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A member registered Dec 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hahaha, you're right! The premise is a little bit twisted.

Thank you so much for playing our game! It really warmed our hearts to see you play it and hear your thoughts.

We really hope to expand upon it and make a full game someday.

Thank you for the kind words, we're so glad that you enjoyed it :D

Quackers are the best!!! 

Glad to hear you enjoyed them :D

So fun and silly! X'D

This was absolutely hilarious, great job X'D

I'm so glad that this jam has helped to boost your game design confidence. I would say that the boost is well deserved! :)

If you expand upon the release and need a playtester, feel free to send me a message. I would be happy to help out.

At first I felt very overwhelmed by the UI and everything that was presented to the player, but after settling into everything, it made sense really fast! I've played a fair number of idle games in the past, and I was really surprised by how great of a take on the genre this was. Mixing it up with the occasional matching games was a great way to keep the gameplay fresh.

All in all, great work. This was loads of fun! :D

This was fun! The omelette level was my favorite, now I'm hungry for some good eggs.

This was super cool, I think it might even be one of my favorite games of the Jam! I love the simple concept, and it feels so satisfying to go flying across the screen killing hoards of baddies. 

This is a Jam game that I would really like to see expand into something bigger, if you want to continue developing it.

My best attempt had a score of 81. Great job with this game! :D

Thanks James, it really means a lot to hear your feedback and that you enjoyed our game :D

I wish we could have had time to audio balance "Hall of the Mountain King", but unfortunately that's something that we had to skip to meet the deadline. We figured it was better to start quite and build up rather than start equal and make the players deaf by the end.

I love cooking/assembling games and dice/card games, so I'm excited that you think it worked out really well. (And isn't Shawn's art so beautiful? /O.O\ )

Never test a ducks patience, you will always live to regret it!!!

Thank you so much for playing and for all of the kind words! It really means a lot :D

Sometimes the dice gods can be very cruel and prevent you from getting the right ingredient. I will say, it also does make those moments when you get really lucky and "combo" your drinks feel so good!

Also, 1600 is a really solid score, congrats. So close to a perfect, too!

This was a ton of fun! I absolutely love Escape Room style games and this one did not disappoint :D

All of the rooms were super fun and rewarding. The only one that I had a harder time figuring out was the red light room. Though once I figured out what was going on I got through it pretty quickly. I loved the touch of jumbling the text on the door.

Really great job!

I got to the end! :D

This was a very interesting concept.

Thank you for the kind words! 

I know right? Shawn's art is so unique and beautiful.

This was one of my favorite games of this jam! The theme alone is so wacky and fun, it made me want to keep playing to see what all of the potential "mix-ups" of the gameplay were going to be :D

If I did have a super minor bit of critical feedback, I would have liked to see some type of arrow indicator pointing towards where the nearest collectable was located. There were occasions where it felt like I was wasting a ton of time because I was just not finding any cubes around me, which was a bit frustrating.

Something like a guiding arrow could even be used for designing additional mix-ups! Like, maybe the arrow could disappear for a round, or it's direction could become inverted so that it actual points away from collectibles.

Anyway, this was loads of fun and I would love to see it expanded upon further!

This is a really fun game! I love watching the little robot wheel around each of the rooms at a hectic pace, it's so cute X'D

I did encounter a bug on my third attempt. After I finished equalizing all of the rooms I still had 40 seconds left on the clock. Instead of skipping to a "you win" screen, all of my inputs froze and I had to wait for the timer to end. Then once it did, the game told me that I still lost T_T

That little bug aside, I really enjoyed this game a ton! I would love to see how it could be expanded upon further. Maybe you could add a realistic detail where the temperatures of adjacent rooms will slightly effect each other.

I made it to the top :D

I had a lot of fun with this game. I especially loved all of the little animations throughout it (the squishy clouds in particular really made me smile!)

