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A member registered 66 days ago · View creator page →

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Great game, it would be great to play on mobile.

Great game, love the artstyle.

Great game, i love the combination of turn based game with cards.

Fun game

Great game!

Love the pirate aesthetic.

The artstyle is really unique. Overall a great game

One of my favourite so far.

Great concept, i really liked the cartoon artstyle

Haha, really fun concept, i had a lot of fun exploring diffrent dialog options

I love the color palets used in this one, everything looks so smooth. I also like the character design

Wow, this is the most impressive game i've seed so far.

This was a fun one, artstyle reminds me of undertale. The only cons are blurry backgrounds and not fitting fonts

Great job, i love the pirate theme. I like the artstyle but some textures overlap.

One of the best games I've played this jam. Everything is perfectly polished.

Great minimalist game, it reminded me a lot of the game i used to play a lot called "Reigns". My only complaint is that i had hard time understanding the UI.

I love how much effort you put into making this game. The artstyle, music and story were great. I also enjoyed the fishing minigame.

This game is awesome, love to see a complete project. The only thing i would change is music as it was too chill for my liking (the blinking lights were scarry though). Great game overall.

The game wass really fun to play (although the inverted camera was a little bit anoying). I love the character design

This game is so much fun, everything comes well together and some puzzles are really clever.

Quite nice. With a little bit of polishing could be really fun. 

The game was really fun. Like the graphics (especially this little tv guy). The only issue i encounter is with the sound effects cutting mid playing. Overall a great game.