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A member registered Feb 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very cool idea and it was executed well! I think the game could use a bit of balancing, as the enemies feel a bit too fast and I think fire felt like the clear best choice, but otherwise the game is a lot of fun

Fun game, though I think the hitstop near the end was a bit much. I also would have liked to be able to hit the eyes on the golems without jumping, and maybe have them track you to encourage you to move instead or something. Otherwise I think it was a neat idea and felt pretty good

Very clever take on the theme, and it feels great to play too! Good stuff

Fun game! The controls took a bit of getting used to, but feel pretty good once you understand them. My biggest gripe was that the lack of a jump animation made the platforming (and especially walljumps) a bit awkward due to the lack of feedback. I also would have liked some kind of indicator on the slide cooldown(?), as that felt a bit unclear. Otherwise I had a lot of fun with this one

Fun game! There are some interesting puzzles and concepts in here, would love to see more levels of this.

Very fun and unique game! I loved the artstyle and it was really satisfying to amass a big army and mow everything down. It was a bit awkward to learn at first though, I think explaining that your units come back at the start of each floor somewhere in game would have helped a lot, because it changed how I played the game once I understood that. Otherwise I really liked this game!

This was a pretty loose interpretation of the theme, but this game is fun and addicting anyway!

Cool game! I like the atmosphere you managed to create. My biggest gripe was the camera whenever the shadow hand appears, I found it very confusing at first how the camera snaps back to you once its attack is done. The hand was a bit hard to see so it didn't feel clear to me that that's what the camera was focused on. Otherwise I liked it, good job!

Definitely agree with the game needing some sort of sound for the healing, that would have helped convey the mechanic much better, and thank you for the tip on the canvas too! That's something that I've been struggling to figure out with webgl so I'll give that a shot for my next project!

This was a great little metroidvania! Lots of clever puzzles in here and I liked how all of the mechanics played off of each other. My only real gripe was that the jump felt a bit strange, since if you jump with forward momentum your character will still do a full forward jump even if you let go of the input, which took some getting used to. I really liked this one though, good job!

Cool game! I think it would have been nice if the skeleton started out a bit broken down and the sprite changed as you collect your pieces again to really sell the idea that it's being put back to together, but other than that minor nitpick this is a really solid idea, good job!

I like the idea behind this one, but I found it to be a bit confusing to learn. It wasn't clear to me that I was searching for a key at the start, or where/what the doors were. I think you could have put the key at the start (in the light) of the first level to emphasize that that was the goal of each level. Feedback on unlocking the door would have also been nice for that reason. Once I understood that that was the goal it wasn't too bad though.

Cool concept, it's always fun to collect things and feel stronger because of it and you did a great job with the particles which made them feel powerful. It would have been nice to have more uses for the projectiles though, such as some enemies or even just debris that needs a certain leveled gun to destroy, since right now it doesn't feel like they do much.

Fun concept! I like the idea of slowly building up a small army like this and its fun to get completely overpowered. I also like the small bit of strategy where you can save an enemy for last to recruit that one specifically. The enemies are adorable too!  My only real gripe is that its maybe a bit too easy, and the ending was sort of abrupt, but I liked the game overall, good job!

Fun game, especially for a short demo! I liked the overall look of the game, and amassing a small army was really satisfying in the later levels. A couple of things that stood out to me though, were that you have way too much health so you can just sort of run around and tank enemies instead of playing strategically, and I also felt like the camera follows the player a bit too quickly and could be disorienting at times because of it. Otherwise though I really liked it, good job!

Very fun game! I like you're interpretation of the theme, its clever that you get stronger while also becoming bigger which subtly makes the game harder. The sound design was great too.

This was a really cool game and concept! I like the idea of gaining new characters to get around and extend your life bar in a sense. I think this game would have benefited from more feedback, things like sfx, particles and animations would have made some things easier to understand. I also think it would have been nice to be able to bind a new enemy to "replace" one that you already have, just to heal them. I realize late into the game that you could suicide one of your bound characters to do just that, but it would be nice to skip that step. Fun game though!

This was a really cool game with a lot of clever puzzles! The minimalist style fit really well too. I think that the difficulty curve could have been smoothed out a bit more, but it never felt frustrating enough that I wanted to quit and it was still very rewarding to solve each puzzle, so overall, good job!

