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I may be missing something, but it doesn't appear that it's actually possible to beat the first combat. She just does way too much damage and you do basically nothing. I even tried buying some equipment first, which kept me alive 1 turn longer, but that's it. Still saw no difference in her health bar even when I *did* deal damage.

I think you need to keep your HP up at least. And try to use health restoratives as well. I'd recommend trying to equip Oak Ring, or another item or two that helps with magical defense. 

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I mean, I can try to keep my HP up, but 1) I still heal less than she deals and 2) I am not dealing damage if I am healing. Also, item or two? I am definitely missing something if it's possible to buy two items with the amount of money you get.


Hmmm. Well, maybe I should up the amount of restorative healing, or lower her damage a little. I thought it was balanced enough to give the player a bit of a challenge. 

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It may be, and I may just be missing something. I don't think her dealing more damage than I heal is necessarily a balance issue. The balance issue I see is that whatever her health is, the bar doesn't appear to move regardless of how much damage you deal to her, which means either the bar is visually bugged or her health is insanely high.

Ohhhh, now I see. Don't worry. She isn't meant to be beat. :D She has 25000hp. It's set to last about 5 turns, before she 'leaves'. 

Oh, that is what I was missing. I did not realize we weren't supposed to attack her.

Well, it's not set to last 5 turns correctly, because I went for 20 turns and she was still there.

Ah, oops. It's also set to having the player have about 50% HP at least by the 5th turn. I had intended the player to at least 'try to survive' with over half, and since she always attacks first, your HP should have dropped around half or under 50% your HP - triggering that condition. 

Well, the only way to survive for 5 turns is by guarding, which combined with heals makes your health remain above 50%.

And it IS my first foray with this engine. Still learning the fine-tuning ropes of it all.