Nice and smooth feeling / running game in a weirdly intriguing setting presented in a nice pixelated look. Could be the base for a vrry cool game , for me currently i laks challenge though ( or it takes to long to show up) . In anycase, good work
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Super cool game , verry smart especially in the theme s context. Pretty good graphics and style as well. It has a verry steep difficulty cuve increase at some point , considering more 3d info on the cubes , connect them with lines ( from there verts to the wall) , validate ball vs cube in 2D ( == more and easier solutions possible)? vrry solid game big congrats
ha , well I dont know really, its pretty simple code ,basic unity / export the only thing I can think off would be that I have the movement code (basically a simple spring with damping) in the update function (called every frame) with deltatime while maybe the more sluggish feeling projects put it in fixed update because its simpler (no time to consider) ? Fixed is only called at a fixed 60 hz by default I believe, then again I dont even know how many fps the game gets to playing in the browser.
Hehe tx for testing! It probably is a bit too buggy ,even for a buggy game xD , normally you should be able to grab the flies as well , not the slippery grass though! The freeze is just the game subtle way of insisting you try again hehe restart , no button well I guess crash then. Then again a true selfrespecting buggy game needs to crash right!? ty for playing!
Congrats, nice game! Smart interpretation of the theme, fun gameplay and the art animation / sound match it nicely. I especially like the noisy vertex offsets/animation really ads alot of the charm. Pretty impressive for 48 hours indeed! The one thing id consider to have been maybe possible to change in the time you had was another color for the rebuild /repair icons? , they look alot like the monster ones. GG
Tx for testing again you played my game last year as well! , wassnt able to spend as much time on it this year though! Good feedback idd , without those points you can barely call it a game. Then again in the game you supposed the gamedev you have to create your own rules xD ..hehe just a troll excuse for not being able to finish it. Would probably try to remove the main anchor point, force the player to grab the flies , add a timer so you have to change anchor points (flies) , maybe limit the tongue length and time as well. Anyways tx for playing!
Tx for testing , I should have implemented some basic tutorial or some text at least. You probably didnt click your mouse? so the frog just slid of the hill didnt stand a chance without his tongue. if there is only slippery grass itll automatically snap to the anchor point alternatively you can aim for the flies.
Hehe yeah I did have alot of time for this Jam , mostly spend it in blender trying to remember how to skin and mirror animation things to bring life to the Frog. So to be honest 10 min before deadline I had no 'punishment' , challenge what to ever so I try to restart the level didnt work , so I just destroy the play when you hit the extremities of the map witch makes the game crash ... Anyways tx for testing!
Thanks! Really pleased you enjoyed it, I did spend alot of time on setting/ ambiance for me it is an important part of a game" s so its great you where able to appreciate it . You got really far congrats, its a hard game , especially the sticky gets u hi level! (my apologies .. this one I have no doubt is to hard for sure as an intro level to a new mechanic) . You can see the mechanic in the gif you had to crawl up on a connected Dice. Anyways thanks a lot for you time and feedback and congrats on your game too!
Thankyou and thanks for giving it a try! It is abit rough to get into a the moment indeed. You basically have to connect them both either by combining the sticky dice together of have them both stick to the dice you control. Come to think of it its probably extra to hard as a first "multiple dice level" though since you cannot fully see the second dice.
Fun game youve made, good style as well maybe the sound that is a bit harsh. Gameplay is fun ,engaging and challenging. Only the randomness of the spikes , how they appear without warning , and how they sometime remove multiple rolls at once, I personally was a bit less of a fan off (then again suits the dice theme I guess), but in any case nice game! Congrats!