Woah! I love the art in this game and the mechanics are very well done! Excellent work! Keep up the game dev journey!
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There were so many great games it's hard to choose but two real standouts for me were
Engulfed by flavedogame, Eugenia, and spiritbeard https://itch.io/jam/gamedevtv-jam-2024/rate/2732317
Tea And Coffee and All by Dreamtek https://itch.io/jam/gamedevtv-jam-2024/rate/2742539
Also when i just needed to play something relaxing and unwind after playing a lot of submissions I kept coming back to
The Last (Hotdog) Stand by Seedborne https://itch.io/jam/gamedevtv-jam-2024/rate/2750942
That's so cool that you are potentially planning a YouTube devlog regarding the jam! I think a lot of folks would enjoy and learn a lot from that. My brothers and I were thinking about doing a similar project and I think overall it could be really great content and could help people who are thinking about getting into their first game jam. Just wanted to post a reply to this to encourage that project :D
thank you for that kind review rasblo! Funny thing about that Blackjack mechanic. So Eric and I are identical twin brothers and when we were in college we rather spectacularly flunked out of an Intro to Computer Science Course. The assignment that sealed our doom…a simple command line Blackjack game. We just couldn’t figure it out and we both kind of said “well I guess we aren’t CS guys” flash forward to about a decade and a half later and we spent the last couple years learning programming from online resources and we decide to enter our first game jam. The Coup De Grace for our jam…a full implementation of Blackjack in our jam game! We feel redeemed! 😂😂😂 so anyway all that is to say that you enjoying our game and especially enjoying the Blackjack feature means a lot to us!
Wow I loved this game so much! It felt like I was playing a true hidden gem from like the SNES/Genesis era of gaming and I mean that in the best way possible! The sound, the animations, the controls, everything just made me happy and took me back to that. At the same time the giant spoon and the mechanics revolving around that were something I haven't played before.
Congratulations this was tons of fun!
really cool game! the different abilities were really well executed. The 3D visuals are excellent everything is well textured and well lit. Some nice effects as well! I saw from your page that this represents your first full year of working on game development that is an awesome achievement. Keep up the great work!
This game was awesome I got addicted! Really cool gameplay hook and I definitely felt the drive to keep going and unlock more weapons. The visuals were really excellent, I was thinking about one of my absolute favorite games from the SNES which was Zombies Ate My Neighbors. It had that fun cartoony horror vibe that I love a lot.
Excellent work!
hi there CeyKie! Thanks for stopping by and trying our game! I think if I could do it over again I would have definitely tried to fine tune the difficulty or at least give more difficulty options. My poor brother composed 3 epic songs for this game and I think most people will only hear the first one 🥹 I really enjoyed the vibe of The Last Kittens btw!
Everything about this game was just a massive massive hit for me. The visuals were charming and appealing yet also clearly communicated what I needed to do with all of the recipes. The crafting system was SATISFYING! Those juicy chopping sounds as I was preparing my veggies were a real auditory treat. The gameplay loop really gripped me, I kept wanting to unlock and discover new recipes.
For me this is a perfect game!
Excellent work!
This was really impressive! It takes guts to tackle a full on 3D FPS in the span of 10 days and this was really well executed. Action was face paced, I immediately had fun running around the spaceship and blasting aliens. Amazing how many cool animations were in the game too!
My one piece of feedback is that I wish there was just a bit more visual/audio confirmation for when you shoot the enemies and they are taking damage but they don't die. The death confirmation is really good! The blood and the animation are excellent! I just found myself thinking that I was whiffing all my shots and I wish there was some sort of confirmation that I was hitting my target.
Overall an amazing entry. Great work!
hey Dragonspirit Games thanks for giving us a shot. As you can see from our comments you definitely weren’t the only one who had some trouble with our game. I wish we had added some fine tuning on the difficulty or at least had different options. Regardless, I’m happy that you have ours a try, thanks! 🙏