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Beetroot Paul

A member registered Apr 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! <3

Thank you! <3

Thank you! <3

Thanks! <3

Thanks for the feedback <3 Regarding the music: the effect I would love to achieve was a dampened one from the ScourgeBringer game. But what I implemented here was far from my inspiration in the music area :)

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing and thanks for the feedback!

I’m not the biggest fan of the multiple cross shooting enemies spawning on top of each other.

Hah, I knew it! I got a feeling that combination is too much, thanks for confirming :)

Pretty cute and fun :)

Two things that bothered me:

  1. The clouds on the 2nd level were so bright and fast they distracted me a lot. I guess they could be darker and, if doing parallax, moving a bit slower than the trees closer then those clouds.
  2. It was a bit difficult to aim, especially into smaller enemies on level 1. I wonder if making their hitboxes (or the bullet hitbox) bigger would help with that. Or… I just have to git gud :p

Very cool game!

One thing that bothered me a bit was that whenever I choose the tool, the character takes the directional input as well. I mean, let’s say I am facing up, open the tool switcher, choose the right side tool, use it… oh snap, I use it towards right now. have to press up to get back to prev orientation :)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree about the sound effect. Sadly, I was doing sound effects on the last day, when I was already sick, therefore I went super minimalistic :)

And thanks for playing! <3

Reached 350 points. A very cozy and fun entry! <3

If looking for some things that could be better: I constantly wanted to observe the situation at the hangar, but the short time between new airplane spawns made it pretty difficult to move camera there (either through iterating over planes or by zooming out). At the same time, I understand it would be difficult to add such feature on the 64x64 canvas :)

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing! <3

After a bit I figured out what do colored numbers on shape selection mean (a cost of choosing that shape), but I still didn’t grasp two other things:

  1. what is the meaning of the colored number in the top right if the game
  2. how leveling up works

Other than that, I enjoyed the game, a very good entry!

Nice score! And thanks for the feedback regarding the tutorial! I guess it got less clear since I added more and more content in it, making the hero barely noticeable :D Also, I see it is a repetitive topic that dashes are not explained as good as they need to, thanks!

Thank you for your feedback! <3 And thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!

And thanks for playing :)


Thanks for the feedback!

My BeetPx engine is a separate thing I made from scratch, but it is inspired by PICO-8 a lot :)

Thank you!

Thanks! <3

Awesome entry!

The only thing that bothered me was the “go” SFX which was in some way not playing well with the music. But it’s a nitpick for the great game! :)

Very cool!

I was a bit tired from constantly flickering pixels, but I appreciate the creative choice of doing the 3D :)

It was fun to play and also nice to read all those messages on the way :)

Oh, I like the mood of the game! Great entry!

I just played it for the first time and enjoyed it! 😀

Yes, a tiny one 😄 For me to use during game jams, but also for anyone else who would happen to like it as well.

You can download the cart from (the cart icon in the bottom left of the game’s iframe)

Hi 😄 Would you be interested in a full 3 levels game if I reworked the first level as well? Asking, because I already re-implemented the game in my own engine (same look&feel, just different technology under the hood) and was looking for a motivation to finish levels 2 and 3, but then got super disappointed by the way I designed the boss of level 1 😭

(1 edit)

Hi 😄 Would you be interested in a full 3 levels game if I reworked the first level as well? Asking, because I already re-implemented the game in my own engine (same look&feel, just different technology under the hood) and was looking for a motivation to finish levels 2 and 3, but then got super disappointed by the way I designed the boss of level 1 😭

Hi 😄 Would you be interested if I rework the first level as well? Asking, because I already re-implemented the game in my own engine (same look&feel, just different technology under the hood) and was looking for a motivation to finish levels 2 and 3, but then got super disappointed by the way I designed the boss of level 1 😭

thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing! :)

woah, a very interesting game! Nice job!

Thanks for playing and thanks for kind words!

Yes, I think for example bigger levels with more time to really run away from mobs would do good.

Regarding the speed: I kinda wanted it like that: ultra quick loop, and when you fail, you back in game in a blink of an eye. But I see it might be too fast, agree :)

wow, really great execution of an interesting concept! And polished as well

UPDATE: ah, sorry, I see Spellslinger is for Windows only, and I am on macOS

Woah, it was scary, I like it! Really felt the mood.

One thing that was difficult for me at start was to “catch” the ball and understand how does it work. Then after several tries I realized I can just click ball throw wherever I am, no matter how far from the previous ball I am.

After I found out how to play (it took me some time to realize there is an “upgrade” button) I really enjoyed watching how more and more blocks are lighten at once :) Pretty nice game!

I love the concept!

I had difficulties guiding the cat, but still, the concept is great! :)

Simple but satisfying :)

Interesting idea and soothing music :)

What was most difficult for me was to understand why 50% of my clicks resulted with no action. Maybe it could somehow indicated when and how I can move

I like the idea!

My main problems were:

  • I had hard time distinguishing green mushrooms from the blue ones
  • and hard time remembering which button was which color so I was just pressing them randomly
  • also, there was that yellow bar at the bottom filled with coins, but I lost the motivation to fill it, because it was filling very slowly and I had no idea what is it, whether it’s worth the hassle