Hi Maxime, thanks for your comments. With regards to the french phrase used, it's actually a reference to Dexter's Laboratory. For the player's actions, it's mentioned many times by both Bryan and the other characters that he does feel a lot of remorse for his part in the divorce. It may be that you selected other choices in the game that led you to different outcomes. Thank you again for your comments and as always we'll take them onboard. Cheers!
See? You prove my point. You are exactly like your protagonist, never taking responsibility, always rejecting fault on others.
I made it clear that I WANTED to take responsibility so I obviously made every choice in that sense but no matter if I chose to acknowledge my responsibilities, Bryan still blamed others no matter the choices made.
It is never "I was at fault.", it is always "I was at fault, but so were you.", he always tries to share the blame instead of taking it fully.
And seeing your reaction, "It is your fault, you made wrong choices.", I was right, you are just as unassuming as your protagonist.

Hi Maxime, thanks again for your comment. Here are just 2 examples out of the many throughout the game which you may have missed where the protagonist admits and takes responsibility for his part in the divorce. Hope this helps, and we're sorry if the game is not to your liking. But thanks again for playing it and having such passionate responses! Cheers!
Holy fucking thread necro batman LMFAO.
this is the second time someone has raised this tread from the dead well after a year of inactivity in two years. LMFAO.
for reference we ALL stopped replying to this loser because he's clearly a headcase with delusions of grandeur, thinking he's so clever in his replies. You're better off beating your head against a brick wall than engaging with this rampant fuck knuckle,
EVERYTHING that Maxime says in the OP is TRUE.
But I can certainly understand your failure to understand as much. Just off that avatar pic it's easy to see that you are a barely legal idiot with minimal life experience. I suppose it's possible that you've gotten your dick wet once or twice (honestly it's kinda hard to tell if you're a tranny, or just a incel with bad DNA). But you haven't been through marriage and divorce and raising children and having a career and trying to juggle it all and then trying to figure shit out when it all falls apart.
Furthermore, the story arc in a visual NOVEL matters, you fucking retard. I mean, unless all you're doing is sitting at your PC with your dick in hand, and 1 finger on the skip button. Which, by the way, IS the preferred method of playing AVN's by their fanbitches.
And while reading THIS script, one can actually feel their IQ being drained away. But you wouldn't know that, little fanbitch.
Who cares how old the thread is? Are there expiration dates on internet chats? If so, why do YOU keep getting drawn into the conversation? I mean, if you had ignored my comment, this thread would have likely died. But you would rather have an internet slap fight than let a old and irrelevant thread just die off.
You can call me stupid all you want. But I'm not the snowflake incel that is easily baited, and hiding behind excessive emojis (the epitome of stupid) and arrogance. I've been a nurse for over 30 years now. Your comments clearly demonstrate your arrogance. You're an idiot, and a clown.
39, eh? More like 3+9 (Also your IQ). Well you damn sure ain't 37 in that fucking pic. Are you catfishing young girls, incel? Should you really be calling yourself Pedowulf?
More life experience than you care to count? That's a fake ass answer if I've ever seen one before. Let's see, the first 8 years you spent learning how to NOT piss the bed. The next 10 years you spent in your government's indoctrination centers. That leaves 20 years "life experience" at best. IF, I believe that you're 39. Spoiler alert, I don't.
Here's your actual life experience: You work a dead end job, live with your parents, and can't figure out why no girl has ever said "yes" to your advances. (you're as ugly as you are arrogant)
Also, it's pretty difficult to take your claims of disinterest in this ongoing discussion seriously. You keep popping up to defend your honor whenever you get laughed at. Even after two years you want to claim this forum thread as your personal safe space. You are trying to chase away ANYONE that dares to mock you, or the only girls that you CAN get. The cartoons in a game.
The trouble for you, is that I don't care about whiny little pussies, or their fragile feelings. So if you don't like me laughing at your lack of experience, you're gonna have to fuck the fuck off. I won't. It's way too much fun to make little bitches cry.