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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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At one point there were some walls that bounced me back, I didn't quite understand how to get past that as it hadn't been explained.

Slightly confusing but super cool!

Got hooked on this and couldn't stop playing until I had upgraded everything to max. Good game! :D

Not quite sure what made moving the limbs difficult. I just didn't feel like I had control over them at times which made things feel frustrating.

Haha, thank you! Yeah, I know of that bug, several people have discovered it already, unfortunately...


Great art and atmosphere! I struggled a bit with the controls and mechanics though. I did make it through a couple of rooms but got the cube stuck somewhere I couldn't get it out from. 

Thank you! :D

I think I understood how to play, but wasn't sure. Threw eggs and cars away from the plant and that made it grow bigger. Some sound and UI that give the player some more information would be some nice improvement :)

Thanks for playing! I'm unfortunately aware of that bug. It's thankfully not game breaking though :P

Pretty good! As others have said, if you polish this game a bit more it could turn out to be a very good experience :)

Thank you for your lovely comment! :)

Simple and fun game with great art!

Fun game! Love the name! I struggled quite a bit with moving the 2nd alien's limbs so unfortunately never unlocked the 3rd guy.

Top score for creativity and style! I'm not very good at these kind of games though, so had a hard time understanding what was going on.

Thank you! Could be a feature if I continue working on this :)

Thank you for your lovely comment! Yes, all assets where made in 48 hours, except the font! To show percentage score was the idea at first actually but because I opted to have this finished during the weekend I had to change the plans :)

Very cool mechanic! Fits the theme very well. Unfortunately I found the movement speed to be painfully slow so had to quit the game before I could try all the levels.

Haha, I guess I deserve that! Thanks for playing! :P

Happy you liked it! :D

Great art and atmosphere. Unfortunately had no idea how what to do or where to go.

Aw, thank you so much! 

I enjoyed this game. Nice graphics! Was fun to guesstimate and then eventually learn something new :)

Thank you for your comment and feedback! I agree but don't have any ideas in mind currently. Suggestions are appreciated :)

Simple but nice graphics that does the job very well. I liked the game but I was a bit confused. I made it to level 3 but I just never understood how to get the Proxy to work.

Thank you! If I would have had more time adding some kind of goal or purpose would have made sense. Happy you still enjoyed it! :)

Great game! Nice graphics and fun minigame-game with a twist.

Thank you for your nice comment!

Nice game! Had fun with it :)


Very cool game! I'm impressed by the amount of work you managed in such short time. The scaling of the boxes was a bit difficult to control at times which is why I stopped playing at a certain point where I had to scale and climb a lot of those boxes.

Thanks for playing! :D

Impressive game for such a short amount of time! I had fun with it until I got to a part where I touched some millimeter of lava and got sent back to a place I had been 10 minutes ago :(

Thank you!!

Really fun game! It's great in its simplicity and it was a good challenge. It does have some problems with platforms spawning in some annoying places tho.

Thanks! :D

Cute ant and nice game with good atmosphere. Unfortunately it was a bit confusing with the icons what to do. Couldn't eat the blueberries at first but realized I had to get the crumbs first. But eventually when I had eaten all the strawberry I had no idea what to do and then I fell through the floor. Impressive work for 48 hours anyway!

Thank you!

Thank you for your comment and feedback! I was also quite surprised while making it how this simple game turned out to be so fun :D

Fun and relaxing! Really enjoyed this and tried several times to get a good score and to see how the animals extended. The crocodile was my favourite with the excellent sound effect :D