Amazing game and I agree with the other commantators, the game would be much more nicer with continuous music without breaking up in between levels / tries and a timer. Also great visuals. However, I loved the music the most, what a talent!
This is one of best games I rated this jam, all it needs is some unique levels that don't feel repetitive but given the time limitation I can understand why there aren't. Good job!
The level after tutorial was hard I wish there were some sort of a mini map so we could finish in time, other than that it feels amazing to play. I love how smooth it is.
Nice one! The only problem I have is that I can't see the ui properly? Or is there a ui? Because when the boss counts your coins, I don't understand what's happening which led to confusion when I collected like a hundred coins and the boss attempted to count it forever hahaha
Everything feels great in game mechanics-wise, reminds me of the "alien shooter" from early 2000s. It only becomes overwhelming when you don't know where to go next.