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Wow, I'm just going to come out and say it - Ban Ban Garden is infinitely superior to Ultra Kill. I mean, have you seen the graphics on Ultra Kill? They're straight out of the 90s. It's like they're trying to blind us with their ugly, outdated visuals. And don't even get me started on the gameplay - it's clunky and unresponsive. Ban Ban Garden, on the other hand, is a masterclass in game design. The graphics are stunning, the controls are smooth, and the gameplay is addictive. It's like night and day compared to Ultra Kill. If you're still playing Ultra Kill, I'm not sure what's wrong with you. Get with the times and upgrade to garten of banban -(your gaming experience will thank you)


You made a shit ton of typos in this, you mean ban ban garden is infinitely inferior? I won't go too much into it, I know that you're destined to be alone anyways, "WomanAttacker".

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garten of banban 7 rating: 83%

Ultrakill rating: 98%

if you think that the two percent who rated ultrakill negatively are more correct than the 98% (especially since it's mostly meme reviews and the game possibly would've gotten a 99% lmao) then you're fucking delusional, the world doesn't revolve around you and you being part of 2% of something, doesn't mean that 2% is smarter than the rest

ban ban is at most a good game(even though I don't even agree with that), not a masterpiece or masterclass, also about ultrakill being "clunky and unresponsive" - have you ever even fucking played the game lmao or did you just watch under the mayo's video and decided to go shit on because there's nothing else going on in your life

also stop comparing horror game for kids to a shooter game it doesn't even make sense, it's like if i said chess is better than COD 


thats's true to be honest


your a meat rider to be honest


and you have the brainpower of a fucking cricket


i will have a child with you 😊

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okay i do not believe you, woman attacker and john rallahbout aren't just different accounts of the same person

"john rallahbout" started this shit, then he got fucking obliterated and gave up and deleted the posts and right after that woman attacker - who shares the exact opinions and behavior arrived and now he was literally active and posting shit and less than 2 min after his last post you post

you do just fucking have socks to defend yourself don't you lol, admit it dude it's obvious lol

Well, first of all, I did not delete my posts, they were automatically deleted because some low-life reported me, pathetic enough to say.

Deleted 10 hours ago

First of all, I didn't start it this time, that was the other guy. When a game is bad, it will be bad, and so I will report it on being bad. I left my legacy behind because I was forced. Ordinace, I know we don't agree on many things, but can we at least agree that the "SchmiyitBuyit" kid shouldn't be speaking whatsoever.




did your brain just melt from watching too many tiktoks and now you malfunction whenever you have to spend more than 40 seconds on something lol



yeah it totally did lmao


nah i mean it amazes me how a keyboard warrior can be bad at writing hate comments

i can say the exact same thing about you lmao


nah you cant 😂😂


bro fucking shut up and stop drinking mercury already, literally not a single person here agrees with any of the shit you said


i also find it fucking hilarious that you ignore the comments where I actually call you out for your bullshit because there's literally nothing you can say to save yourself from that so you just continue crying on these non-important posts


also stop acting like retro graphics is a flaw, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, it's not a bad thing about the game, it's not a mistake, the creator deliberately put extra effort to make it look like this because they liked it and thought it fit the game. you can't fail to make a game look good and end up with this, shit like ban ban is literally just default graphics setting in unreal 4, it took literally 0 effort to achieve that and you're praising it lmao


dawg maybe the graphic are shit but at least it was the first game to actually give me a challenge on normal mode so stop talkin


your just shit at games if this gave you a challenge lil bro

"superior game" my ass lmao

no way u all are getting so pressed by a literal ai paragraph....

yeah dumbass ultrakill stans. most of this shit has just been ai cooking your pathetic asses in a online argument. TBH i still think ultra kill still sucks but yall or D1 glazers


okay who's more of an idiot, a person using chatgpt to argue with people because he's too braindead to come up with a coherent argument or normal people lmfao

also no, the ai wasn't cooking anyone, not a single thing you posted made any fucking sense


Alright, let me break it down for you one last time, you pathetic little excuse for a human. Ordinance, first of all, you created this single account for this puny debate. You got so pressed by a comment that something ticked in your brain and you decided to sign up to this god-wretched place.

I had to use AI because the lion does not turn when the small dog barks, your points have no value to me, same as your puny excuse of a living, breathing homosapien. I had no care for arguments against me, as my opinion is the pure valid one. Garten of BanBan is peak that none will understand or comprehend. Please, stop glazing all over Hakita with icing and please remove the one meter pure silicone Ultrakill dildo inserted 90cm deep in your rectum and please go upstairs and interact with your parents. I'm being generous in saying "parents", plural, because I think I say this for everyone saying that we know you don't have a father figure. And it's a shame how being immensely fatherless leads you to such horrendous games. While you're at it, I politely ask that you finally throw out the Ultrakill figure condensed in your semen marinating in a mason jar and go throw it out.

