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A member registered Feb 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very nice game, had a lot of fun, loved  the SW music.

Only two points of criticism I have are the field of view is two narrow and the mouse is to sensitive, this makes the game to hard for the wrong reasons.

Other then that I had a blast playing, thank you!

Nice mechanic, fits the theme perfectly. Had nice time playing, thank you!

Beautiful game, amazing scope: narration, beautiful effect of the tiles going up and down as you move and in my opinion amazing interpretation of the theme.

My only two criticisms are the camera angle when walking toward the camera is very uncomfortable and in general there is a lot of back tracking. When the main hardship of the game traversing the map back tracking is not fun especially when you rewind to the beginning after you die. I was able to destroy two seals before giving up.

That said this game is amazing and beautiful and I had a great time playing it, thank you!

Love this mechanic, it remindes me of the puzzels in "The talos principle".

Great game had a lot of fun, thank you!


Your level design is on point and your game fits the theme perfectly. This game is a big win.

The only criticism I have,  and the only reason I am giving it is because I feel like with just some tiny tweaks (some more juice) and some more depth this could be a great time killing game, is that there is a lot of backtracking in the beginning.

Other then that this game is great fun and I played all the way to the end after the boss.

Thank you!

Loved the clean design, the music was great.

Had a great time playing, thank you!

Very nice game, my best score was 6750.
It is a very fun and challenging game and the art and music are very nice.

I has a great time playing, thank you!

Very nice game, I loved the yoyo as a weapon.

Wow, thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to play and rate!

There is a way , you can press the amount label above the shop section to buy 1/5/10/50/100 stamps at a time.

I did some very bad UI/UX design so I think most players missed it.

Thanks for taking the time to play!

I do watch a lot of computerphile but I heard this experiment somewhere else.

The game itself what heavily inspired by "Universal Paper clip" which also uses the premise of this thought experiment.

Thank you for the review, appreciate it!

Unfortunately you are right,

I made the mistake of trying to make a resource management game in 48 hours and the balancing and pace is completely off, all that is left is some hopefully funny jokes.

Thank you for taking the time playing and reviewing!

neither do I :-)

Thanks for taking the time and playing!

While there is a very specific combination that allows earning a million in time it is super specific and its in the realm of bad balance and design.

And again thank you for your input!

I also 100% agree, this and the auto selling of stamps was a design mistake.

Thank you for taking the time and rating!

Thank you for the input.

I totally agree, the end due to AI taking over the world is way way to sudden. I initially thought it would be nice because it fits the theme of losing control but it ended up taking away from the experience.

Thank you again for taking the time, playing and reviewing!

Thank you for the kind words!

Totally, also goes to show how much the average indie gamedev understands economics :-)

Great pure fun!

Had a lot of fun playing it.

It reminded me the game from GMTK game jam 2018 which was practically identical to this game just in 2D.

Great effort, had a lot of fun, thank you!

Great use of music to create a feeling.

The aesthetics feet the feel you create and the experience is very nice.

Wow, very fun game with beautiful art and concept.

Had a lot of fun playing, the levels are very nice.

Very nice game, cool concept that could easily be expended to a full fledged game.

I found that the monsters moved to slow and that I had to play multiple times sections I though I did not understand just to realize that I had the right solution but the execution was hard.

I think this problem would be less noticeable if the tutorial wouldn't play over and over again each time you die.

Nevertheless, great game, had a lot of fun, the art, lighting, feel are great.

Nice game, very fun.

I love how by just taking a single control from the user you were able to create a puzzle game.

The level design is very fun and with some polish this might be a time wasting mobile hit. At least in my opinion.

Had a lot of fun, thank you!

Very fun game, I love the dark undertones in the narrative.

Had a lot of fun and I'm glad my key caps are rated for 3 million clicks.

Beautiful game, fits the theme in two ways which is great (animals out of control and the player have very limited control).

I loved the art and it was great seeing a game in Godot look so nice.

Had a lot of fun playing your game, thank you!

Very nice, and funny game.

Very nice game, My stupid a** took way to long to think about using the water as a propelling device.

Had a lot of fun playing and I love the background art which was very beautiful.

Very nice game, interesting mechanics.

I loved the visuals and feel of the game, I would change the controls and the shooting mechanic. I found the controls very hard to work with.

Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun playing it, Thank you!

Very fun game, I loved the way that you introduced the theme.

The only thing that I had a problem with and it is very small is that it took me some time to see that there are two more small buttons at the bottom. It made me think that I only have a set of the controls at any given time and that I need to take damage in order to get new sets of commands.

Anyway, great game, I had a lot of fun playing it, thank you!

Great game, amazing use of the theme.

The only thing i did not like was the camera angles, this game is a fast paced puzzle game and the dramatic camera angles take away from that by introducing an extra challenge that in my opinion was not needed.

I loved that you had time to add a goal time for each level, that made everything a lot more interesting and added to the feeling of urgency in the game.

Great game, had a lot of fun, thank you!

Nice concept, great execution.

The only thing I would change is the icon above the platform, It implies that you should interact with the platform in a circular motion and not left and right motion like you programed.

On that note I would probably change the interaction with the platforms to be in a circular motion because I find it more intuitive but I might be wrong.

In any case, the game is great and I had a lot of fun playing it, thank you!

Great game, great fit for the theme.
I would just add the instructions on the main screen or a couple of seconds timer at the start for the user to be able to read the instructions.

Had a lot of fun playing the game.

Thank you so much!

I think you are referring to the game "Universal paper clip" which was 100% an influence for this game.

You are right the specialization doesn't really matter, I was able to beat the game after many many tries with a very specific combination.

There is probably hours upon hours of balancing needed for this game to be challenging but in a good way.

In any case thank you so much for you review!

Thank you so much for the feedback.

Auto selling the stamps is such a smart move, I added a way to batch sale (1, 5, 10, 50, 100) at a time but auto selling is a much better solution. I guess it was one of those initial design decision I made, got used to and never thought about how annoying it is.

Again thank you and if i'll ever get to revision the game this would probably be my first fix.

OMG didn't this start as an entry to the last Ludum Dare?

Amazing how much this have progressed!