Nah. Challenge was fun even if the idea was "stupid last-minute". First time I got was about 12-13 mins... :)
I think you did a great job making movement a bit weird. It suits the game well cuz you and Henry learn it together.
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Cutest game I've seen so far and very unique.
A bit hard to adapt to controls but it is not a big deal.
I think game needs to communicate better what you can't connect and what you can (multi-wire). If scars are indicators that you can't connect then this shouldn't work:
I really liked that you showed core mechanic right in the title screen.
About the challenge I managed to get down to 2:42.
Overall: can't wait to see more things. This game is so cute.
Hello. Thank you for playing the game and giving such detailed feedback. It is sad to hear you had such bad experience.
I'd like to comment on some of the notes:
1. Going to add that as well as other options.
2. 5. SFX and music were the last to be worked on and not all SFX were added/made. Definitely going to add more.
3. I added it for debugging. Going to remove it for end user.
9. Could you please give more information on that? Is that music during cut-scene and actual game play sounds differently, like more to the left/right?
We are going to work on fixing known bugs, making difficulty curve right and adding missing features.
Hope you will enjoy the game after we resolve those issues.
Game is super fun.
These are some things I'd like to share after playing:
- Movement feels a bit weird, I found myself shooting at the enemies and quickly turning around to run away or to get some gold. This only happens at the early stage. Later it just gets harder to collect coins.
- Difficulty scaling. Monsters further away should be tougher and stronger and give you more coins.
- You can collide with fireballs and they push you.
- "Pickup range" would be a nice upgrade.
I had a lot of fun playing this game and I made some friends there but they are not that friendly :(
Cute game. Enjoyed it.
There are some things that I would like to share:
- If you move camera around when you cook ghosts you can see edges of the map (on some levels more on some less):
- Camera movement is clunky sometimes. From time to time it doesn't allow certain movement but easily fixed with some wiggle or reentering cooking mode.
- Would be nice to click on ghosts to add them.
- Removing one ghost when combining them is not really an option. You need to cook them in order to remove. (This is not a big deal but a bit frustrating that you need to recook ghosts)
- Would be nice to move cooked ghosts around. I came up with solution but had to remove some ghosts. It took some time to get what I was going for as I placed new ghost in a wrong spot and had to redo some of them a few times.
- It is possible to see less ghosts than you have (in this scenario you can only see up to five ghosts (I removed some in this case), starting from 6th they touch the torch:
- You can remove 2 ghosts at the same time if you cook second and catch it above first one.
Overall game is great fun. Ghosts are delicious. Best dish ever.
Brilliant game.
After some time playing I collected some things that I'd like to share:
1. It is a bit hard to tell what is currently selected.
2. I like to run through the game sometimes if it allows to do so but there are some things that slow me down like text on chests as I already know what I need to do or battles that introduce enemy that I saw before. It is nice to be introduced to Mr Cube once again, haven't seen him since previous room. (Not that I hate it, just a bit repetitive)
3. After fighting with 'Missing file', I think, I got to the next room with card totem and could not combine cards but could advance further and interact with things. During next fight I couldn't move cards. It happened in a blue area.
4. Would be nice to change volume during the game. :)
Overall game is fun if you enjoy this type of game. For me it is a bit like 'Slay the spire' and 'Gwent'. Tbh those are the games I played so far. :P
Hello. Fun game.
I found lantern being a bit frustrating when trying to grapple at things.
Shadows were very helpful: you can ride them to reach places. :D I suppose that was not intended.
I jumped into game blindly and it was a bit hard to tell what it wants from me. It took awhile to understand that I have a grapple not weapon. I think a hint: Where you need to JUMP to reach higher place to have better view, is a bit misleading as you seem to get up there with grapple.
Also I got stuck under this monstrosity and could not advance further had to start over.
And it is hard to tell where you can stand or no before trying. You can stand on the right leaves but not the left while they look the same.

Overall I enjoyed the game. Well done.
This game is really cool and very confusing. I enjoyed playing it.
When it is time to combine orbs you can get new ones as enemies continue to spawn but you can't use them.
I wasn't a fan of sound effects for jumping and walking.
On my first playthrough game was a bit laggy when I spam bullets in all directions and it froze when transitioning to 8th level. Lag is not really an issue it is part of power. While playing i discovered that you can get stuck in the ground and stick to walls... Also you can go through walls but only upwards.
Overall game is FUN. Just hold mouse, shoot everything and don't forget to dodge.
Hello. I really liked the game. You did a great job making it.
This is a list of things I found while playing the game:
1. Enemies are only a threat for the player. Blue slimes seem to do nothing to camp fire. It seems that only way to lose is to take damage.
2. There is no way to pause except when you get to unlock new item.
3. Fueling fire to keep large playable area is an interesting mechanic. But you still can survive if you ignore it.
4. Game offers no challenge and progression.
5. There is no way to heal.
I had fun while playing it. Would like to see how it will look in the future.