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Paths to TreadView project page

Salvation lies only in the road ahead
Submitted by elitestratman (@paulcomposing) — 8 hours, 12 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#54.3334.333

Ranked from 27 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

A mother rescues her child from the foot of a mountain where he was left to starve after being deemed unfit for war. Now sentenced to death, the two prove to be uniquely tenacious as they flee their Spartan pursuers. There is only safety in the road ahead.

Game Title: Paths to Tread
Music Genre: Hybrid Orchestral
Game Genre: Survival/Adventure/Action

The soundtrack to Paths to Tread features primarily strings, including my electric violin for the first time ever! The accompaniment is a blend of virtual strings, sampled guitars, synths, and percussion.

The first track is called No Sanctuary for the Hunted and tells the story of our ragged mother and child pair as they escape to the wilds. It plays out almost like an extended chase sequence, beginning with the decision to leave home and ending with a moment of respite.

The second song picks up from this moment of rest and gives our heroes hope for the chance of a new life in the many roads that lie ahead.


Message from the artist:
Hi jammers! The first song No Sanctuary for the Hunted is special to me since it was my first time recording myself playing electric violin in a song that other people will actually listen to. As a violist I struggled a lot with intonation and consistency on the new instrument but after about 20 takes for each phrase I think I have something passable. Hope you enjoy it :)


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The image drawn by @azfrankenstein evoked strong imagery of the depicted pair fleeing from danger. I aimed to capture that feeling in the first song. However, I also wanted to give the characters some hope, so that was my goal for the second song.

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This was great!! Sorry I couldn't rate it in time. I loved "No Sanctuary for the Haunted" It gave this awesome feel like I was back playing borderlands! You did an Awesome job!


The electric violin is great! A very raw sound in it, with the dissonance, works really well!


Love the intertwining of digital and "real" instruments, and the epic tone overall. You really have a recognizable "style" that makes for memorable tracks. Also, please keep recording yourself on the violin, it really brings your style to another level.


Thank you! Glad you thought the violin playing added something :)


Excellent work, done in a professional manner. The music accurately describes the Middle Ages. Sounds professional, mastered at a professional level. Wonderful!

Developer (1 edit)



Oh awesome build ups in both tracks, sounds like a mix of trailer and I don't know actually its pretty unique, I love the brass melody and the synth arp. Many Paths To Thread is my favorite, definitely nailed the hope feeling. Well done ! 


Thanks for listening! I think I do get inspired by trailer music, mostly the old stuff like TSFH before it became all BWAHHHHHHH


My favourite one is "No Sanctuary For The Hunted" very cool intro and the development with the violin really ups the tension fitting your description. Well done!


Thanks :)



everything fits perfectly together, mixing and melody-wise. the composition is incredible and time just flies by. Sound selection is amazing and it is so dynamic and realistic, if it was a real orchestra. That really gave me goosebumps. 

Incredible submission! Keep up the great work :o


Thank you!


This is an odd one for me, because it’s—as far as I’m able to judge—a very effective pair of tracks in a style that I normally don’t like at all. A strong sense of Hans Zimmer in how it gets this big solid sound and uses the orchestra like a band. A nice clear mix, and effective harmony and momentum. Well done!


Thanks for giving it a listen :)


I really love both tracks! The strings in the first track are really great and the percussion is really good too, adds to the tension and makes for an epic track. 

The second track is to no surprise also incredibly good. The built up is really good and I absolutely love the horns and trombones (I think those are the instruments used but I could be wrong). The melody here is really nice and the strings and percussion that support it make it a very epic track like the first one. Fantastic job.


Thanks! There is indeed a french horn playing the melody, and then it's doubled by a guitar. I thought the texture was cool


Great soundtrack! Love your electric violin and the energy all around, a pleasant feel! Very good work!




No Sanctuary for the Hunted: This is an epic track. I was immediately drawn in by the intricate rhythm. I like how you have a progression of soft layers transitioning to loud and full layers that helps keep the intensity of the track moving forward. The risers and fallers really help your transitions and add to the epicness. My absolute favorite part is when the violins come in with the rich sounding eighth note repeat. I am in awe of your orchestral abilities and balancing so many different instruments while making sure all of the textures are heard. This is one of my favorite tracks from the entire jam that I’ve heard so far.

Many Paths to Tread: The slow accelerando is a unique idea and adds tension and urgency to the track. Your orchestral percussion is something that stands out immensely to me in your writing. What VST or library do you use to create those epic drum sounds?

