Generally not frowned upon, as long as it's a reasonable number of requests and not in all the places. I'll take a look at it later tonight hopefully!
ATaxi Studio
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Game definitely fits the theme, easy in concept but harder in reality. I did find since most rocks were similar in shape it wasn't too hard to guess where to go, although I got a lot more okays than perfects. Some wider rocks with different sizes might be a cool addition if you were to continue development.
Music is nice, liked how the rocks would go on the shelf although I'm not sure what the criteria was that caused that.
Connecting the phone to the wall and turning on power worked well, the art style is really nice and clean. I didn't really understand it's connection to the theme, and it doesn't seem to have more than one call? Not sure if I just didn't wait long enough or something.
It made me laugh. Would be interested in seeing how this would progress with more levels.
Game fits the theme, simple but difficult. There are times where you can get "screwed" out of lasers if they jump back and forth on placement too much. I did find that you could survive a bit longer if you shot the rows out of "order" by hitting one that has three farther back, but those only come up occasionally.
I like the concept, it was certainly neat.
Game is simple in concept, difficult to win. It does feel punishingly difficult, in that multiple runs I just ran out of time and never found a time increase item, I only actually found one of those once.
There is a nasty flickering effect, I assume this is related to the Web export issues as I didn't try the download. It's gross, and hurts my eyes, but I don't think that was on you.
Enjoyed the game, the audio was fairly loud and a volume control would be nice, but overall well executed.
I don't really see the connection to the theme.
Gameplay was nice, the randomness of the spawning positions works in your favor to add difficulty. Art style is nice and clean, easy to understand.
Bugs happen, that's okay and especially in a project on such a short deadline, everyone understands that there will be unfixed bugs. Don't stress too much about it. As long as the main premise of the game can be accomplished, the bugs will mostly be ignored.
Overall a fairly fun game, Definitely think it could benefit from some chiptune back ground music and some SFX for the projectile, a really solid game though for the timeline.
With Browser play enabled, let the review begin!
The game fits the theme well, with a clearly defined Growth / Decay mechanic.
I didn't have any runs where I was able to slowly grow, it did seem to me that slowly decaying was more common, but that could be an RNG issue on my side.
Some nice relaxing ambient music would go a long way with the theme on this one.
The art style was nice, and honestly one of the more consistent art styles I've seen produced with AI. I'm curious how you got such consistent results as I've never been able to accomplish anything that consistent on my own. Were these produced with a custom trained model, or some really good prompts?
Overall it's a solid take on the theme, mechanically straight forward and a good way to burn some time trying to fight the inevitable death of my forests.
Hey, I can absolutely appreciate your enthusiasm about wanting to get people to check out your game. You are going overboard on spamming about getting people's eyes on it though. There is absolutely room to post in the discord to ask for reviews, but posting in every lane you can in one place is excessive.
Share it with your friends, family, other discords you are in absolutely! But spamming it here is frustrating to everyone else who has participated. Imagine if all 37 entrants posted the way you have the last few days, it'd be chaos.
You also have one of the games with more ratings than most others at 9 ratings.
Some games have three or less.
TLDR; We get it, you are excited, and you should be. Just temper it a bit so it's not overwhelming.
The game does fit the theme if you look at the sliding scale of how many of each warrior type are alive. An interesting simulation for sure. Some music would have been a nice addition to the game in the background. I can understand why no sound effects for units converting were added as that would be audible chaos.
Game fits the theme nicely, difficulty curve is very high once the letters start getting removed. BGM is nice, tempo is fast and tense. I enjoyed that the money was the life bar, I think a nice small addition would be to display the amount of money the CEO earned from their launches as well as the products released number. Fun game if you can type quickly and are good at games like scrabble.
I had some issues getting it to run at not 10 fps, however it did eventually run at 20-30 fps for me, although I didn't do anything other than lt it run for a few minutes after dying and refreshing.
Game fits the theme, the gameplay works decently well. Had a hard time not just randomly dying the first few times because the zombies being floating red squares snuck up on me most times.
Game doesn't fit the theme, theres no growth or decay anywhere.
No audio or sound effects.
No controls or game start so I thought I was looking at a picture rather than the game. Feels like a game submission for a different jam that was submitted here just because.
Can see the potential though for what this could be with more time worked on it.
This one fits the theme nicely. Took a bit to work out that the direction of the little puncher didn't stay "north" if you moved north, but otherwise mechanically worked fairly well. Difficulty is fairly high, as moving forwards also requires jumping to earlier nodes to kill enemies taking up the rear. Generally enjoyed the game.