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(2 edits) (+1)

I've got my adventure mapped out, the story is pretty much how I want it and currently have all the locations text done, and about half the location graphics, also done a lot of coding for the first part of the game (there's a two halves, first part you have to complete before you're allowed to the rest of the locations). I'm currently assessing whether I might need to scope the second half. The graphics are very time consuming I have to admit. It's all good fun though. I always love doodling. :)

Here's a sample...

Looks great. It makes me want to play it just to see all the other graphics. You do have some spelling, capitalisation and punctuation issues in the text, though. Make sure you allow time for beta testing, if you can.

Really like the look of this.

One thing I notice is that you use "You are" and "I see" interchangeably, so it's a good idea to decide on one or the other. The system messages can all be adapted to whatever 1st, 2nd, 3rd person, or otherwise.

I also notice that the image isn't edge to edge, which is a known formatting issue in Adventuron, so I'll try to sort that out soon.

Exceptional graphics, and love the font.

Thanks. The interchangeability of "I see" or "you are" is a personal preference in my book. I like the mixture, I don't really like the repetitive nature of "I see a woodland path" and then the object list starts with "I see:" etc . For me the game itself is an entity, so its kind of got its own personality. Its telling you about your surroundings and items, certainly in this particular game, the game is kind of self aware, as shown with response it gave in the picture to the help request. ;) 

Imagine you were writing a book and you intermixed first-person and third-person. No one would know what was going on. You MUST be consistent. Make a choice and stick to it.

Assuming you choose to use first-person, that doesn't mean that every room description has to start with 'I see'. In the example in your screen grab, it might say 'A path winds through the woodland...' This is where the art of the storyteller comes into play. However, the description must be consistent with the image. The description says the path goes to the west, but in the image, it clearly goes to the east, or maybe that's the north-east. So where's the west path? The line of lanterns only follows one path, presumably the north-east path. This is terribly confusing for the player.

All your images should be facing north. If they're not, you need to say so. Attention to detail is paramount.


I don't think you need to be that rigid, especially with the orientation of the graphics. To be absolutely precise you'd need graphics for facing in each direction which is clearly not feasible. 

I think ultimately writing should be fun and not a chore. 

Like Adventuron says, I don't think you have to be rigidly set as all images should face North. My compromise is when its not facing north I put in a leading text of 'Looking South you see....' so unless it says differently you can assume it's facing North. Just in some locations the more interesting visual can be in alternate directions. Thanks for highlighting it though. I've made the adjustments ;) 

Coming along. Got characters in some scenes now. :D Part one of the adventure works now, with all its location graphics and puzzles right up to this guy. Bori the Elf. 

Ha, ha. Love it. Bori the elf is on border control duty. Sounds like the theme of a reality TV show.

ha ha ha Elf and Safety the show. ;)

Looks like a lot of fun. Ideal for kids.

Thanks fella. :) 

Oooh! Nice! Great art! ^_^ I like the surly elf as well. :D

Thanks. ;)

Do you have time lapse videos or anything like that while you work on your art? 
(I just started learning pixel art just for Adventuron... so it's fascinating to me...)


Nightmare on Elf street.

ha ha nice one. 

All but three locations have graphics now. Had a major push today and got 5 locations done, which is good going for me. lol. Changed the font too, to something more readable I think. Still looks chunky and fun though. :) Just got to get that last quarter of the adventure done. It's close now. I'm away after the 18th so I've got to get it done by then.

You know, I'm recognizing your art style. It's on the Adventuron site, right? I remember first learning how to do pixel art when I picked up Adventuron and thinking, "How can I make art like this?!" I couldn't, of course, and had to do my own style, but I really like your art! ^_^

That's right, Adventuron has used some of my work as examples. I do tend to have a very cartoon style when it comes to hand drawn art. It is pretty recognizable lol. Thanks for compliment. I will eventually get back to my previous adventure which I've been adding graphics too, but it was slow going, I'll finish it one day. 

I think the cartoony style is great! How long does it take you to do an image?

(1 edit)

Well for speed I spent some time creating elements for the scenes. For example a window, wooden column, back wall etc. Probably takes an hour. Then creating multiple scenes from that is relatively quick, just have to concentrate on any unique objects in the scene after that. It can still take 30min - hour depending if you've decided to  draw 3 elves in the scene or not ;) lol

Nice! Seems pretty quick to me. It takes me a long time too. :D

I love this style of graphics, I wish I could be half as good. I'm looking forward to playing this one!


Cheers mate. Hopefully I can finish it in time. ;)

Absolutely beautiful art - again. I love the dithering on the barrels and the brilliant Christmas lights contrasted against the dark blue.