Did you interact with her enough? Jun (the bot) needs to like you a certain amount before talking with her
Recent community posts
Oh I perfectly understand your preference, and I like those consistent games too. I might be wrong but I feel like this is an indie game, devs may have good knowledge but they're most likely not as numbered (and maybe as heavily experienced too) as big companies teams. We can't really ask them complex or triple A game stuff, or at least not as everyday updates so your refutation still depends more of who is making the game. The game has around 3 years already so all you currently see was made throughout that period and they probably used most of that time to work on it. If they were to make Anon gain less, they would also need to change other things like the rent payment, clothes and robot parts prices and that sorta stuff. Maybe it's not THAT hard but it would still take a good chunk of time, time which they could use for other things like fulfilling some community suggestions, adding other new gimmicks, taking a good rest, more important things basically. I understand if your mind doesn't let those things that can ruin the immersion slip but again, imagination is pretty OP. Or like I've previously said, most people simply don't mind these details. IC most definitely saw your idea so we'll see if he does something about it in some future, it would be pretty neat if he does. But a good main ending could also easily solve most of this as you mentioned, and he might be working on it already
I think your issue is that you're not discerning between gameplay and narrative. Money is in general just a way for you to get stuff so you don't acquire it right away. The story implies that Anon is rather poor so you have to imagine that same thing, even if gameplay-wise he has more income. And the game does have differences in particular moments: there is at least one that I remember where Landlord rises the rent because he finds out about bot living there, so if you have less than the new amount he'll say something like "Shit, I don't have that much money!" but if you have more he says "I've got some cash on me, it's not so bad". Making dialogues and other differences for more particular scenarios takes more work and (because of that) is usually unnecessary, most people are fine with a simple recognition like this one
Think about how in the God of War series, the greek Kratos can shred through sturdy materials including literal divine armour and jump crazy heights but if there's a batch of rocks or a wooden door little guy needs to take another way or pull a lever, or in rpgs your character says "That's too expensive! But looks nice. Should I buy it?" even though he has septillion coins and the item in question is a common object to you because you grinded the heck out of the game before that moment. Those things you simply don't dispute about them
Basically, don't think too much about it. IC might add more of these small details later but it's most likely not priority. If the author said the curtains were blue, he really meant it
I'm not sure. When I checked mine it was 164 or around that (main game). I checked another one and it was more (500 or so). I suppose the number decreases if you stop interacting with the robot. You seem to have treated her well. That explains why it is a very high amount. It's probably possible to reach that number (2333). But few things require so much
All endings are achieved with different combinations of answers to Shanice (the nun) and Ecclesiasticalot FF (Priestbot). Simply try one that you hadn't already and you should eventually get all of them
A small spoiler: You get the 5th one by choosing the second option first time you talk with Shanice (being realistic with her instead of cheering her up). It's the fastest and easiest one to get, hence why I believe you won't mind that I've told you how to get this one. Just remember to go back to the church one more time next day. I can tell you the other ones if you want and nobody tells you before that
I'm not sure if I understand correctly. I will try to answer as best as possible.
I was wrong. The game doesn't tell you. But you can see the affection. Use "в файл" option in main menu. You need to check the file using a text editor. Find your number, which is called "slot" (for example: ячейка 7 -> "slot": 7, ячейка 12 -> "slot": 12, etc.). Then find "sympathy" in that part. You can use the search option to make things easier
If you don't want to do this, I recommend that you take your time. When I play, I pet her a lot. Then events are possible. Let me know if this helped
Вам нужно много раз навещать Аннали (продавщицу). После этого она захочет увидеть робота. Она попросит вас привести ее.
Роботу нужны все детали и его нужно одеть. Вам также нужно, чтобы робот действительно любил вас. Играй с ней, ласкай ее, занимайся с ней сексом
Если вы ей действительно нравитесь, при разговоре с ней вы увидите новую опцию. Выберите этот вариант. После этого в двери появится новая опция. После этого ты можешь пойти с ней
Я использую переводчик. Извини за это. Я надеюсь, это поможет вам
There is no exact way of knowing affection. She behaves different the more she likes you. That can help you know
About the update. The translator must have confused you (looks like you are russian). Maybe this is what you saw. "Cumming outside". It refers to ejaculate on her body. Google translates this as "outdoors"
I tried to make sentences simple. It can help translation. I hope so. Try to translate each sentence of this comment separately
Чтобы получить концовку 5, вам нужно выбрать второй вариант при первом посещении церкви. сходить в церковь еще раз
Чтобы получить концовку 2, выберите следующий порядок: первый вариант, второй вариант, первый вариант, первый вариант.
