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A member registered Oct 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear it, thank you for trying it out!



Thank you for trying it out and reporting the bug, we'll have to fix that one!

Thanks! We should add an option to disable it, thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for trying it out and for the feedback!

Haha, well done! Thanks for playing 😊

Thank you for trying it out!

Thanks! You are right, syncing the sawblades with respawning could make it easier to time your movements. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you so much!


Thanks! Fun fact: the bodies of the dragging player persisting after death was originally a bug, but we decided to leave it in 😄

Thank you for trying it out! Yea, the difficulty could deffinetly be tuned in some areas 😅


Thanks! I think I know the room you are talking about, and yes, we agree that the paths are a bit tight. We could've made them a bit wider. Thank you for trying it out!

Thanks! Turns out trying to take a screenshot while playing isn't that easy 😄

Absolutely gorgeous visuals and awesome atmosphere! Would love to see more of this. 


I really like the concept, and switching between top-down and 3rd person views is cool. Teaching the mechanics more gradually would be helpful. In the first 2 levels the player only needs to shoot directly at the target, or at the recast target. Bu then in the 3rd level the difficulty increases a lot. I like the tight visual look, but I would try to highlight the targets more, and really differentiate what you are aiming for, and what kills you. Overall great job!


Thank you! Since we didn't have time to implement more challenge elements, we decided that more challenging rooms would be fine. But yes we agree, some of the corridors are quite tight 😅

Thanks! Yea, the ragdolls in Unity can be finnicky, and a good portion of development time went into trying to get them to cooperate 😅

Was really nice how the enemies sailed immersively towards your port! That rate of fire though... Idk compared to the flight speed of the cannon balls it felt.. a bit much. Great submission!

The intro sequence was awesome, loved to see it. Some platforms were a bit hard to distinguish between solid and pass through ones, but otherwise  a fun platformer!

The dialogues cracked me up, great job!

Damn that sound effect on the Bifrost is MEATY. Loved especially the ability selection cards, very nice visuals. The game would benefit from some balancing, as I found myself to be pretty much invincible after just a few levels. Good job!

Those sound effects cracked me up, nicely done!

Super polished look and feel. The controls felt a little unpredictable a few time when trying to get over an edge, but other than that, 10/10! Well done.

Thank you for trying it out! 

Very good atmosphere, cohesive graphics, relaxing music and nice sound effects. What's there not to like! 

Some levels can be tough, but that's just a skill issue :D 

Well done!

Very wholesome interpretation of the theme, and nicely implemented! Gotta love the petting animations ❤️ 

Nice to see the additional layer of polish with the transitions between levels and the dog coming in through the floor all secret agent style :D 

Well done!

The game feels great! Nice graphics, good controls, and a very good implementation of the theme :) Well done!

The car physics are good and I like the way it handles! One thing is I constantly wanted to tilt my camera higher to see the front of the truck :D Totally agree with radclyffe with this being a good base for a point-to-point rally. A quick tutorial at the beginning explaining the mechanics would be a nice plus :)

Great job!

Thank you! The mood was one of our main focuses, glad it turned out ok :) 

Thanks for the bug report, we'll take a look at it 👍

A nice and clean match 3! The theme is nicely implemented, adding a twist to the well known genre. 

Well done for 2 weeks!

Thank you for the kind words and thanks for playing! Yeah the interactions with the shadows are a bit clunky, they need more love than what we had time to give 'em.  Thanks for the bug report, we'll get on that once we've recovered from the, totally self inflicted, last-few-days-remaining crunch :D 

Thank you for playing our game, glad you enjoyed it ! :)