Overall you have a strong foundation in what makes a track sounds GOOD. You stepped out of the box here and ventured away from typical epic songs and made something that is different but still stands among the great video game compositions. I also have noticed that your comments on others’ OSTs are filled with positivity and I want you to know that this is much appreciated. While everyone can use feedback that is constructive, saying it in a nice way and helping someone feel good about what they have created goes a long way. You do such a great job of this. And I think you also understand the idea that commenting on the things that make a track good is equally effective feedback because it reinforces people to use those specific strategies or techniques again in the future while exploring in other areas which help their composition skills grow. In any case, thank you for being such a positive part of this community and thank you for sharing your awesome music!


Thanks so much Blue Lava! I totally agree that every soundtrack submitted to this jam brings something different and unique to the table that should be celebrated, and more importantly the musician behind each soundtrack is here both for fun and to improve. There are no professionals here (I think), so it's an excuse for us hobbyists to do what we love while not in a vacuum and where other like-minded people can listen. This group is my absolute favorite audience to write music for hands down. Thanks for reminding me why with your flattering comments :)

As for the epic drums, they're a mix of Damage by Heavyocity and Hammers by Spitfire. One I got for free and the other was the best library purchase I've ever made. I would highly recommend either on their own too!


First of all hilarious choice of cover picture. Haha.

I love how energetic your tracks are. Great diversity of sounds and dynamics, too. without being overbearing. I also like how you pick up the main theme again in the second track. Great work!


Hodor **Cough** sorry **clears throat** thanks for listening!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Wonderful job... I like how some instruments really leaned into that leading tone to tonic movement, while others were more open intervallic-ally. It made for a lot of depth. 

Also, nice going with the electric violin-- you'll definitely get those takes down sooner next time.


soon I’ll be able to hit record and the song will just appear 


Nice job! I really like the strings! Nice progression... Congratulations!


Both of these tracks are amazing! They both sound like something from a movie. The electric violin in the first song is absolutely beautiful, I love how it integrates into everything so smoothly! And the way the second song uses the melody from the first in a more heroic way makes it perfect for a dramatic final scene. I wish I knew how to make something this high quality. Fantastic job!


Thanks! I suppose it did end up more like a movie soundtrack than a game soundtrack haha. Glad you think the violin works, it means a lot! And quality only gets better with time, so keep at it!


Congrats on your electric violin performance, I think you did great! I like the pacing in both pieces, they would go well in a movie. Nice job!


Thanks! Glad you liked my violin playing :)


Your music is really impressive. I didn't get boring when I listen to this and really enjoyed it) Great use synths and orchestra together


'Twas my pleasure to not bore you :)


Woah, talk about hitting the ground running. Straight out the door, this definitely got that wow factor. Those violins. Got some serious frisson when they hit. Absolutely beautiful and really engaging man! Beautiful glides too! Man! Definitely nailed that epic feeling.

The second one was also great. I really liked how the leitmotif came back and how the adventurous sounding horns supplemented this one later, providing it with its own identity.

Excellent use of pacing in both. Excellent mix. This one is definitely going on my regular playlist.


Thanks! Glad you you liked the strings. I had lots of fun recording the weird glidey violin stuff


Nice, cinematic vibes in both tracks. Really feels like a movie. The constant buildup in the second track had me in anticipation the whole time.


Thanks for listening, I suppose it is more cutscene-like than BGM-like. Glad you liked the slow build :)


Track 1: immediately, I am drawn into this cool, unique orchestration, an awesome cinematic combo of electronic and orchestral tracks. Great playing on the electric violin! Never be afraid to show off your other talents. even if you aren't perfect, it is a major feat to record and mix your own stuff.

Track 2: I love this instrument in the beginning... feels like a harp, but with a beat delay on or something. Ramping up the tempo was an awesome decision to slowly increase the intensity! Those tempo changes definitely gave this piece a sense of mounting energy.

In all, these two pieces are great, and you did an excellent job. I have no advice, I think you've found your voice and you do what you do well. Maybe next time, something more outlandish would be cool to hear... Keep writing!


Thanks for listening David, and thanks for the compliments on my heavily retouched violin playing :)

That instrument you like is a combination of Noire soft piano with maximum clickiness settings combined with some synths from Aperture by Spitfire. Both of which I can highly recommend if you're looking to grow your arsenal. Cheers!

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