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A member registered Jan 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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Getting dumped sucks! You are not alone, you can get through it and just day at a time it will keep getting better!

I'll see you there!

Actually that seems kind of fun :) Do you have discord?

Hi! I’m currently looking for paid projects. I would consider an unpaid project depending on size. 😊

About the chipsynth, no actually😅. Why do you ask?

Hey! This sounds sick! Great job

A lot of fun!

Hey I played it for a bit and I really like it! Great game! I got invested in the battles right away. It looks on point, really cool game! Well done!

(1 edit)


I'm a sound designer and composer in Sweden. I've worked on a few indie games and done some work on a tv ad. I'm looking for fun projects to make either sounds for or soundtrack. I'm of course fast and professional and my main priority is always nailing the feeling that the game dev is after.

Music genres i've worked on: arcade/synthwave, 8bit-style, ambient, rock, acoustic. Also I love a challenge and if you have a crazy idea I can probably make something cool out of it.

So if you have an interesting project, just get in touch! :)

Hi! I make music and sound for games and I just released more game music loops to my website. :) 
It's free and really awesome so use it as you want, just DM me if you like it. ;) It's atmospheric and some tracks are dark, others are more positive and they're all kind of arcady. Enjoy ;)

Get in on my website

That is impressive! 😊💪🏻

Hey! I tried it and it was even more fun than I thought! So well done. :) I did a pledge, I don't have much but it's something. How long have you benn developing this?

Wow, that looks great! :) Awesome that you make this for charity! It looks fun, I don't have a chance to try it now since i'm on a mac. :/ I love the music in the youtube video by the way. Is it your own? And the artist painting the backgrounds in the vid cracked me up lol. 

Yeah it's very intuitive! But I got stuck on the third level, no way out?? An enemy is blocked of by a wall.

Well it sounds great. I also tried the minibit, it's a cool synth :) Myself I am using mostly Serum for sound design, a classic I know, but I really think it has a lot of utility! ;) Yeah, good job with the leveling too by the way, they sound really consistent!

Hey these are really good! What did you use to make them? You really nailed the style. :)

Hey! I just played a little bit of it. I did the first puzzle and then the second one was a bit hard for me, but I'm not a puzzle type of person anyway. :) The art and music is perfect. :) Obviously I would need to play longer to give proper feedback but it was an enjoyable and relaxing experience with the music and art. For your target audience, people who like puzzles, I think it's great! Maybe some more animations would make it even more addicting, and maybe, if you want more people to play - start out with the easier puzzles. Maybe I'm just not good at puzzles though. All in all, well done!

Haha awesome, thanks :)

The story trailer looks really awesome, cool video, cool sound! I wanted to try the demo but it's password protected. Also - in the game you are a character that is playing a cursed game, is this correct? :)

This is good fun! Well done, it made me chuckle a few times, especially the dying words of the general! Also the gameplay is legitimately smooth and intuitive! Good job! :D

Aha that makes sense! Never had that computer.. :)

Hey! Great game! I especially love the look, sounds and music! Awesome. It also was a good introduction to the game idea, very cool! I loved the "voice acting" of the reliquiary guy, made me chuckle. What a nice retro blast. The very startup of the game sound made me think of an old modem starting up, but it was a bit too loud, maybe turn it down? Great job!

Hey! I just played it now for about 5 minutes. It feels very good, the physics feel right, the ball behaves like I want it, not too bouncy. I like all the ideas about the enemies and obstacles. It's a bit hard and I just got to about a quarter of the map so for a gamer like me (bad gamer) it would be nice if the checkpoints cost less frogs, maybe 10.  The sound design is good and the art direction I also like, but I feel like the general look of the game  could use some work to make it feel more refined and it would be really cool. Being a musician I also got an idea that the music could have a more laid back vibe. Great job, keep working on it and ofc all of this is just my personal opinion.

Hey! I tried it! I did the fire dungeon and I died in the crab dungeon. It was really fun. Easy to get into. I really like the art and style, I think the gameplay is fun. Little tips - take away the movement guide and make it like a prompt that you can click away and then access in a menu if needed. Also the attack sounds could be lowered a little bit in volume. The music was cool, especially the relaxed vibe in the dungeons, where did you get it? Maybe different music per dungeon so it's not the same. Awesome job!

Hey man, I'm a composer myself and I gotta say, that reel slaps! Awesome!