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A member registered Feb 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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This was actually amazingly well made, the lack of audio does hurt it, but the design and fun factor is very good. I finished this and kept playing even though the endless mode is broken (seems to just repeat the levels). You keep gaining the same item slots after a while and it pushes out the basic blocks until you can no longer use them. I acctually made it quite far despite not having any blocks after a while.

This is a nice little game. The concept is great and I can see the fun, the issue is that the player feels very slippery when they are running making it difficult to hit the ghosts when running.

But otherwise the game was good, especially the themeing and graphics.

A great incremental game, I really liked this, unique graphics, solid audio and great pacing. Although it suffers from the same repetitive motion issues that other clicker games experience, I made it through to the end which is already better than most clicker games.

Thank you for the kind words! I also really liked the matching shape mini-game, and hopefully we can add some more mini-games after the voting period to really flesh out the office section of the game. Glad you enjoyed it :D

Yeah, we realised that we didn’t add a tutorial outlining the goal towards the end (oops), we’ll definitely be putting this as a high priority once we revisit the game. I’m glad you enjoyed it though, makes the hard work worth it :D

I’m pretty sure there are other games in this art style, but we definitely tried to put our own spin on it. Thanks for giving the game a go :D

Thanks for giving our game a go. I have to say though, after playing The Call I realised that nothing we do could compete with the masterpiece you guys made.

Truly a work of art, you have opened my eyes.

I spent quite a bit of time getting it to look right so I’m glad someone noticed it. It’s actually a surprisingly simple camera controller, it just consists of a standard smooth follow camera and just a LookAt rotation function to track the player better.

Thanks for giving it a go :D

I’ll let our NPC artist know he did a good job on him lol


There are definitely a few issues and although I’d love to fix them, we just ran out of time for a game of this scope.

  • UI was done by multiple different people, probably why you are getting scaling issues
  • We have an issue where our AudioController doesn’t play anything in the office (cause unknown)
  • This one is just due to not ticking the single use box on the object, as we originally intended certain tasks to be repeatable
  • Ideally we would have had a game loop up earlier for testing and balancing, but things didn’t pan out

Thanks for giving the game a go! I really appreciate the feedback.

That was pretty eerie, I wasn’t able to get very far though, although that might just be because I don’t play many horror games.

Really like the whole concept of upgrading your bricks. This is a brilliantly executed little game!

Love the vibe of the game, you did a great job. Especially with the art :D

I enjoyed this quite a bit. Loved the plan -> action nature of the battles. I think the only small gripes I have with it are that I can’t tell apart my ship paths from the enemy ones, especially when it starts to get crowded, and that your placement area is too small considering that there is friendly fire.

But other than that, it was an amazing game. Loved what you made here :D

This is so relatable

I really love the style of the game, it just oozes personality. Also a great take on the theme :D

A very polished little game. I actually quite enjoyed it, especially the green plug puzzles. Kind of wished it was longer :D

Thanks for giving the game a go :D

I’m glad we got the style right. I’ll let the others know that you enjoyed it.

I’ll let the level designer and composer know, they both did great work this jam. Thanks for playing :D

Thanks for taking the time to play:D

We definitely needed more time for tuning the player controller and testing the tutorial. But overall, I’m just happy we made something.

Thanks for the feedback, there are definitely things I would have done differently looking back, but we learned a lot and that’s enough for me.

Also glad to hear that you enjoyed it, I’ll definitely check out your entry too :D

Thanks for the compliments really do appreciate that you liked the scuffed gameplay, that’s the part I mainly worked on.

Just letting you know, we were a massive team (10+ people) and we worked on this for the entire jam duration from the 22-28th of Jan. The 48hrs restriction is in place for venues that host the game jams (our team worked entirely online).

Thanks for taking the time to give us a response, and for the feedback. I’ll definitely check out your game when I have the time :D

Yeah, SalsaTuesday did a great job on the sword and fire particle effects. Glad you enjoyed it :D

I’ll make sure to take a look at your game.

Glad you enjoyed it, I’ll definitely make sure to checkout your game :D

Very simple but with enough nuance to keep you playing it again and again. I really enjoyed this.

My only issue is that the camera view isn't large enough. This causes the game to feel cramped and prevents you from seeing hazards below you when you are jumping down sometimes.

But an otherwise flawless little game.

Thanks for giving it a go! Glad to see you managed to get to the 3rd level without a game breaking bug. Most people seem to break something within the first level.

Very nice minimal game. The only thing that stood out to me as a problem was that sometimes it was hard to get a sense of movement when in open areas, but otherwise a solid submission. Great work!

This is the only game I've given a perfect rating to so far. It really is quite an acheivement to make this in only a week. Thanks for creating this gem!

This is a great entry! Loved the voice acting, it was a very nice touch.

A very original idea, I really enjoyed the challenge of it. My only gripe is that the controls can be a bit finicky at times, but an otherwise great submission. Made it to level 8 :D

The game was quite fun and had a nice sense of progression. My only two nitpicks are that the player takes up too much of the screen and obsures the path directly in front of you and that it's a bit difficult to tell where the boundary where you can't move is. But an otherwise solid entry with good music and gameplay.

Yeah, unfortunately I didn't have time to iron out all the bugs. Thanks for giving it a go though!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably revisit this project for bug fixes and gameplay improvements in the future. I'll make sure to check out your game.

I really did want to make a full tutorial, but I may have overscoped a bit for a solo project and didn't have time to make one. I think one big quality of life improvement (besides increasing movement speed) would be having the option to hold down a key for movement. Glad to hear that you liked the look of the game though, thanks for checking it out!

In hindsight some of the things I considered obvious really weren't, combined with some hidden bugs leads to, at best, an inconsistent experience. It would have been nice to get a tutorial and some more play testing done. Thanks for the feedback and for giving it a go!

Yeah, would have definitely benefited from a tutorial and more playtesting. Thanks for giving it a go!

Thanks! I feel like it would have been much improved with some more playtesting, but I'm just happy I finished something.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I also think that the controls are a bit difficult to explain without a wall of text or a well crafted tutorial. I'm glad you gave it a go! I'll make sure to check out your submission.

Really enjoyed this game, definitely one of the best I've seen this jam. Even when I died I kept coming back for more and the feeling of progression in the game is nice.

The only issue is that spikes are way too easy to accidentally step on. But that's just a small nitpick in an otherwise highly polished jam entry. Loved it!