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Sounds like basic setup for a game. But it's good thing cause it makes story creation easier.

You can have main story either:

A. Michael is tasked by superior being to collect the gems for good purpose. However everytime Michael is about to take a gem, a mysterious voice warns him not to. Michael ignored the voice and resume the collection. After all gems are collected, the being used the gems to bring back his lost power and regain his status as evil emperor of the world. It turns out the gems were his source of power which were taken from him to weaken him and seal him 1000 years ago (cliche).


B. An evil group is collecting the gems for their evil purpose. Michael thinks that the best way to stop them is to collect the gems earlier than them. This strategy works except the general of the group realized this and steal all the gems after Michael collected all gems. Michael has to go to their base to get them back.

Which one do you like?

I'm aware those two stories are pretty cliche but we could add twists later if needed ;).


Basic twist for A:

The "superior being" is manipulating Michael and is actually the real bad guy, and the "evil emperor" was trying to warn Michael about them the whole time, he was sealed 1000 ago by the being (they can be siblings or something, and the 6 gems/6 islands can be some kind of symbol of their relationship). Maybe Michael is their son who can also use the power of the gems (I'm imagining two supreme rabbit parents lol)

Similar twist for B:

The "evil group" that collects for an "evil purpose" is only "evil" in Michael's eyes; He is the only bad one, while every one else is trying to keep him from obtaining the gems. The aforementioned group is an activist group that has tried to stop his reign of terror for generations, which would be carried on by collecting the gems (gems are like 6 of the 7 deadly sins, and Michael can be greed or something). Maybe the professor can be the one you feel bad for. They raised Michael and only wanted him to be happy, but being truly evil is what makes him happy?

I would like to pick the A. story (also counting on @Wasabi's A. story), it answers a lot of what I thought the Turbo Rabbit story would be, so much originality, well told, and it is also very similiar to my own Turbo Rabbit story.

This is a great idea making Michael feel like he doesn't know he is doing bad things, but continues to do it

Also, loving the idea for the gems trying to warn Michael for collecting them. But, my original idea for the gems is that the gems don't have any power on them, they won't affect Michael to collect them, but instead they will affect the island and the island's monsters, the monsters will go crazy if they realize the gem was stolen.

Gems will be only used to open the Big Door that would lead Michael to the biggest treasure, but that treasure is the most powerful thing that the "superior being" would push Michael away to grab it first. That's my finale story for Turbo Rabbit.

But, your story ideas are cool, so idk should I just take parts of yours or should I go for your story?


You may be asked for credit if you take the whole story, or maybe special inspiration for taking parts of it. Do whatever feels right, and don't forget to exercise your own creativity! 

I will immediately sign people on the sheet for those who helped me, I'll gladly credit you all!