Thank you,
I certainly did intend to add some sort of scoring, but the documentation for text rendering defiantly deterred me
Thank you!
Believe it or not, the slightly inaccurate collision was intentional. I wanted the game to feel more difficult than it actually was, so physics wise you are actually slightly smaller than you appear. It would be a bit cruel if you're corner touched an obstacle for a moment and you permanently lost some health.
I was using Linux, although i don't think that was my problem. I did some testing, and narrowed it down to my kinda strange browser setup. If it matters, here is my findings:
In other words, for all reasonable users, the shift key should work. Sorry about not checking before saying anything about it
Assuming you are using Linux,just go to the file directory the file is located and type "./OpenAIProject"and it will execute in the terminal. You may need to use the chmod command to update permission. If you are using windows or mac, i am not sure, i have not tested it. Also note that you need to go to the Open AI website and generate an API key.
The more peaceful feel is a good change of pace compared to some of the other games (mine included).
There were some little things that threw me off, like how dodging works. If the invulnerability time was a bit longer, I think it would be better. It is also super easy to beat enemies when hiding behind a fence. Maybe a raycast to check if you can hit the foes?
I like the sound, and how it goes with gameplay well. Overall, I enjoyed the game
There are a lot of little effects put in to this game. The simple graphics really throw off the feel, although once I noticed how fluid the dissolving effect was, I just keep noticing other little things.
One thing I will recommend, is end the game if the enemies get through. They keep spawning endlessly, and it starts to lag.
... My highest score is 63.5