just do it again.

If JasonAfex had been 25+ yes, I would have said the same as you. But he was 21, barely a full adult himself. (no, I do not see 18 as adulthood, but 21 since not all are fully developed before 21.) Someone dating a 16-year-old does feel strange to me (as I already stated) but JasonAfex married Kabier 6 years ago and (as far as I can say) still is married to her. That is not a pedophile “loving” children but a guy who found love.

[Edit:] The reason I even reacted to your comment is that seeing a denouncing comment like yours, where evidence must first be requested, already angers me (and without proof that was denunciation). But then your evidence actually speaks against your point, but you still choose that to make your stand?

Heavens above and hells bellow, I am no native speaker, but I still understand what is written in that long discussion on FA, where only gunstinger tried to die on that hill of JasonAfex being a Pedo (well, besides JasonAfex and Kabier only four held against her. But if it were more than simple hate, at least someone would have helped her). 


can we just report this squat guy and stop talking about this, he is not listening and to be honest I stick to my word, THIS CONVERSATION SHOULDNT BE HERE. And it’s pissing me off

oh god forbid i alert people that they might be supporting a pedophile...

Stop sucking Jasons dick he isnt gonna sucks yours.

Hahah yeah look i just liked the first game okay😂 i wouldn’t call that sucking his dick, and I’m keen for the second one but shit i didn’t realise that people that are so up them selves about one thing haha take this conversation elsewhere because as I said last time this is not the place for it, but I’m tired of hearing this bullshit cause that’s what this is, but you think what you want to think it’s only making you a worse person 😂

Ps imma ignore any new comments about this because you just don’t want to let it go😂

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You're right that this discussion shouldn't happen here - or anywhere else, as far as I'm concerned - but ignoring people accusing others based on no or insufficient evidence is also not a viable option.

insufficient..? he literally said himself he dated a minor .-.

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He also talked about their first interaction on FA and how their relationship started as he helped her (a fan at that time) overcoming the end of a bad relationship and her damaged impression of the furry community (second comment in the journal you linked). 

Yes, he admitted dating a Minor, but he also made clear that this did not begin with dating. He didn’t give an exact timeline allowing us to know the tame it took, but this began on FA. A site with very adult contends that is not really suited for minors and no really save method to check the actual age of its useres.

At what time he learned of her age (and how old she was at that moment) is completely up to speculation, but the indicators that she was 15 when it started are from the troll-account on X formerly Twitter dedicated to hating Kabier, a source absolutely not trustworthy. But with the situation given there is a fair chance that he initially assumed her to be an adult.

But is it strange that they became friends and then fall in love?

And again, ONE CASE DOES NOT PROVE A GENERAL POINT. This happening one time makes him not a pedophile, it would if it happened multiple times or started as a sexual thing, but not the way it did happen. (Though we have to take JasonAfex word here, as proof is missing, but at least Kabier did not said it to be false) 

Spitballing real quick, If he truly didnt know kabs age at the time he seems to be pretty proud of himself admitting that he dated a minor.

But why do people defend him, hes some random dude online who is creepy. I am here to alert others of this

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I can’t speak for others, so this is only my reason for taking his site in this specific point:

There is a single case that the whole point is based on. From my school days I’m still trained to act in these kinds of situations, as in my native country the worst event in history happened, and one factor was the hate on Jews that was fueled by generalization and history. And at least my teachers made sure that me and my schoolmates would go against any generalization we become aware of.


Regarding my argument about JasonAfex knowing or not knowing Kabiers age at the time, I am 100% positive he knew when they begun dating, I just say that (looking at the circumstances) much of their relationship could have developed before he knew her age.
Of the Friends I mentioned in the explanation why I have a problem with being called “bro”, there are 3 I do not know their actual age. Though I know they're adults, as 3 do have full-time jobs that require 2 years of professional training (after finishing school) and one is in her professional training after she stopped studying half-way through.

[Edit:] Asking because I wonder: Why do you call him proud about dating a 16-year-old (once)? He didn’t deny that, but (in the given FA-journal’s comments) the first talking about it was gunstinger. This doesn’t fit my understanding of being proud. To me it reads more like he’s annoyed to repeat something he had said/wrote many times before, though that is how I read what he had written.

Look i was immature with some of my responses but seeing someone who is a known creep and has a platform, from someone who has went through  grooming and creeps trying to hurt me when i was younger, i know what its like and seeing people normalize What jason did is beyond hurtful to not only me but those who have been affected by groomers and creeps.

Or or... we dont defend PEDOPHILES!!!!! god maybe this fandom is full of fucking pedos 🤦🤦🤦

been here since 2000s and i still fucking hate it .-.

For the love of whatever divine being you may believe in.

JasonAfex got together with one… ONE (singular) person that was 16 somewhat around 15 years ago and he married with that person for 6 years ago. He doesn’t go around looking for minors.



So maybe do not call him a Pedophile with evidence that goes against your point.

And if you hate this fandom for over 20 years, maybe rethink your live and go somewhere else, as actively seeking out something you hate means stress and thus is not healthy.

Bro, why are you dick riding jason so hard? He DOES love minors if he DIDNT he wouldnt have DATED a minor and then got MARRIED to them. But since this is some guy who made your favorite sex game awhile back doesnt mean you should defend him.

And the evidence does not go against, actually it supports me, cause he DID date a minor. And we cant be FOR SURE that he only loves kabier.


Again, I’m NOT your bro, nor anyone else’s.
Also, again he didn’t make my favorite sex game. (From my point of view, the best he made was enjoyable but only above average)

Then I never said he ONLY loves Kabier, I said that he loves Kabier. The “only” changes the meaning drastically, by making it something exclusive.
And falling in love with one person (while she was a minor but reached age of consent) does not prove a general standpoint.
+ He married her years later when she was in her mid-20s, clearly beyond the age of a minor. Absolutely something a pedophile would do.

And by your logic, I can’t hate humanity because I have friends, but surprise: There are few I detest more than myself and I hate our species. Yet I do my best to not generalize by single events, to look at the entire picture and actually argue based on what the others (including the ones we talk about) said before.

And as I'm no native speaker (as mentioned before) I must ask, what a sexuall act has to do with taking the side of the one that is attact? 

Why do you care if i call you bro... jesus Christ bro

The simplified answer:
Being called a somewhat familiar term by everyone except my family and the 10 people I call friends (though 6 just because of the shared interest that brings us together on a regular basis) feels to me like someone is punching me from the inside.

The answer with context:
As I mentioned in my other comment, there are few I detest more than myself and I hate our species. Among other things, this has to do with the way I view myself, and a fake friend I didn't recognize as such until it was too late.
Yes, that's a problem, but therapy (and my actual friends from before) got me to where I am now, which was enough to end my suicidal thoughts because I am what I am (physically and mentally).
What it hasn't helped with is that anything that even remotely reminds me of fraternizing with people I don't know triggers this problem I have.
It's not something you could have known, and it's something I really don't like to talk about, but that's why I have a problem with being called "bro."


Well thank you for the insight ill stop calling you it.  All im really here for is to alert others that jason is a creep Nothing else.