1. The game is in ALPHA STATE, optimization will come later in its lifespan.
2. Get a better PC / Graphics Card. An RTX 3060 can easily run it at 120 FPS at 2560x1440.
- Hidden Reputation system with Kerfus(O)
- A way to upgrade Kerfus(O)'s AI and make Kerfus more "sentient", where Kerfus can make their own decisions: say no, decide to be your friend or hate you, become your ally or helps the "enemy" to sabotage you, help protect you or joins in with the enemy.
- More ways to take care of Kerfus(O) when he gained "sentience", more idling / free time / hobby things to buy or build/craft for Kerfus(O) to use. Furniture and Beds to craft / build for them. Maybe even be able to give Kerfus their own room.
- A "BFF"-Necklace for KerfusO to wear.
- A way to be able to toggle Kerfus(O)'s light without the PC.