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Thanks alot for your feedback. 

- The cursor should be fixed in next build. 

- Mouse sens setting is also added in next build.

There is more to do after the fuse box, did you visit the kitchen?

The movement, i agree, is a bit clunky - the focus for the course was interactivity so we didnt spend alot of time on finessing movements. 

Thank you for playing, and again, for the feedback!


Cool, wonderful!

First time, I visited the kitchen first because that was what I managed to click on and then the engine room. After restarting due to not being able to leave the fuse box, I went to the engine room first thinking maybe I did something out of order. Same result, of course: can't leave the fuse box to do anything else. Might need to close the fuse box? Hard to tell what I'm facing without the cursor but I've tried closing it.

I wouldn't call it exactly "clunky". More that running into something at a shallow angle (say impacting a wall at a 2-3 degree angle) causes you to stop. Mostly takes adjusting to since some games cause you to slide along it and some cause you to stop.

Anyway, I'm constantly amazed at what first-years post on here. I've been programming on and off since the mid 80's and my "specialty" (if we really stretch that word) is file access and string manipulation. Then I come on here and see someone post "Yeah, I was bored and whipped this up before dinner" and I get humbled even more. But that wasn't where I went in life...

Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your work and listening to me try to pine the good old days that never actually existed!

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oh i misunderstood, you were actually completely stuck after removing, and inserting the fuse? oh man - i am sorry. very little changed from build 2>3, build was done in a rush and i didnt test it :S

im amazed you actually managed to get to press something in the elevator even :P

i must remedy this immedeatly!

just to confirm, the WebGL is playable (though has no trigger for the ending :P)

i shall debug and fix the mentioned issues and upload build 4 today :D

thank you again for making me aware of this!

> oh i misunderstood, you were actually completely stuck after removing, and inserting the fuse? oh man - i am sorry. very little changed from build 2>3, build was done in a rush and i didnt test it :S

Correct. I could look side to side a bit (maybe 135 degrees total?) but that's it. Very odd how minor and unrelated adjustments can wreak havoc on code, isn't it? Found a bug in one game that only occurred because my monitor is slower than theirs.

> im amazed you actually managed to get to press something in the elevator even :P

> i must remedy this immedeatly!

Purely blind clicking! Since the mouse doesn't lock to the canvas, I started from above or below the game and moved vertically while clicking.

> just to confirm, the WebGL is playable (though has no trigger for the ending :P)

> i shall debug and fix the mentioned issues and upload build 4 today :D

> thank you again for making me aware of this!

"No trigger" is why I tried the download. I'm kind of amused that I made this choice and then uncovered a bug that prevented me even reaching that end!

You are very welcome. I'll either await the update or play the web version later.

Thanks again!

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>  (maybe 135 degrees total?)

- close enough :D (around 65 in x and 70 in y)

> because my monitor is slower than theirs.

- thats kinda hilarious xD

> Purely blind clicking! Since the mouse doesn't lock to the canvas, 

- ahh, yes i had to use notepad-trick :P basicly the same as you did except i use notepad above the game so i know where the cursor is, but such an annoying bug to experience anywhere!

> I'm kind of amused that I made this choice and then uncovered a bug

- im glad you were amused :P and even more glad that you reported it! would have been bad if the professor got stuck there thinking it was game over or something :P

> "No trigger" is why I tried the download

> await the update

- BOTH webGL and executable are playable WITH endings now!

(webGL max texture size 512x512px vs 1024 & 2048 on executable) webGL doesnt look as bad as i expected, but alot worse than the executable 

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Yeah, it was something about the graphics engine skipping a check because a frame wasn't being drawn (my 60 vs their 144) so the check wasn't being done on mine. I dunno, I don't play with graphics but very little (try BitBlt via Basic to mask three images together some 25-20 years ago).

I didn't even consider notepad! Man, that would've been so much easier!

Alright, now to try it again!


Finished both versions now and have some more feedback. Mostly minor stuff now.

  • Fuse box closes entirely in one version and stops halfway when the power goes out in the other one. I probably only noticed because I was playing them side by side. Probably not worth the risk to fix.
  • Graphics compression artifacts? Many selection outlines are missing or inconsistent. Viewed from one angle they're fine, from another they're invisible.
    • Could not track down the kitchen issue until I played the download for that section. No outline, no hot cursor, no visible sparks.
  • Finally, I swear I could hear a dog. After one comment about pets, I thought I'd find one once the power was back on. But the "barking" stopped once the power was fixed.
  • I wonder if it would be too tricky to display a "score" of how many of the tablets you found. They tell the story, it'd be kinda nice to know if I found all of it.

All told, quite a good job for a class project!

>Fuse box closes entirely in one version and stops halfway

- I didnt get this when testing before upload or just now. could you have alt-tabbed/hit escape during it closing? the statemachine is an afterthought and not super well implemented :P

>Graphics compression artifacts?

- the WebGL for sure has this, downside of squeezing a 1.6gig game into less than 200MB :P webGL also for some reason does not include the HighLight asset we used for that.

>No outline, no hot cursor, no visible sparks.

- in the webGL, there are missing things i dont know/have control over (yet), but i also didnt see any missing sparks. this is weird.

>Finally, I swear I could hear a dog, After one comment about pets

- i have worked very little on the story, my group partner handled most of that and honestly i cant remember any comment about dogs :P but i can ensure you there are no dog audio :D might be a compressed audio glitch - i could not hear any barking, however i like this idea, maybe a future implementation xD

> display a "score" of how many of the tablets

- super easy, but its a bit against the design intensions. however i could add it to the "end credits" something like: "you found x of n story elements"

>All told, quite a good job for a class project!

-Thank you! :D

The project is coming to a close (deadline 1st.dec). We are required to also deliver a video of us playing the game, so in case there are game breaking bugs, we still have something the prof can reference- however, i dont want to deliver a bug riddled game either so im grateful you took the time to both play and provide feedback! :D

Thank you so much for all your feedback! it helps alot!

i dont think i will spend alot more time on the game until deadline, unless something is absolutely gamebreaking (maybe just the "you ffound x/n story elements" in credits, i like that idea :D )

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> could you have alt-tabbed/hit escape during it closing?

> but i also didnt see any missing sparks.

Definitely no pausing, but it could have been caused by the slight lag induced by having both running? But I also noticed the sparks were ... "quicker?". Not sure of the word I want but they were less noticable when I could see them. I'm gonna blame the lag for this.

> downside of squeezing a 1.6gig game into less than 200MB :P

90% compression and still looked halfway decent? I'm impressed!

> i have worked very little on the story, my group partner handled most of that and honestly i cant remember any comment about dogs

Huh. I could have sworn one of the tablets said something about someone sneaking a pet on board. Will go dig back through all the tablets again.

Welp. Apparently I mixed that up from somewhere else so Nevermind!

> super easy, but its a bit against the design intensions. however i could add it to the "end credits" something like: "you found x of n story elements"

Sorry, yes. I meant a final total at the end or in the credits just for curiosity's sake; not something that shows as part of the normal gameplay.

Stuck door but I might have figured it out:

You can stand close enough that when it closes, it hits you and stops.

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huh. it should not have any collision like that. thanks for photo, ill investigate

edit: i just tested and even if i hug the door it doesnt get stuck for me, weird

edit2: i just tried like 5 times, i cant replicate it 

Sorry it's been so long!

I suppose I could have recorded it but I was unaware that was even a possibility (without adding software).

Hope you scored well!