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A member registered Jan 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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something like recover honor or recover an artifact/object? i think the most common thing is recovery memory and illness as you said...

im not native speaker neither lol ....

perhaps something like recover what you lost revenge type like the count of monte cristo, nah as type this sound really bad idea... :(

pretty good game xcvg sempai... really enjoy playing it :D

somehow the melee attack feels underwhelming since you need to get close to hit it and don't do much damage... the payoff normally don't compensate.

what the light switch do?  it do something?

i don't see a aim hud? perhaphs a aim hud for the firebolt will be nice... the mana mechanic is very good since don't allow you just spaw it, very clever;

was really entertaing, thanks for the hard work and hype for shattered 2 :D

wow that was a pretty fun game shibey sempai...

i just think some kind of auto collect energy stuff is missing since im kinda lazy to collect stuff...

the control is very good also the the art is awesome you quite improve in that one even in background and stuff.

the story and audio is a bit lacking but is good overall... not sure why the story don't feel too much engaging ... well i'm not a writer nor can write a good story so im not the person that can judge it right.

also the audio i can't do it too, but as player point of view don't feel the right song for the right time kinda thing....

thanks for the awesome work sempai i really enjoy your game!!!

very cute game love it <3

awesome job man !!! :D

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for future reference something else like what?  ◉_◉ '' that piqued my interest

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hahah sorry about that... the true is somehow it fit the role perfectly. Someone that want to have all magic girls by himself, someone that make people work to death and a person that my fellows jammers recognize and find it funny?. Really sorry if you don't like it, i made it in the best intention possible, sorry if it sound disrespectful.

also thank you for playing OH MIGHTY DAI MAOU SAMA. BANZAI!!!

yay thanks for playing shibey sempai.... <3  ... hearing compliment from you make me quite happy .... and somehow embarrassed, ye kinda sorry ... for you know ... a very rushed game and crappy game.

the bypass on the boss was intentional but... well most people cant figure out how defeat the boss so able to cheese it is more fun than trying figure out... so i totally leave as it is ... not because im lazy not at all lol.

thanks for playing and the compliment , transfomation suppose be able walk and shoot ... idk if it s a bug you cant shoot while crouch transformed though.... ye the boss was kinda rushed, actually there was a fast skip button implemented but i cut it out beacuse it was causing issues. ye again on the upgrades and enemies variety all lack of time ... the stuff that i cut it was another type of enemy... and also another way to enemies able to spawn from behind... more weapons was not something i was thinking in implement ,but a option on shoot up and down and diagonally i will keep that in mind if i continue the project.

the game was expected to be a fun experience... if somehow for even a brief moment find it fun this make me very happy.

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thats was fun had a good laugh of it, the "ugly" magic girl is surely a diferential of this game... instead of making the same thing that everyone is doing it go complete in opposite way... that is impressive insight, bonus points for it because1 it the only one of all jam, it slap the face to all other jammer that think beatiful magic girl is a must and cant think outside he box,2 is the most creative magic girl by far. It is a very well made game, i dont know why i got a feeling there is something missing though dont know why, the art is pretty good and gameplay is smooth... not sure why though

For no particular reason there is a sequence of ending that was planned? For some reason i got this feeling i got  3 2 1 ending unlock

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eh ingles nunca foi meu forte... valeu por jogar manolo !!!! na verdade as barreiras funcionam assim ... quando vc atira em uma barreira, a que vc atirou ganha 1 ponto de vida e tira 1 da barreira que tem mais vida... foi mau eu nao consegui implemetar isso direito =/, na verdade eu até acho q com o ingles meio zuado ate ficou mais engraçado hauhauah

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you got some weird fetish man .... lol just kidding im the one who made  this game so... welcome to the club i guess

Wow thanks for playing and the video i didnt think you actually can play it at 1920 resolution

o jogo ficou incrível !!!! so acho que faltou um dash para aumentar a mobilidade, o grafico ficou bem legal principalmente as animações, a parte do delay dos inimigos nascendo dos ovos foi bem pensado, goitei muito do design dos inimigos também, jogo muito bem bolado parabens :D

awesome game !!! i think a dash movement for mobilty is missing, the visual is pretty cool and also the animations, the enemies spawing from the egg is a nice feature, i also really like the desing of the enemies , a game very well made congratulation. :D

yay thanks for playing xcvg sempai!!!!!!... there a a lot of thing that i rushed and don't make to deliver it in time, it is quite hard to  develop it on 2 hours daily... the diferent art stuff mostly because i never have made pixel art before and the poitraits are all made in two days or 4 hours lol... din't have even time to make the line art properly... sorry for bugged game lol.. the true is when you transform you can hold the button to shoot.

i don't plan to develop it furher because it kinda meet its purpose ...there is to showcase my skills ,i plan to join a group or some project and its is difficult to prove that you can do something.... now they will see the game and run away lol.

thanks again hopeful that you develop shattered 2.

that well written postmortem, really helps understand the creation process... im also struggle overshooting the project, sadly you had to cut so much content the other characters really looked dope, the story of the game became a little swallow, but was a very fun gameplay... althought the conversation seen a bit too long.

thx for the amazing work, best luck on shattered 2 :D