thank you! i have never worked with stories or shooting before, nor complicated bosses apart from the one in poof that was a beefed up boss with spike spells, so new territory for me
the shooting timer is (well should be) 0.6 seconds, but sometimes theres a glitch when you turn mid anim playing when you shoot that makes the animation play again
they are someone else’s floor sprites, but modified (ALOT) to suit my game, like I added the corners, the new colors, and the 1x1 tiles, the original 4 basic tiles was premade, thanks though!
the trail node is set to follow the player but it’s not immediate so it’s more so something we just ignore in these parts, I don’t know how to make checkpoints as this is my second ever game but hopefully my next game will have shorter levels so no need for checkpoints, thanks for playing!
he wants to win the squid game, can you join it for the duck? I’ll add shift in the input menu as well as down, but for now I can’t update, thanks for your feedback!