Fun game! I like the take on the classic twin stick shooter, and you did a good job of making your character feel weak enough that you want to summon skeletons, but not so weak that they feel useless. Amassing a big army felt really cool and satisfying too. I think the 2 cost skeleton that you start with is pretty overpowered though, it seemed better to just mash on 1 instead of strategizing on what to summon to me. I also got used to the melee cooldown pretty quickly but I think it could have used some kind of visual indicator to show when its active, just to make the game a bit easier to get into. I had a lot of fun with this one though, good job!

Thanks for playing and streaming it! It was interesting seeing your experience through the game. I definitely agree about the combat and the lack of puzzle elements with the orb, I had more ideas for mechanics to go alongside both but unfortunately ran out of time, so they kind of stand out. Glad you seemed to appreciate the atmosphere though, and thank you for the feedback!

Very cool game! I really liked the atmosphere you managed to create with the more minimalist style and the contrast between the calm starting area and the lower area with the monsters was great. The story was charming too.

My only real gripe was that the door animation felt a bit too long, which was fine outside of the final area where it slowed things down, but it wasn't too big of a deal. Overall, good game!

Fun game! I liked your take on the theme, very creative, and the visual effects within the different areas were neat.

I really loved the art and the movement is very interesting and fun to play with too! One thing that got in the way for me was that the background music overpowered the narrator at times so I missed some parts of the narration, but I still liked the story.

Very fun game. You did a good job of introducing the new mechanics and I like how they were contextualized. The art is cute too.

I did manage to bug out the camera and softlock right at the end (?, after the climb with the double jump), which was a huge bummer, but otherwise I really liked this one, good job!

I really like the idea of gathering up a small army like this, its satisfying having a bunch of soldiers following you around, sort of reminds me of an rts/platformer hybrid. I think this idea could be really cool if it was expanded on with things like multiple unit types!

One gripe that I had was that the combat felt a bit weak. While watching a bunch of soldiers mow down enemies is cool, there isn't any feedback on the attacks. Things like screen shake, particle effects and sound effects go a long way in a game with as much combat as this. Still, I had fun with this one, good job!

Very fun game and a unique take on the genre! It's like some chaotic combination of wario's woods and puzzle bobble. I loved the sound design too.

My only real gripe was that aiming with WASD felt a bit awkward at first since I was already using the mouse for vacuuming. I would have preferred to be able to use the mouse to aim, though it didn't take me too long to adjust. I think being able to fast forward the drops a bit would be fun too, just to speed up some of the early stages for replays, but otherwise I really enjoyed this one. Good job!

Thank you so much for the feedback! UI is definitely something I had trouble deciding on, so I ended up just kind of putting the jump counter out of the way so that you could focus on the level layouts, but I'm still not sure if that was the best call. Your idea to place it below the ground is a good point and something I'll definitely play with if I expand this game in the future!

Glad you liked the game and thank you for the high praise!

Good take on the theme and metroidvania design in general! I liked it a lot!

Very cool game, I don't think I've seen something like this before but it was surprisingly intuitive. Well done!

Wow, thank you so much! Glad you liked it!

I actually really like this idea but I think it's a little basic right now, but could be taken even further by adding branching paths, where some routes are harder but take less jumps and others are easier but require more, or by maybe having each area have a unique element to them that have to be avoided in different ways, things like that.

I also noticed that your character gets caught on the tilemap a lot which is pretty annoying, since the only way to move again is to jump and lose coins. You can fix that by adding a composite collider to your tilemap!

Very cool idea and a lot of fun, but it can be a bit hard to tell when you're actually in range of an enemy. The cursor change is a good touch but it can be easy to miss with so much going on. Solid game though, and I think there's a lot here to experiment with still, like additional movement options(double jumps? grapples?) or levels you have to scale.

This game is surprisingly addictive, definitely has that "just one more run" feeling! I think you could easily expand on this idea with more playable characters that have unique movement options, or even just different arenas. 

Nice visuals and atmosphere, and I liked your take on the theme!

Great game! Love the art and the core mechanic and puzzles are very clever!

I wish I was that talented with music haha! The music was free to use and credited in the about section

Thanks for the comment! I definitely wish I had time to add a few more levels to ease you into the later ones, that was one of my concerns after uploading. Glad you liked the game overall though!

This is a fun game with an interesting take on the theme! I think it feels a bit too punishing though, having to start over from the beginning instead of the last wave that you were on is demotivating, and a lack of iframes means that sometimes you die from one spread (especially if you've downgraded your speed). Screen shake or particles for more player feedback would have been nice too. Otherwise, I liked this game and concept!

Simple and fun, I liked it!

Yeah, it did! It just didn't feel like quite enough to me