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A member registered Feb 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comment! yes, pokemon was a huge inspiration when making this game.

Oof yeah, I had similar troubles while testing too, but happened rarely, I blame the movement system I created lol. Since I was referencing pokemon platinum, I wanted my movement to be like that. Grid base, but not step by step grid base. In platinum you can move a character one cell (let’s say to the left) and it would smoothly move to that cell, and pressing the left arrow would make it to keep moving smoothly until you release the button. But always being on the center of a cell and not inbetween. So I had quite a hard time trying to achieve that same behaviour (I even implemented the if you are looking in one direction and you press any other direction just once the character would not move but instead would face in that new direction)

TLDR: The movement system needed more polish and sometimes it could cause unintended behaviour (like auto-move) due to try to mix a smooth movement with a grid base one, oops.

Hey, I tried it and I was able to play it with no complications!

I don’t know how visually different it is from the original but I really liked that star effect on the floor, pretty unique. (If I see a screenshot of that pattern elsewhere I would totally recognize it from this game)

I did run into some bugs though, don’t know if this modified version caused them or not. But losing a few times or pressing R moments before losing (idk what triggers it) makes you immortal, the phantom will scream at you but you can stil move, hence lighting the whole area with it. (couldn’t find the exit even then, sad)

I found the woman, but when I talked to her nothing showed up, but my movement was freezed as if a dialog was happening but there was nothing on screen (like with the first man), pressing R was the only thing that worked, but approaching her again did not prompted the [E] to interact message again.

I read your comments on the feedback given as being difficult to traverse, I want to give my 2 cents if you don’t mind. Yes, I find it quite difficult to see where to go in the dark but I think it was due to two main things:

  • The first thing I noticed was these focus light stands being placed on the center of a end path. In one way this could serve as an effective stopping wall and you know you reached a dead end, but with the ability to jump from one path to another, if you jump to this end path, then it is no longer and “end” path but a “start” path, and having a literal wall in the middle would cause you to bump into it and lead you straight to your dead, by walking off the edge.

  • The second thing I noticed was that due to the floor having these glowing dots, the further you look, the more defined the path you would see in the distance (because the dots would be closer to one another) but near to you, the dots are more scattered, making difficult to see the path clearly (there was no defining shape) leading you to take a step into the void.

That was one cent, the second cent is how I think you could resolve those problems but take it with a grain of salt of course.

For the first issue I mentioned, a solution could be to have this end path be higher, like the last block, where the focus light is standing, be one block higher than the path. So making it clear that you shouldn’t jump there cause there is no much room to jump to, and even if you do, you know you jumped into a block so you would know to watch your step when moving after landing.

For the second issue, a solution could be to have some “edges” on the path, like have some more dots near the edges so when the dots are lighted up near you, you would see a clear defined shape, giving you a clue as to what is path and what is void.

Althoug given your design vision for the game, that could break the design planned or be too easy to traverse, so one approach could be to only show these “edges” at certain times (when the echoe sound is played, for example) that could even be tied to the source of the audio or in random points on the map, expanding outwards from the center point, lasting what the sound lasts.

Oh boi, I did not expect this to be that long, anyways, cool visuals, nice mechanics and thanks for taking the trouble to add an accessibilty feature for me to play this game!

Pretty cool game, nice visuals, loved the design of the fire!

Not me waiting for the trail to turn blue at some point thinking that’s when you press Enter, lol.

Nice game! (yes, I did figure it out after reading the description)

Fantastic!, really liked this one, very creative take on the theme. Awesome job!

global warming is umm planet umm can ladybug umm umm harpan sweet. -AlanBrito

Nice game, loved the visuals, specially the freezing animations, the puzzles were fun too.

Cool game, I got right away how the the ball moved so I was blazing through the levels (literally), the only wall I hit (pun intended) was with a bug on the last level, if the ball hits the bouncy yellow wall too fast it would get stuck inside it and not bounce off.

I eventually found the sweet spot and managed to beat it.

Hi, mine is like a pretty minor affliction (worst case, it could cause just a headache) but it’s under the same one that’s way extreme, called Photosensitivity epilepsy.

Usually the “Warning: This game may contain flashing lights” message is used to warn people who have it.

On ways to make the content itself accessible, I have only seen one example of this, in the game Subnautica, there you can turn on a checkbox and the flashing lights will appear in veeeeeeery slooooow motion. Helped a ton when I played it.

Thanks for your comment!

Thanks! And yes the caves from pokemon (platinum) was my inspiration to make the environment.

I played it again and got further now, but I got stuck on lvl4 this time, lol.

In the video you can see that sometimes I try to draw a line but it doesn’t appear, however it still consumes energy from the meter

Plus, I don’t know if that’s the default decrease meter speed or not

I just played the first painting, got around 50% again

And then I noticed it… I didn’t see there was a dark color background in the painting, lol

Now I reached 90%

Cool game, interesting choice to use the left control to freeze time (first time I tried it I closed the window, lol) I liked the different enemies, would have loved some feedback on the amount of enemy health left.

Oh this was lovely! it actually made me smile at the end. Pretty nice game! The levels were fun and smart, same with the use of the defrosting mechanic to traverse certain areas. Very cool!

(1 edit)

Pretty cool game, interesting mechanics, loved the visuals! That bullet trail reminded me of a lightsaber.

Cool, fun game! I liked the sound effects of the falling stars, well done!

Cool game, loved the visuals, specially the power ups design! Well done!


I’m glad I read the description telling me I could use that. Pretty cool game!

Wish I could play this, but I suffer from slight photosensitive in my eyes so I couldn’t keep playing. I can’t even look at the thumbnail gif for too long, lol.

Caw Caw! Caw Caw! Loved it! Pretty cool game!

Very cool game! Loved the puzzles, the visuals and the music match well together, well done!

Cool game, I liked all the enemy variations, specially those snow rabbits.

Cool game, nice story!

That boss is way too OP, lol. Cool game, had fun!

Nice game, loved the music, I was vibing all the way through it. Could be a nice music for a rhythm game.

Nice game

Good and fun game! Creative take on the theme as well. Liked the simplicity of it, I understood what I needed to do right away.

Glad you like it and good job on powering through to “free Ze”!

Thanks for your comment! And yeah, I totally agree on the lack of mechanics.

Nice, cool game. I liked the style.

Man I wasn’t able to paid off my loan (just like real life, lol).

Very cool game, pretty entertaining too. I played it a bunch of times.

Wish it wouldn’t be so heavily RNG dependant, sometimes you can’t even get a penguin to gather stuff and you stay there slowly getting money for the next upgrade with the hope that this time a gatherer shows up (and good luck with that).

Cool game, nice concept. I liked how you combined fire and ice with each having its own mechanic. Also the ice man design is lovely

Yay, I saved the town!

That was hard, keep restarting cause I soft locked myself up many times, lol.

Eventually I was able to come up with a strategy and I pulled it out, very nice game!

I played it again! Man, I really crave some ice cream now, those looked delicious!

Also, I fell for the quit on webGL message, good one.

It was cool being able to build stuff. The ice blocks looked great too.

Nice, loved the southpark character, lol.

Hi, yes, I did only try it on Chrome (that’s the one I use) and on Edge.

But i’m pretty sure it must be a “me” issue, lol.

Awesome! very fun game. The levels were fun and increasing on difficulty. The animations were fantastic, overall pretty great game! Loved the last level, took me a couple of tries but I did it!

Nice one, loved how the frozen villagers had some kind of charm in them.

Sad, this game looked fun but it lags crazy bad for me for some reason.