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A member registered Jun 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello its me! I finally tried it out. tbh felt more interesting than my game :(  only irk is the graphics but that's usually the last thing that comes to mind when needing to fix a game or so I'm told, so solid 7/10

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 its NOT only yours that I can't play, don't know if the problem comes from my side or something else

Quite fun, felt a bit hard to keep up with humans cutting down trees, the gameplay could also be just a bit faster, also love the trees!

Fascinating concept, would really like to see this be expanded upon

Really satisfying game! feels like a reverse tower defense game which opens posibilities like buildings that constantly spawn enemies, or buildings that dont allow to spawn the red guys in certain radius

Hello concept neighbour! sadly the game doesn't run for me, if after the jam ends you upload a downloadable, message me. I want to try this out

Pretty interesting contestant, the gui was hard to see at first for the buy menu selection. This has its own problems of being idle game but all in all great game

Really love the idea although sadly last level broke. If you finished up the game, I would actually play it!

Made me chuckle, but should have added a player that roams around and sometimes interacts with us

Very interesting, reminds me of papers please

Feels just a bit akward or clunky trying to destroy the little guys when atacks can only go one after the other very slowly, but execution isnt that bad

Actually thats a solid problem, I gave my parents to try the game and it was hard for them too keep the mouse inside the screen, I didnt even think about such problem when making it, probably should have made the game fullscreen, thanks

VERY beautiful art! gameplay is fun and satisfying

interesting gameplay, quite crazy how much story you managed to make in so little time, anyway this game violates minion work laws haha.

Simple but fun, most of the gamejam games felt a bit on the slower side, you did well capturing proper gameplay speed

Made me chuckle couple times. Loved the grandma race one!

Very interesting although very confusing to play, I think my game got stuck when GUI dissapeared or was that supposed to happen?

as everyone said, well executed, nothing much to add. At first its a bit hard to tell when you are about to hit the frog when they jump since they extend their legs

Really enjoyed this, also the distraction mechanic is fun. Got a glitch where I stood to the side of the snake and died even tho I didnt walk into it. Great game!

A bit confusing at first

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Well executed idea! The people coming in could be a bit faster and the tavern also looks a bit depresing haha. anyway I enjoyed this. I would play this if it was refined and expanded (btw later on, one of the warriors came in and didnt give the text pop up and the game got stuck)

Sadly doesnt work for me, really want to check this game out

After the gamejam ends if you ever polish up this game, hit me up, I will want to check it out, also for some reason I would recommend increasing players movement speed, I also feel like thats a small problem with most games in this gamejam, they feel just a bit too slow

Made me giggle for rating the failed guy a 1, sadly I'm dead now. Enjoyed this little game!

This game impresed me the most out of this gamejam so far! Very interesting puzzle game which I havent seen before

interesting idea, but sadly felt too short for me but worth it for the execution alone

hah really interesting reversal and interesting, simple gameplay. One nitpick from me is that font is quite hard to read

The cheeky "good" at the "how does your game fit the theme" made me giggle lol. Really enjoyed the gameplay although controling the gui stuff could be a bit improved but thats just nitpicking, also like the name of the game!

Hello concept neighbour! I enjoyed how the game looks and feels although I feel like most problems in such games come from lack of speed of the game, atleast just a little bit, I still enjoyed it, the more deadlier enemies could be shown with red colour or something? 

I like the idea although the part where mummy walks arounds and kills enemies could be much faster

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Very confusing at first with the transparency stuff, in the second level its really hard to see what kind of pots are needed to place where, could just have made them different colours? Also can we only use one inventory slot? Anyway I like the idea just could be polished more.

well executed role swap game although some concepts could be explained more, I enjoyed this

I tried my hardest and got a score of 3500. sometimes I feel like it would be nice if zombies were a bit faster, although I noticed that some zombies were faster, was this intended? by the way we had a similar idea of controling zombies although my game is more arcady in nature I still enjoyed yours just as much.

My record is losing two planes! enjoyed this, quite simple but well executed.

Made me exhale through my nostrils

Really enjoyed this. Sometimes its hard to notice when the required items change but nonetheless, good game!

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yeah it was "very simple code to keep the zombies clumped together" just so I would have time to finish other stuff.

really creative and even so polished game! on the list of my favourites

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damn I really wanted to play this! (no controler) sounds like a fun afternoon.

Reminds me of one of those rage games, really hard to control. Although I feel like this would have fit the "out of control" theme better, still a solid game