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Altair DNP

A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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My favourite one is "No Sanctuary For The Hunted" very cool intro and the development with the violin really ups the tension fitting your description. Well done!

Very dreamy piece,  I would've liked a little bit more development since you have some cool melodies there, but overall good job!

I like your take on the theme, very unique story. For the first track I would've liked a little bit more bass just to give it more depth but overall great. Before reading the description and jumping directly to soundcloud I was expecting some kind of Gregorian chant but I was pleasantly surprised with the 8-bit texture. Good job!

Emilè'sTheme -  My first though was Liszt for the intro.... It  fits perfectly to the description that you give, it truly shows the "eccentricity" of the professor.

No escape - For some kind of reason the intro reminded me to the opening song of Westworld, anyways, very cool piece, the chopin inspiration shows. Well done!

I really like the atmosphere you created with both your pieces. The second one, exactly at 0:55 seconds reminded me of a track called "Second Chances" of the Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void OST, Its such a nice piece, really evokes a  sense of hopefulness in the middle of all despair. Great Job!

(Btw nice cover art, really fits the style of your tracks, props to the artist as well)

Very calm and melancholic, such a beautiful piece and nice use of the textures, good job! (also I loved the SFX in the background :D)

Yeah, I ran out of time while solving some clipping problems and I think I accidentally messed up the volume. Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you! 

I also like how it ends, I appreciate your comment! 

Hahaha nice description. Thank you for listening!

Thanks ! :D

I spent a lot of time looking for some textures that  I liked, Thank you!

 Glad you liked it, I appreciate your insights!

Yeah, I was trying to achieve something like that for the ending, thank you for listening!.

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"this might suck and i know it" thankfully, from my perspective, you are wrong, you successfully managed to portray the peacefulness that comes with wandering around a forest,  I can imagine it in a calm visual novel type of game or, in general,  adventure story-driven games like Little Missfortune or Arise. Well done!.

Very cool soundtrack, I love the narrative you came up with, really deep. My favorite track is"Her Cage", it says so much with so little. Good Job!

(1 edit)

Some random thoughts on your tracks:

Wasteland - Very ominous, perfectly sets up the apocalyptic world

Shadows From Past -  The use of SFX  really adds up to the overall atmosphere

Bad Omens -  Creepy lullaby with a feeling of breaking all kinds of hope

Cool soundtrack very dark and appropriate for the theme you chose, good job!

Nice job keeping the increasing tension between tracks, I liked all of them!

Nice soundtrack,  "Fight For Food With The Rats Minigame" was a highlight for me, I've never imagined such scenario and the song fits perfectly, well done!

Very retro, I love it, also your naming scheme for the tracks really adds up to the experience of "exploring the unknown". Nice submission!

Here are some random thoughts on each of the tracks:

Run (Intro) — The way that builds up the tension gives that sense of accelerating progressively  
House Seduction — Very seductive, I got spooked by the end though
Eternal/Endless Treadmill — Basically the "workout'till you die" theme :D
Moment of Calm — Nice piano melody, gives off an aura of "everything is okay... for now"
Exorcist Arrives — The beats and the organ, Wow!
The House Always Wins — Hahaha after that boss battle song, this makes me feel like I died but I am not aware of it yet...
Credits — Very spooky credits .-.

Very cool soundtrack overall, I like the variety on each of the tracks as well as the story that you picked for the game, good job!

I like the variety of instrumentation in your piece,  the percussion really captures the "adventuring into new territory" that you describe, well done!

Here are some of my thoughts on each of your tracks:

Valiant and Volant!- Very upbeat, it has that energy of setting out into an adventure

Hovering and Homesick- Cool dreamy vibes.

All Aboard the Airship- You really captured the level selection menu with this one, It makes me want to select something right away!

High Spirits, Higher altitudes!- High octane battle theme in the sky, very cool!

Mile-High Magma- Holy s**t! the melodies in this one are really catchy!

Death by Drigible- This has that  "if you don't  hurry you will die"  feeling , I would feel very anxious playing this part of the game so good job? xD

Dream-Dyed Aerodyne- This one has a very dramatic atmosphere and also a magical and ethereal aura proper for a magical Boss.

Mission Clear! - Oh yeah, Party Time! 

I loved your entire soundtrack, and the way you described everything made it so much real to me, very well done!

My take on this is that the repetitiveness adds up to the feeling of the uncertainty that awaits and slowly builds up to some discovery that changes things but not dramatically, I mean you could have a bombastic display of colours and textures but by leaving it  as simple as possible shows how in real life most of the things are repetitive until they aren't but then everything returns to some new normality. I really liked your message of "you cant outrun yourself" for an exploration game, it could mean that maybe the environment is not the problem because it the problem was within you all along.. very psychological. Good job overall!

Nice atmosphere, you successfully managed to capture that sense of adventure and eagerness to discover the unknown, good job!

The synths are really well executed and the transitions are smooth as butter, really well done!

Very peaceful, after working all day I find it relaxing. A little bit repetitive but I thing that adds up to the sense of tranquillity , good job!

"How does it fit the theme? Yes" Hahahahaha nice.

I like your entry, very dramatic, my interpretation of your piece is someone escaping in the middle of the night, and unexpectedly  finds himself in the middle of the forest while hearing  the crows cawing and since it never stops maybe they are approaching, that would symbolize perhaps death approaching? In some cultures crows are seen as omens of death so yeah, pretty creepy, understandable to run in that situation :).

On the Run - Cool track, indeed very dramatic.
An Unmarred Grove - A very lovely and mysterious track, really evokes that sense of exploring unknown territory.
Those Who Give Chase - I felt like a was being chased, well done!, I really like the percussion on this one, it makes it very dramatic.
Spiders and Cobwebs - That eerie feeling of having a giant spider above you :).

It really shows that you put a lot of care and effort in each of the pieces,  I really like  your entry, well done!

The overall atmosphere of the song reminds me of the OST of Little Missfortune. Very cool song, nice job capturing that sense of entering to the unknown!

Thank you! I wish that as well but sometimes it's hard for me to come up with something I really like so most of my compositions never see the light of the day and tend to vanish in the depths of my hard drive 😅

I appreciate your comment, not rude at all, the repetitiveness maybe was me running out of ideas lol, but later I thought that when you are alone in the forest there isn't much happening until something happens so I decided to leave it like that :D

Also I would love to hear your comments on my other tracks, but don't expect them to be like this, most of the time is me experimenting with different things so everything kinda sounds very different...


Never played that game, I guess I will have to take a look at it, Thank you! 

Cool!, hope you like them :D

I see you went for the "at least 30 minutes" submission requirement lol. I can't believe you did this in only two days, you could have stopped at the main theme but no, you went above and beyond, props to you! I loved every single track, the atmosphere, the instrumentation, everything. I only can wonder what would you do with 3 days...Very well done!

I loved the main theme, also  every movement has a lot of personality, it would great if you can explore them in more depth in the future, really great work!

I think you managed to portray that feeling of uncertainty perfectly, very cool sounds and ambience throughout the track. Well done!