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A member registered Apr 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi glad to have gotten a chance to play it. 

You've done a really nice job keeping the game elements visually consistent. I particularly want to compliment the way the spear UI hangs down from the top of the screen from a chain. 

If you are going to have text animate itself in, make sure you are leaving room for legibility. Consider parsing the string to print by word as opposed to by character. Reduce the speed or increase the time between messages to allow for reading, and make sure that both speaker's messages appear from a left aligned text block. Find an alternative way to visually suggest the back and forth conversation such as dimming the portrait of anyone not currently speaking, switching alignment of the text like this can sometimes produce legibility issue. If you are using unity take a look at the doTween library for easy UI animation. 

Great work!

Hi glad I got a chance to play this game. Here are some art related notes!

- Double check your colliders, the art and colliders for a few of the prefabs you've scattered feel a little off. 

- Think about the relative scale of objects in your world. The dock has visible wood grain while the driftwood it sits along side is smaller than the plastic bottles. If its a design decision make sure you are applying similar macro textures and patterns to other objects in the scene. Try to paint your world with a consistent bush and eye. 

-The UI is communicating information clearly but the trash amount might not be enough on its own to signal to a player when they are full, consider adding a sound cue or better yet animation to help reinforce this crucial information to the player

-A little animation goes a long way! Consider allowing the trash to move and float around, or a particle effect to add a little pop to the pickup action. Anyway you can reinforce to the player that they just did something in the game will improve game feel, and legibility in the game so consider using any avenue available. 

- Reconsider why you are making the player back track to the pier when the boat is full. Could there be some risk reward that makes a trip back where you aren't actively cleaning more worthwhile. (risk : the boat is too heavy and starts to sink/ reward: the upgrades can only be purchased on shore. 

Keep up the great work!

I had a lot of fun playing the game! Here are some art related notes.

- The UI and the game art feel like they are from different experiences. The globe and units give off a serious game, almost military simulation vibe while the UI speaks to the bouncier flash games of the early 2000s. These can both work on their own but together its sending mixed signals about the experience I am playing now. There's a lot of design history to game art and UI it might be worthwhile spending sometime looking at ui on when starting a project to put together a mood board. Consider looking at some games that share a more playful art direction while depicting world maps to match the narrative you are building, its important to have design precedents when creating the visual language of a game. 

 - When the characters speak together in the beginning of the game, I would get rid of the animation on the text and just show the solid text block, that or take the time to parse the string by word as opposed to by character to prevent a word appearing on one line for a half second before popping down to the next line as the rest of the characters of the word appear. It will make it easier to read and overall feel cleaner. Also some sort of portrait appearing for the different speakers would be helpful. This serves a dual purpose of communicating more about the speaker but also prevents confusion about who is speaking at any given time. Its pretty easy to miss the text box naming the speaker changing as the text rolls.  

-I want to compliment your audio and music! Nice decisions here. 

Overall the game was really fun. Great work!

Very fun nice job!

Really solid Sokoban, glad I played it! Really nice job!

I feel terrible this game is so fun

I like the drawing of the sun a bunch

Y'all did great nice job! Music turned out really good!

I like the 3D elements.

Nicely put together, some parallax might go a long way!  Maybe an audio cue to tell what the dragon is going to do in terms of altitude?

The lasso power is kind of a fun one. The magic circle and stamina mechanic was little tricky to use. I think it might make more sense given that there is already a mechanic to bring the hero closer to you that the circle would emanate from the healer as opposed to in front of.

Really very fun! Some of those smaller bullets were hard to see and the audio was bit rough to listen to. All around a good time though!

Awesome Job this is very playful! Its pretty tough and a little difficult to navigate but pulling those fisherman out of the boat was really satisfying. 

I won! It took me a bit of time to figure out I was supposed to find the skeletons. Cute game idea. Avoiding that one room to the north made it a bit easier, would love the hero to spawn location to vary between runs. Nice Game!

Double check the resolution settings for HTML. I think the game window might be too large to be playable.

Nice visuals and maybe I missed it but the screenshots with the fog covering the screen are intriguing. The mechanics side leans a little cookie clicker in its simplicity. Little things like varying the pitch of the sound effects on click, or having some other reaction to clicking would be great. Still its nice to think about the resources from rts games in a new perspective. 

Hey not sure what went wrong but I cant get past the start screen. The music sounds great though!

Oh gosh this got me good! I had a bunch of fun it feels a bit like keyboard twister. 

I had fun and liked the 1 hit kill, and the dice affecting the placement of agents! I wish there was maybe some variety to the rooms. 

I feel like I needed a goal. Like maybe getting back to the card I jumped out of at the beginning. I also think maybe more considerations for spacing as well might help. Nice job!

I had fun for a bit, leaving the forge room was a little tricky. I did get tired of seeing slimes.

The room decor was a bit funny. Wish there had been more to do. I also wish the dice throwing had felt a little more organic. 

Great job! I could see this becoming a bigger game! I think you could separate movement from the dice rolling and free yourself up to explore more tactics/ map variety. The dice rolling could then be entirely devoted to actions offensive and defensive. Lots of fun!

Is this biographical? 

Really simple mechanically which I think lends itself to quick in and out (smaller health bars) sort of like with those old quickdraw games. If you wanted a longer format game something neat to try might be rolling the dice ahead of time to a pool during a "meal prep phase"and then throwing them at each other in a sort of "war" style game? 

Idk I had fun! Great job.

The html version was a little unresponsive. I see you have  the windows version working but I'm on Mac sadly. Also a tutorial might be helpful I see the wasd controls listed but its a little unclear  mechanically what is happening.

Hey liked the idea of fighting stuff on the desk. Wasn't super clear on how to use the interface. I love yahtzee but felt like since the menus were such a big part of the game adding a little bit more animation to the UI would have a gone along way! Also a little fuzzy on the health interaction. 

yayyy thank you so much!

This is great! I would love to contribute to the project, will be buying the bundle as well, really great!