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A member registered Nov 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Cool game! The music is on point i should point out. Also the style of the game is appealing but in game animations are a little bit off and movement feels a little weirs. Nevertheless, i enjoyed playing it!

Funny character on the preview caught my attention. I enjoyed the game overall, especially the variety of level styles (i gave up on the third level tho) and gameplay simple yet appealing. However, no sound and a somewhat weird character design are still a downside for me. Nevertheless, nice game! Good luck

i liked this game...

i liked this game a lot

(1 edit)

Quite unique idea! Funny it reminded of those mazes with jumpscares at the end. Glad it didn't have one. The music was cool and movement was enjoyable (when you start slow and accelerate to fast). However, i think what the game lacks is visuals. It would be much more appealing, if there were more details to the background or smt. Also, it is a bit too easy imo. Not that i want it to be hard almost to the unplayable level, like in our game, - making level a little bit more challenging by decreasing time mr. P can live beyond the track or smt like that would make it better. Also, a small step for a developer, a huge change for me would be, if Mr. P somehow indicated that he doesn't like to be out of the path.
Nevertheless, cool game! Simplicity is sometimes the key, i haven't noticed how i finished the game.

Nice art! Gameplay has caught my eye, it's unique (at least i didn't see such mechanics for a long time). However, i think it needs more freedom of movement. After some playing, i wanted to move or have enemies approaching from above. It may be my personal preference tho.

Nevertheless, i had fun playing it. I even got 378 as a record (i think it could be better, if my browser didn't lag   ). The whole artstyle, including graphics, animations and music were complementing each other and, as some other fellow commenter said, it feels like a good old flash game. I appreciate that.

I've also played the game and agree with Tr33ntix that level design needs a change. (Art style looks nice, but i think it is a bit too oppresive having large walls and a square shaped level). The game's mechanics reminded me of osu catch and other games. In my opinion, you've managed to save the genre's (can you call it a genre tho?) appealing side!

Also the music has made a special impression on me. I wonder, if we could collab someday.
I don't usually make jungle like in "bloomtime" btw.

yeah the art has its own appealing vibe no matter what. Hope to see your games in the future

(Btw, i am not a native speaker, so if you thought "it is a shame" is in a negative way, it's not)

(3 edits)

I've remembered good old csgo aim_botz days and stood in the middle, rotating the mouse and clicking on the flowers tips (I assume this is their vulnerable spot?).
The game looks nice and polished, it's remarkable you've managed to make it in such short time. I've liked the art (graphics, models, the music too) a lot. The overall gameplay (shooting, moving) was also on point. I wasn't able to move to the right, because my d button is broken. I've got 76 points as a personal record tho. 
We've got a somewhat similar idea too. Even though our game is in 2d and its style is completely different, i think what your game needs too is more variety, as some other commenter said. You might have added enemies of different size, or collectable gun boosters.
Also, I personally would prefer, if the monsters would make less damage in one hit but had slightly more health, punched you faster and you could collect hp boosters. However, it's my personal preference that you may not consider.
At the end, i liked the game and admire you for getting it done in just 3 days(!). Hope to see your future games to

I've read your description of ideas that were planned to be added. It is a shame they didn't make it to the game! I found the jam version somewhat enjoyable but, as others mentioned, I think the gameplay lacks some spice to it. I guess the spice was planned to be the nighttime fight with the flowers, but it's a gamejam after all, so we've got what we've got. The art is nice (loved the cover too). Tho, it would be 2x better, if it had more of some perspective or volume.