Вы сможете снова увидеть Шенис, если получите концовку 2.
Я, очевидно, использую переводчик. надеюсь, это читабельно
Oh, I remember the dialogue with Landlord you're talking about, just way earlier for me (between day 30 and 40 I think). I chose that one only to see what he would say but I forgot sometimes it takes days to trigger an event/effect after making decisions, so I just backtracked and picked the other one,which I'd have originally gone for. If I don't get lazy I'll check this option and see if same thing happens. Didn't expect that simple event to have such a big impact, it felt like an immersive, rather irrelevant moment
Just choose the other option, ignore him. Nothing happened to bot at least in my case up to day 60 with that one
Mmm...maybe you could give some more details?
I've seen someone saying that, because of treating the bot bad, she leaves at one point (around your day / late game) and you can even find her in another place after that. Maybe that's your case and so you just have to treat her well and it won't happen. If it's not that, no idea
Well, because that's how is supposed to be. As far as I'm concerned you can't change it. Maybe if you mess with the files but that obviously is not a conventional way. In a future update we might be able to choose the name who knows, although haven't seen anyone care about it. There's also a dialogue that makes a joke about his name, so it would get ruined if you could change it
For me I think it was between day 25 and 30 first time I played and the special dialogue was already there. I've just check it out again without interacting with her and this time it wasn't there. I did the logic thing (pet her,lovey-dovey,play) and then the dialogue with her appeared. That means you also need her to like you a certain amount. I've bought Death grip drug and did it two times letting her take the lead with cum fully regenerated i.e. 6 and pet her good bunch of times. Also, usually her affection grows whenever she throws a dialogue when making interactions, just so you take it into account. You can even see mental health going up exactly when she says something
In summary: discombobulate perhaps you're missing interacting with her more, that could help you trigger the dialogue
No you're not high on anything (I hope), he just locked the post. I wonder if momentarily only. Go to "View all posts" and go down a bit, or just type on the community search bar "You can post your suggestions here". Also liked your idea of giving consumables to Jun, I like to imagine you can see her calmly enjoying a meal or get a dialogue at least
Maybe the dev had already got enough suggestions?
You have to dress her properly like one of the dialogues says. But you're probably refering to a special dialogue that you need to trigger before you are given the option to go out with her.I don't know exactly how but it has to do with talking and playing with the bot constantly and maybe do her the pium pium like Naikalo said haha. Just try that and eventually,when choosing "talk", it will give an option that says something like "I need to talk to her about the posibility of going outside". After that when clicking the door you'll have the option and if the bot is missing something it will tell you. She also needs all limbs of course
Edit: Forgot to mention,I'm not entirely sure but I think you actually need to go to the store one or two times more after she asks you to see the bot
Maybe a bit late,but here it goes (it might as well help someone else)
Quick answer: Go to the church,choose the 1st option (cheer Shanice up) then go again,choose the 2nd option (mention the decayed state of the church),third visit choose the 1st one (Help them),fourth visit pick the 1st option (tell Priestbot to make the trip) and voilà,good ending
Now one than another detail. So the second visit where you see Gabriel from ULTRAKILL trying to seduce V1 with a robo-cosplay of himself Ecclesiasticalot FF the answer is actually relevant for the good ending,maybe it won't seem like it since he mainly talks like a robot but he does have emotions so don't break the bag of gears' feelings or he will refuse to go to the Vatican and be blessed by Kaio Sama or something
After getting the good ending you'll have to go outside and use the "Go for a walk" option. Haven't tested if it has to be at a particular moment but my guess is there's no difference,just do that from time to time and after that the sidestory will continue. Be patient,remember there are a bunch of events that trigger after certain requirements,one of them may be time (including full days) and in this case the patch notes said it's 4 days (previously 7 days,thank you dear dev)
This is kind of punctilious by me but there's no difference if Anon (the character)...ahem...does his thing with Jun (the sexbot) or not after the first mandatory stream. If you help Shanice she will still find the "sticky substance" (it's obviously glue ¬_¬') when checking on the bot. I wish there was a change in dialogues or so
And I got shocked by that ending too,it was pretty awful.Although to be fair it happens in a church almost in ruins...on a dystopian world...where people don't even look at each other...like the name of the game suggests...and it's called "the worst ending". Yeah,there is barely any margin to imagine other outcomes. Also sorry for the excesive rambling