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A member registered Oct 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Woo I got a best of 6256! Excellent remake, just maybe a slight too much camera shake.

Thanks for playing! We encountered some of these bugs in our playtesting but sadly didn't have time to fix it. We're working to push out a much more polished version with those bugs fixed!

Thank you for playing! I did manage to catch it and I enjoyed watching it!

Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you! We had two very talented artists!

Thank you for the comment! We're working on some things to help with attack feedback like enemy knock backs and effects! We didn't get a chance to put it in for the jam though due to time constraints.

thank you for your comment so much! We definitely plan to stick as a group and keep making things! It was fun teaming up with everyone for the first time.

That was super fun! Might need some balancing as I got in essentially a dead lock with my opponent but I had fun trying to break it!

I thought the art work was wonderful, and the game is fun to boot!

Super fun game, have to agree that it feels a little dark but past that it's tons of fun!

I was a tad bit confused on what to do, but once I figured it out I had a lot of fun! The music is wonderful.

Pretty fun! I really like the music, but it is quite difficult.

I love this game! It's super fun, and the menu screen is amazing. Simple concept, but beautifully executed.

I loved the gameplay, but I have to say the same as other comments, the glitch in the audio hurt my ears while was wearing my headset and had to stop playing due to it.

This game is wonderful and amazing! I would love this expanded, and built upon to contain a bunch of levels/a sort of story path to follow.

This is really good for 48 hours! I felt a little lost at times on what to do, but overall it was quite fun!

I love the concept, and on top of that it's super fun!

Use of the theme was good, I got lost in the dark a lot and I wasn't 100% on what I was supposed to be doing. Also lack of sounds kinda throws you off, but it's promising! 

I thought the game was super fun! I missed the mutation notifications at first, but after a bit I understood it. When I died it kinda bugged out and I could still make punching sounds, but nothing happened and my player went away. 

Might also add some background music.

Fun concept! The camera is a little finicky, maybe making it tied to the mouse movement rather than edge of screen panning. I often clipped through objects with the camera making it so I couldn't see too. 

Very good game! Art style is wonderful and well done, audio is amazing, and relation to the theme is good! Only feedback would be to either make the level auto restart on death, or add a quick reset button.

Wonderful game, I tried doing a speed run and didn't manage to get there! I also had a weird thing where it didn't seem like enemies could hurt me.

Yes, I believe it's because of the lack of feedback, we wanted to add a knock back to the weapons/damage animation but didn't have time which I think would help with it. Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks! We were hoping to tune more, but ran out of time unfortunately. Thank you again for the feedback! 

Thank you!

much thanks!

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!

Thanks! Both of our artists were busting out art super fast, and are super talented so much thanks to them! Thank you for the feedback, we'll probably try to fix a few and smooth out some stuff after the jam is rated.

Thank you for the comment, and thank you for the feedback! 

I really like the game! controls are a bit off though if you use WASD.

So how does this tie into the theme of "Everyday Magic"?

Hmm I do not, I ran the windows version of it myself and got sound so I'll have to try again and check it out.

Thanks for your comment! These are all valid things, I was trying to make something where an indicator would show where the mouse was from the player as a sort of "attack" direction. The artist who made the artwork is also skilled in making still pictures or like cover art, but not animations which explains the awesome cover art but lacking animations.

I tweeted at him, but we'll see I think its the same as last year just with a different seed.

There's no option to exit a song or go back to the main menu if you don't want to finish a song other than that 9/10.

Sorry for the late reply! I'm working on kind of a haunted house spooky game you can hit me up on and we can chat from there. :)

Hit me up man :D

I'm looking for a pixel artists who want to participate in this jam! Message me on here or shoot me a dm on twitter @adustyoldmuffin.