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A member registered Aug 17, 2022

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(1 edit)

Hi ! I like the "protection" concept, and it fits the theme really well :) And this game was made with Godot !
Here are a few things you could improve in a future version :
- I didn't see the beginning text at first,
- the restart button would be better if drawn in a similar visual style as the rest of the game,
- it's not obvious you can dash.
Good job ! :)

Really cool game, super-polished ! I had a great time playing it, it's quite addictive :) ! The music you chose fits well the rhythm of the game, the UI is very clean with a quick presentation/memo of the controls and nice animations.
You should definitely continue to work on it :) A few ideas/issues :
- a scoring system would be a great addition,
- some enemies overlap each other,
- some enemies (the arrows) got a little out of the borders, it would feel better if they stayed inside as all the rest is so clean ! :)

Good job !

Hello ! Nice post :) 

We're also under the average, here is our game Fish n' Chill
We plan to make a second version of this chill game with more content and a small scenarisation, so all criticisms and ideas are more than welcome :) !

Nice game !

I liked the main mechanic which fits the theme perfectly. It's funny to use environment to stay blocked, and synchronize things !
Here are a few things you could improve if you want to make a post jam version of this game :
- the music was buggy for me,
- controls are explained in a text block, it's usually better with a few small visuals,
- sometimes controls are buggy, player and AI are not very well synchronized and jumps lack precision.

Nice entry ! :)

Hi, here's our game : Fish n' Chill

We're looking for honest criticisms so don't hesitate :)
Thanks !

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Hi ! Nice art, I really liked the atmosphere, it reminded me of Portal 2 :) (May be that's why I was expecting some tragic ending for the player... but well here theme is "cooperation" !). It was nice to have the generated voice acting. I had issues for the snail game : the maintained clicks were not always working so I had to click a lot of times !
Nice entry for this jam :) !

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Hi ! Here is ours : Fish n' Chill
No web build either, but Windows build if it's okay for you. Thanks !

Fun concept and story ! I enjoyed playing it ! Well polished.
To improve it, I'd say dialogs would seem cleaner with capital letters.

Hi ! Great job for a jam ! Nice graphics, easy to understand gameplay, and it's really cool to see a story - especially an investigation ! And it fits well the theme :)

Thanks for sharing how the AI was made, it's simple but efficient for a jam !

For me there are a few issues :
- the answers are a bit too robotic (straightforward descriptions with no emotions), but may be this is because you had a lot of sentences to write ahead so that's a lot of work,
- the AI often say to "ask for more info", which makes it a bit artificial : they should say nothing or give the info right away; even if it might help the player to know what to do I think it's not necessary,
- the case is really simple to solve, no big twist, but it's funny to have the anonymous guy appearing (well... we guess who it actually is, and that's funny too),
- the AI are often not understanding what's said, which is understandable given the algorithm, but may be you could have added more responses to common investigation elements.

Thank you for this game, I had a nice time playing it !

Nice art, nice ambiance. Cool to see an adventure game in a jam ! 🙂 Also I liked how the "collaboration with an AI" appeared in your game. This is a detail, but it might be better if we could directly get to the top menu while text is shown, so you don't have to click and then open it (for the paintings puzzle this would be great).

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Nice game ! I like the "defend your partner" principle 🙂 It's very polished. Also, the game is easy to understand. The music is nice and creates an interesting atmosphere, however the sound design is too repetitive (may be add more sounds and apply a pitch modulation ?). The choice between repairing and upgrading is very interesting as it allows to modulate difficulty, good idea ! Nice to have random upgrades available, so we want to see what the next one will be ! To enhance the game, I noticed the fire shot doesn't fit exactly the mouse position, which can be frustrating sometimes (when it touches walls). Good job !

We're interested in constructive criticism too :) Here is our game Fish n' Chill !

Ok, so it was more to show off the capabilities, got it ! Please let me know when your next version is out, I'll be happy to play it :)

Hi, we'd like to get some critical review of our game, Fish n' Chill !

The only goal is to relax and enjoy your time with fishes :) We might create a version 2 of this game, keeping the chill genre but with more content, so honest reviews are appreciated ! Thanks !

Hello ! As a programmer and drawer, I enjoyed the concept ! However I couldn't get to obtain some points ! Anyway, nice submission !

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Hello, here is our game : Fish n' Chill

It's a relaxing game, the goal is genuine : play around with fishes AI and enjoy your time together :)

Hi, here is our game : Fish n' Chill

It's a chill experience, just to enjoy some time with fishes AI :) It's not web but available for Windows.

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I really liked the art and color palette ! Music was well chosen and gives the game a nice atmosphere. The robot's sound is a bit annoying as it lasts. However, I found the gameplay not very interesting as it's not really fast and not really puzzles either. May be have some levels with fast action and some with puzzles ? I'd like to see a story that you could add with this ambiance :)

Hi, thanks for your kind feedback ! :)
As we are a team of programmers, we had a "programmer-like" interpretation of the theme : the AI is not explicitly into our game story, but technically : it's the fish school. We wanted to create a strong collaboration interaction between the player and the AI in order to achieve a common goal for both of them : here it's enjoying the ocean together. However, now that we can see the other submissions, we notice that many people choose a narrative interpretation of the theme with a real AI or robot in their story,  so I understand you feel that our game doesn't match the theme.

Hi, you can find our chill game here :
Fish n' Chill
Hope you'll enjoy it !

Simple and nice graphisms, nice music. However, the physics is really not fitting the core gameplay mechanic. It's pretty hard to control and creates a lot of frustration, preventing to get immerged into the game ambiance.

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Nice game that really fits the theme ! I like the idea of gameplay. Characters and dialogs are nice too. To enhance this game, I'd say the lisibility is not optimal : it's hard to see quickly where you character is and where the AI line is. Also, even if the mechanic is easy to understand, like other people here I also didn't get it at first. I guess you should explain it on a simple and explicit way, may be with a very quick training phase. Currently it feels lost within the controls explanation.