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A jam submission

Wine WarriorsView game page

fps, casual, explosion
Submitted by Zilpio Gaming (@ZilpioG) — 8 hours, 55 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Did you use any existing assets? If so, list them below.
Mixamo animation and characters, Unreal Engine EdithFinch assets (All free assets), also Realistic Starter VFX Pack Vol 2, all asset was listed in the comunity post with all free asset usable for the jams!

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I like that really cool concept I just didn't really get what type of ammo/quantity seems to reset everytime I pick one but at the end did not really matter was still able to beat the game


Cool idea/concept and fun to play, but I wasn't sure about who to shoot (everyone, i guess?), the introduction is nice but the objectives are not entirely clear. For what side am i fighting? am i just trying to get both sides to stop fighting eachother? Should i find the sniper that shot me and leave the rest? 

The game looks and feels great, but the objective of the player should be more clear.

Cheers ;)


Great story and idea.  I would like a full version with multiplayer of this.

I was unsure of who I should be shooting, so I was just shooting everybody.

Well done for including settings and multiple levels as well.


Very fun game! I enjoyed the opening cinematic and the gameplay felt great. I was confused as some of the ammo pickups decreased my total ammunition. I assume this is because they are different types of ammunition, but that wasn't really made clear and if felt like I was losing ammo for some reason. I still had fun progressing through each level. Great job and thank you!


thank you very much for playing and the feedback! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This was really fun!

My favorite part was that the shooting felt really good, the bullet drop physics and everything made it really satisfying to get long distance kills. The meaty shots on the second level were so satisfying, I really loved that level.

I also like Satinel below thought that I was supposed to stay up on the ledge and snipe but then I realized I could get ammo that had spawned below.

Music was great and really intense, it fit the gameplay well. The sound effects were well chosen I just wish I could have maybe turned them down slightly or turned the music up a bit. I know it's always tough to get those little menu items in during a game jam. (Maybe I missed this option though feel free to let me know)

One of the best action games I've played so far!

Excellent job!


thank you very much for your detailed feedback! I really forgot the sounds options.... Damn! You are right! 


that's okay! It's still an excellent submission!


I'm glad both sides learned to co-exist in the end, if only it had happened before so many lives were lost! (You say you didn't have time to put in a proper ending, but that's much better than I managed!)

I was a little confused at first, being a sniper I felt like I was supposed to stay up on the ledge where I spawned in the first level, but then ran out of ammo. I didn't realize I could jump down and interact with the rest of the level until my second attempt.

There aren't many sniping games out there, I feel like, even though it's a fun concept for games. I liked the attention to detail with bullet-drop. I also liked being a tiny person running around in a 'giant' world. :)


Thank you a lot for the detailed feedback! :)


Great game!


thank you for playing


I'd love to test your game but I only have my macbook this week :/ Can you publish a browser version? Come and try to survive the zombie apocalypse on my game :) 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

for sure!  Unfortunately unreal regole the web gl version let of versione ago! 


For sure, an interresting approach on the theme :D I had fun playing it, but on the first round I shot every one, then I let the aliens destroy the wine and then I learned ohh that is the one I should have saved :D (maybe I just didnt pay any attention during the cutscene :)) The maps were fun, but if I drop I die that was surprising. Overall nice entry to the jam!
If you have time, I would really like to hear your thoughts on our game and get your rating ;)


thank you for playing


Pew Pew 


This was an interesting game sometimes I couldn't find any ammo around me but overall it was pretty fun. The cutscene was also very cool :D


thank you for playing


This was really fun! It was a bit weird though, one of the times I ran out of ammo and no more spawned. I looked around for a good minute and couldnt find any. .


Thank you a lot for playing!! 

there is always a spawner (it's in fixed position near the spawning player zone)!


First thing. I would expect the main menu to see wine glasses or something from the theme xD. Missed opportunity.

The story and visuals are very good. especially the cinematic as the start (explaining the story). However the story wasn't finished and the game already starts playing. 

Also I've no idea what to do when ammo is empty or falling from the table means dead. 


thank you for your feedback! 

Ammo get spawned around the player location, with higher probability if you are low on ammo


That is a great idea. loved it. had fun while playing it.


Lol, love the idea, the meaty shots on the 2nd level were great fun!


thank you very much!