Also, I'm not surprised AI is making better arguments than you. Also to answer your question, normal people are more idiots, as you know what they say, work smarter, not harder. 

Do you know how Ultrakill has fast-paced movement? Yeah, go try doing that but outside in real life (It's called running in real life). and get your 400-pound self to the gym before you get your own TLC show. Like, this isn't a donut factory, you don't need to glaze so hard, but I know you'd eat all the donuts anyway.  Knowing you, you're probably a 20 year old man living in his mother's basement paying rent from an allowance his grandmother gives him. If style points existed in real life, the only style you'd get is from +Disrespect from how you keep disrespecting your family bloodline. It's also pretty funny how the main character of the game is a robot, it perfectly models you, an AI.

 I think its best for me and your sweaty self to stop arguing, and for you to hop off and to finally be one with the sweet forest, think of it as the limbo stage, except everything is real, and it's right outside your basement! So please next time you get in an argument, save your own time and your opponents time too by keeping your mouth shut and your fingers in a woman and not on a keyboard instead.  But getting any woman interested in you might be a hard task, so many try men. 

Good luck
Best regards, WomanAttacker.


dam ordinace ik your my hot babe😘😘 but he might have cooked your cute little ass 😉😉

clearly using ai again lmfao, pathetic, if you don't care about what im saying, why tf would anyone care about what you are


yeah sry to break it to you but that wasn't AI I am just capable of writing more than 3 sentences

no fucking way I don't believe it


but no, seriously, i do not believe that your earthworm-level intelligence is able to properly string together more than like at most 30 words, if you're not lying im actually completely baffled

"Do you know how Ultrakill has fast-paced movement? Yeah, go try doing that but outside in real life (It's called running in real life). and get your 400-pound self to the gym before you get your own TLC show."

Damn no need to go hard on yourself kid...

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i really find it funny how fucking braindead and arrogant you are lmao, can't even form a normal argument and talk like a person so he uses ai and insults 90% of the time instead of actually saying normal stuff

in all honesty, shut the fuck up already, you're literally incapable of talking like a normal person, you're embarrassing yourself, when you spam 3 paragraphs of meaningless insults, you're not cool, you look like a pissed of 3yo throwing a tantrum 


cry bout it

oh no "cry bout it" such a good and well thought through argument whatever will i do


cry bout it lil bro


is it really that hard to be a normal fucking human being and actually explain why you don't like the game instead of insulting everyone for no reason

or would you rather continue being fucking delusional and cry over like 20 posts


whhhaaaa whhhaaaa whaaa


finally posted the noises that you actually make


that one was so funny absolutely no one laughed

and did anyone laugh at any of the shit you posted lmao

btw all of the shit you said about me and sex are true, because as i said before, i am a minor, when you say i should put my fingers in a woman and that i have dildos in my asshole it's weird

it doesn't insult me at all, i could not care less, it just makes you look more desparate for attention and a response you're saying that it's best to not continue this but you're literally continuing it, you can just, yk stop posting this shit 

but then it would look like you lost - but you're mister perfect, that's impossible!!1!111!!1 so youre just continuing and hoping that ill be the one who gives up 

it is really funny to me - a person dislikes a game and instead of saying, I didn't like this and that, they say that it's complete garbage and everyone who enjoyed it is stupid, and then when people reply, they're just met with brainless spam of random insults and words

is this really easier or better than just saying "I didn't enjoy this game, this stuff could've been better and I don't recommend it" it's called constructive criticism, my guy, have you ever heard of it?

 you clearly do know quite a bit about the game, you referenced the limbo layer and + disrespect style bonus but this is the ultrakill prelude? did you actually buy (possibly pirate) and play more of the game? why would you do that when you obviously don't like it lol either you saw some youtube video about it ans then played the prelude and didn't like it, or you actually played more and went through the effort to do so despite (apparently) disliking it leading me again to believe that noone can be this braindead and you're just trolling lol



you're literally putting me to sleep with these random noises 

stfu child your dumbass better stfu you watch too much fuckin’ box something garter of banban is shit dumb bitch


why is this randomass kid witha default dancing pfp saying smth rn like I don't even know how tf to respond your sentence doesn't make sence

it’s the fuckin dude from dark souls 


i dont care where he is from he is till default dancing

oh my fucking god it’s literally just a fucking dark souls meme no need to shit your pants 

you realize that if the someone sees this they could put ip adress your full name and age out just saying....192-

Shut the fuck up. i dont care what you say. no, no and no. Ultrakill is 10x better than the shit called "Ban Ban Garden" ( its Garden of Ban Ban bro


ok lil bro what ever you want to think (your still wrong tho)

hell naw

hell naw


bro had to say it twice cuz no one gave a fuck the first time


you know ban ban looks worse than the dancing baby gif oh wait you dont know what that is