Unfortunately, I did encounter a couple buggy glitches. I often lost all of my momentum or even got stuck when colliding with clouds. And on my third attempt my score seemed to have frozen and did not update.

Those small issues aside, this is a really great game!

This was a lot of fun! It blows me away how similar our two games ended up being. Similar themes with very different mechanics. 

I loved your concept for mixing foods to create different colors and thought that it was executed extremely well!

I played it twice and got a high score of 92,019.

Also, "mayk smuhthe"

This was a really fun game! I loved swinging my alchemist arms around and collecting potions to the beat!

Despite reading the controls, I completely forgot that you have to press the shoulder buttons to grab the potions, resulting in a measly score of 112 out of 414 X'D

My only critique would be that I would have liked to see a score while I was playing instead of just at the end. It would be excited to track progress as the song plays.

Great job, it was a blast to play!

This was a really fun and cool game! Though I wasn't able to figure out what the purpose of magic was. Does it do anything?

Also, thanks for hosting the jam, James. Just like last year, it was such a blast!

This was a really cool concept, I love seeing multiplayer games in jams!

I did find an unfortunate game-breaking strategy. Players can purposefully jump off of the edge right before the swap occurs, basically making it impossible for the opponent to survive.

Also, the visual effect for when the swap happens really hurts my eyes.

Great job!

Thanks for playing our game, and for giving it the time to figure out how it works, especially if this is not your type of game.  Your kind words really mean a lot :)

(Coming from someone who works in the restaurant industry, that stress is very real).

Thanks for playing, I'm super happy to hear that you enjoyed it :D

Thank you for playing.

(1 edit)

This was a fun and really cool idea! I would like to see it further developed and polished.

At it's current state, I find it a little bit too "finicky" and precise. 

Great job!

I really like this unique spin on the Breakout kind of game. It makes me brainstorm fun ways that it could be expanded upon even further! :D

I absolutely loved this game! It's such a cute and simple premise, but the puzzle solving felt so rewarding. I genuinely encountered that amazing "mind blown" feeling that you get after solving the best kinds of puzzles.

Also, the animal names that resulted from the combinations are hilarious X'D

Thank you so much! I had an absolute blast creating all of the cartoony animations. Unity's animator is easily one of my favorite tools of the engine.

It really means the world to hear that you had a great time with our game :D

Thank you so much! I feels so heartwarming to hear that you enjoyed it so much :D

Thank you so much, we're so happy that you enjoyed it!

Playing around with Unity's animator is so much fun :D

Thank you so much!

It was so much fun to work on this project. We had an especially good time with the duck sounds. *Quack!* *Quack!*

Thanks for playing our game, I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

Isn't the finale so intense? Even after playing it so many times my heart still pounds every time I reach the ending

Thank you so much for playing, it makes me really happy to hear that you enjoyed it! 

I know right? Shawn's art is so cute!

I know right? Shawn's art always blows me away, it's just so cute!

Thank you for playing our game :)

This was a very cool take on the dice drafting mechanic, I was really surprised how much depth you were able to create from something so simple. Great job!

It took me a long while, but I finally beat level 10! :D

The art in this game is SOOOOO CUTE! I absolutely loved seeing all of the cute alchemical combinations.

I was able to win my first attempt with only 1 loss to the opponent. It turns out that Pigeon-frog is unstoppable, mwahahaha

This project is so cool! I felt like I could play around with this all day. My only complaint would be that I wish you could extend the song's length so that I could go on to create much longer pieces.

Also, I absolutely adore the many little elements of polish in this project, such as the way that the PC and mouse jitter when you click on them or the boot-up initialization screen that appears when you first interact with the PC. They're such small touches, but they add some much!

This is the fun little tune that I came up with: A9249C5


This was fun. I do wish that the parry/catching projectiles ability was a bit more effective. It felt like it was impossible to hit the air enemies as long as they did not fly towards the bottom of the screen.

Great job!