The procedurally generated level is interesting and I like the design style for the arena, there’s not really any gameplay to speak of yet, it’s a shame the enemy AI broke.
Alex Barnett
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The gameplay is implemented well and the mechanics were a fun way to interpret the theme, the vulnerability provided a good risk/reward system for the player. The map is a little sparse however, and the shooting can feel a bit tedious after a while, especially in the light where you know there is no threat to the player. Overall it was a fun little game and I think an idea with more potential to explore, maybe with more weapons or a procedural level.
I liked the procedural map and the gameplay is very unique and engaging. The sounds of the monster really add to how tense the game can feel and seeing the monster moving around on the map is prefect. I like the graphics but it’s a shame that the level is mostly imperceptible with how dark it is. Maybe it could have been just bright enough to see the silhouette of the level but not the numbers, as currently it feels almost more like you are navigating the grid on the map rather than going through an actual environment as you don’t really get to see it.
Thanks for the feedback, the atmosphere of the game was definitely something I focused on in development so I’m glad you enjoyed it. Unfortunately time was a bit limited so I couldn’t really do much play testing to get things like the oxygen supply or AI aggressiveness just right, I’m planning on making a few tweaks and hopefully releasing a more polished version once the jam is over.
The gameplay was enjoyable and I liked searching around the map trying to stay out of sight. I feel like the camera could have been significantly further out to give you a better view of the level, as it is currently, I get taken out by guards before I even have a chance to see them. The music and visuals work well and add nicely to the feel of the game.
I liked the map and the visuals felt perfect for the environment, the tunnels seem long and complex, and like it’s easy to get lost or disoriented which adds to this. I wasn’t so sure if there was an end goal or some way to win, when I played the enemy got stuck on a part of the scene after a bit, so I was just wandering around empty tunnels for a while until I quit.
The main mechanic of lighting the way with the camera is implemented really well and the effect it has on the environment looks great and is very unique. The atmosphere of the game also feels perfect. The level is very small however, and the keypad seems to let you in no matter what. I feel like the opportunities that this mechanic could allow in gameplay aren’t really explored here, probably due to time constraints, but what was there seemed to have a lot of potential.
The atmosphere was brilliant all the way through, slowly building tension with great visuals and sound design. The level is well made and has good detail, although you do generally spend quite a while wandering around. This can be an effective way to build tension, but if you go the wrong way then having to come all the way back can become more so tedious. I think the gameplay could use a couple tweaks such as having a bit of a cooldown on the camera flash, I found you could see perfectly in even the darkest areas if you just repeatedly took pictures. The gun is also kind of difficult to use with the crosshair not really equating at all to where the bullet would actually go. These are however just some small issues that I had, and overall I found it to be a very enjoyably scary and atmospheric experience.