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A member registered Feb 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed it! Very classic walking-sim type of game, but the shrinking makes it just that much more engaging! And the story is fun as well!

The puzzles are very simple, but very fun! The robot is also so cute! I wish the puzzles combined their mechanics a little bit more.

Absolutely adore this game. It's so simple, but so adorable!

I'm on windows... :(

Nope :(

Using the growing of objects to catapult yourself is a really creative concept! Despite its simplicity, I found myself really enjoying the movement and physics! I would love to see this expanded into more than one level

I'm having the same issue 🤔though someone else was able to play it, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It opens a black window that plays music, and is titled "Soak it Up (DEBUG)"

This is so much fun! I absolutely adore everything about this game!

My pleasure! Glad you enjoyed!

Thank you! I'm glad it made you think!

I'm a writer/designer and programmer, do you have room for one more?

This is brilliantly executed! Very well done! Also, I haven't seen anyone mention it, but I love how the story just continues to loop, that was genius. The growth circle mechanic is super clever as well! All around excellent job!

This is awesome! The polish is incredible! The controls did feel a little clunky, but I think that's more a gameplay style decision rather than a lack of polish.  Really great job! It was super fun!

Really loved the concept! It was super fun to play! Also oh my gosh using the lightning was so satisfying!! 

I'll definitely give it a look! Thanks for playing!

Super fun! I'd love to play an expanded version of this with power-ups and extra movesets and stuff. 

Neat concept! Only issue I really ran into was that the pause menu didn't work, and didn't display correctly on Windows. I feel like it could use a little more of a definitive end, but it's pretty fun to play, and I like the "die to power up" style of gameplay. Nice!

It got a bit laggy as more and more enemies appeared, but not enough that it became a problem. I love the different power-ups, they all feel unique and well thought out! I feel like the powerup bar could be a little clearer how close you are to leveling up? Only because it's often very tight, and I'd like to know exactly how close I am. Great game! super fun!

Hey there Kabungus! I'm a part of a team of three, and we'd love if you'd come on-board! I'm the only one on the team with Unity experience so far, and we'd love to have someone else join in! We're all first timers as well, so it sounds like a perfect fit lol.

My discord is BlobOfAwe#2652

Send me a friend request if you're down to join, and I'll send you an invite to our server!

I would love to team up! I'm very new, and would love the experience of working in a team if you'll have me! I have some workable experience in essentially all areas of game development, but my specialty would probably be coding and game design. I use Unity, Blender, Krita, Photoshop, and Ableton Live.

I've never done a game jam before, but I would love to kick it off on a team with you guys if you'll have me!

My discord is BlobOfAwe#2652

At present it seems like it's only possible to roll district names randomly. It would be nice if you could customize the names individually. Particularly if I like most, but one doesn't fit, I don't want to have to keep rerolling all of them.