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A member registered May 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really like the parallax effect for the background stars and the main sprite itself - looks very clean. The planets also look pretty nice but I wasn't able to collect fuel from them? Avoiding being rammed was a good obstacle, but there should have been an objective too. Good game anyways, maybe just needed a bit more content

It works!!

Haha thanks a lot! Yeah I had made some background music but I didnt like it so I didnt add it

The gas effects were achieved through some blend flags and particles were polygons moving in a certain way, i tried to aim for small and polished

I'm glad you were able to figure out the boost to dash into enemies, I was worried because I didnt list that anywhere

oh cool, then that makes it even more awesome

Whooaa I've always wanted to do procedural animation like this! I wish grabbing the boxes were a bit easier. 

The colors really give it a "hidden gem" kinda vibe to me. The hand extension reminded me of something else :pg_sus:

Overall amazing game, very polished and delightful procedural animation

Amazing art, I like the touch of being able to adjust the camera zoom and the simple goal. Definitely fits its name and the jam's theme

I only wish the sound effects were a little less overpowering, I wanted to enjoy the music

Good stuff overall!

Was my favourite game :).  I thought you had to hold `i` and kept flying off the map haha

Maybe some little gameplay in between would have been nice :D

Like some space aliens that come in between and you have to shoot them or something

But overall great game, loved it through and through

Definitely not a mediocre game lol. After seeing the demo I thought it would be way easier but it really wasnt!

I love the simple feel and overall polish, good stuff

Great polish and nice art. Good sound effects.

I was a bit confused as to what direction my player was moving in, idk I didnt really like the star background for some reason, could have done something easier to follow maybe

But overall great game, good stuff and GL to you

HMmm... Look what we have here!!

Great to see you finished the game, I like the strings that appear when you pull the resources, and once you understand what to do it becomes a very smooth feeling gameplay. Great menus btw, very polished feel. Full stars for Theme Integrity, Innovation, Polish and Engagement from me :D

Awesome concept honestly, very relaxing game indeed. Didn't have to rush, just peacefully tried connecting the dots. The only thing was the timer increasing which made me feel a bit rushed. I was also a bit confused about which shape was supposed to be clicked and dragged lol. For a solid two minutes I was trying to click and drag the green hint rectangle. 

I loved the music and sound effect on completing the thing, made it 10x more relaxing

Overall great game! Nice submission

Was painless to run and had a good gameplay interaction. I liked bouncing around the wall and shooting other objects as I go toward them. Great engagement and I loved the background effect!

I see a lot of people using this planet generator, nice choice. The platformer also looks clean.

Some things I want to suggest:

- `E` for interacting with the main menu is a bit funky, also I couldn't actually click the buttons

- I had to run the game each time to figure out what dependencies were missing, a requirements file would be nice, this is what I figured out:


PyGLM webcolors zengl zengl-extras


But otherwise good stuff, thumbsup from me

Yet another great intro! I love the menu and the way you explain the game. Ties well with the actual gameplay as well! Yes the main gameplay might have needed a bit more polish, but apart from that actually solid game 

I lost to the ice boss haha, I was trying to use the side wall teleportation but didn't get far

Banger art, clean visuals. The puzzles were a bit challenging but doable

Player felt very clean to control and overall great game!

Good job y'all

(1 edit)

You could maybe ask the event forgerts (durk for example) if you can quickly change the code to support this and not need win32api

But nice game overall! 

Here's what I modified


import pygame, sys, json, os, time, random                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'                                                                                                                                

pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100,-16, 2, 512)                                                                                                                              



screen_info = pygame.display.Info()                                                                                                                                   

screen_width, screen_height = pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes()[0]


Very relaxing game, loved it. All rounder for me

Thanks so much for playing it!


pygame-ce 2.5.0 (SDL 2.30.3, Python 3.12.3)

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/axis/Downloads/Galactic-Cruiser/", line 3, in <module>

    from win32api import GetSystemMetrics

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32api'


Nooo, you should have used this to get the screen size to support linux as well :(

I used this and was able to play it

Cool game! But it was a bit too easy lol, i didnt even have to move my spaceship.

Good that you submitted something, it should hopefully be a nice experience to have people play your game and receive feedback :)

- The button hovering was a bit glitchy in the main menu, I wasn't able to hover credits at all

- Maybe some camera movement and faster gameplay would have been nice

Whoa. That intro and startup polish was so good. You should have included the `sitkaheading` font in your assets since pygame just ended up using the default font. Running out of energy was a bit annoying

You did some great work with the running animation art and the way you introduced the tutorials (with hints above the necessary areas). Nice work!

The intro had some good art and explanations behind the lore, but I definitely don't want to have to see it everytime I open the game 😂

Maybe consider allowing people to skip it 

Cool stuff overall!

Nice job for a first game jam submission :)

I like these types of games where it takes a bit to get used to but after that it becomes super fun to excel at

I really struggled trying to collect even 2 coins lol

Good stuff 👍

Interesting game, I like the planets - how'd you generate them? Nice that you included a tutorial, simple menu and innovative concept. Full stars for innovation from me :)

The one thing I would like is if there wasn't a "scan" wait, unless that was for the random planet generation?

Well polished and interesting mechanics. Overall cool game!

Holy shit, this game was super entertaining! The intro was one of the most polished pygame intro I've ever seen to be honest. And this is a game jam! So sad to see that you couldn't complete the game, all it needed was some conclusion. Good stuff! GL to you

I love the art as always! 5 stars for polish and artistry! Nice colors and I love the little star in the main menu buttons. Would've loved to play the story, guess you didn't have time

Next time it would be nice if I could hold the spacebar or if the shooting was automatic

Great stuff :)

This game was honestly pretty entertaining to play! I love the simplicity, dim lighting and engagement. I like that you can just move away for a bit and come back

Maybe a way to lose would have been cool? Overall this was surprisingly engaging, I've given you 5 stars for engagement :)

Hey I got this error upon running ``


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/axis/Downloads/PoweredByPlanets/", line 203, in <module>



FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory: '/home/axis/downloads/poweredbyplanets/SpaceshipOn.png'.


I tried solving it by removing `.lower()` to your `dirPath`, but then I got this


Error of failed request:  BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)

  Major opcode of failed request:  0 ()

  Serial number of failed request:  249

  Current serial number in output stream:  249


Am on Arch

The linux build worked for me. Just had to run `bash`

The hexagonal system is very cool, but the game was a bit hard to understand

Overall I think this is a good project, maybe next time a tutorial system and some polish would be great!

Thanks for playing it!

Whoa! Very well polished and visually exquisite from start to finish, amazing game!

(1 edit)

Yeah that seems to be a pygbag related issue, its fine if you run it locally or use firefox though

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! Loved your game too

Thanks so much for playing it bacon, we all watched at least one part of it live

Cheers 🍻 and GG on 7th place

Really 🤔? Can you tell me what you found glitchy exactly?

Thanks for playing!

hands down the cleanest game I've played in this jam

The first game I'm giving 5/5 for game feel lmao. REALLY good font choice imo. Very polished, decent art, I think with some more content in the game it would have been awesome.

Overall superb stuff!

Awesome game! I think it could have done with improving its game feel, like adding movement & screen shake etc., would have been a 10/10 for me

Enjoyable game for sure, I think with a bit more polish I would have been hooked

The monster fighting kinda set me off 

But superb job otherwise!